Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Chapter 854 Partners

"Even if there are only two of them, they still have to compete. Which one do you think is more trustworthy?" Wang Ye continued to ask with a smile.

Guccima did not hesitate, and gave his answer directly.

"Of course it's Yanukovych!

His governance philosophy is in the same line as mine, and the position to take me in is the most suitable, and the transition has been smooth.

As for the priority department, he just won Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world this year.

Hey, this is building momentum for him..."

Now that the story has come to this point, Wang Ye certainly knows what Gu Qima means.

He asked tentatively: "Then... will you give Yanukovych some help?"

Although they are about to retire, Guccima is still quite influential, especially during his first term, when the approval rate was quite high!

It's a pity that in the past two years, I don't know if it was bad luck or something. Many things happened one after another, which made many people dissatisfied with him.

This is also the reason why he "let out" early on that he would no longer seek re-election and was determined to retire.

Because he doesn't want everyone to point the finger at him, now he just wants to stay out of the matter and let others fight...

In the end, if others lose both sides in the fight, maybe he still has a chance to come out and clean up the situation.

So for next year's election, he has never supported or criticized any candidate in public, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

After hearing Wang Ye's question, Gu Qima put away the smile on his face, inserted a piece of steak with a fork, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

After a while, after swallowing the steak in his mouth, he wiped his mouth with the napkin next to him and said, "I don't want to affect the election, let alone end in person, everything depends on them Well. Good luck to Yanukovych."

Wang Ye nodded slightly, but said nothing.

He didn't really want any help from Guccima.

Of course, it would be great if Gucci would help!

It's totally fine if you don't provide it.

The real purpose of Wang Ye talking about this with him is to get a feel for the old fox's true intentions.

Through the conversation and the combination of the information collected in advance, he has a general understanding of Gu Qima's true thoughts.

First of all, Guccima is in a lot of trouble now. He even faced an impeachment last year.

So now even if he wants to be re-elected again, he dare not speak out, otherwise he will become the target of public criticism!

Secondly, Gu Qima must be very clear that next year's general election is very complicated!

What are the forces behind Yanukovych and Prioro who are supporting...

Obviously, he can't offend either party.

In addition, he is also very uncertain now, which faction will win in the end.

Then, the best choice for him is not to choose...

Don't stand in line, don't express your opinion, stay out of the matter, this is the best way for Gucci to deal with it!

In case the priority department wins next year, they won't bother him.

Of course, Guccima still hopes that Yanukovych can win in his heart. Anyway, the two still have the same philosophy.

But he is absolutely unwilling to give any help on the bright side.

After figuring out Guccima's true thoughts, Wang Ye changed the topic and started chatting with him about things after retirement, and enthusiastically suggested that Guccima could settle in Simferopol after retirement, where the climate and scenery are very beautiful. it is good.

With the signing of the Free Trade Zone Agreement, the development will be better in the future, and it will be very convenient to travel to other countries.

Guccima also seemed very moved, and gladly accepted Wang Ye's proposal, saying that after he retired, he would definitely go to Simferopol to have a look.

If it is suitable, I will stay there to live.

After finishing the lunch happily, everyone moved to the living room. After drinking coffee and chatting for a while, Wang Ye got up and said goodbye.

He has other plans in the afternoon, he is going to see Yanukovych!

Yanukovych's home surprised Wang Ye a bit.

It's not because of how extravagant it is, in fact, on the contrary, his house is rather simple!

It's just a very "civilian" old-fashioned community, with rows of six or seven-story tube buildings without elevators.

According to Yanukovych, this is the welfare housing that he was "assigned" to when he was working. Although he was promoted all the way, but because he got used to living, he didn't bother to move again, so he lived here all the time.

The house is more than 100 square meters, and the decoration is quite ordinary. Anyway, if you say that this is a place where ordinary government officials or doctors and university professors live, it is quite normal.

But people like Yanukovych seem a bit...


But Wang Ye didn't say anything, and greeted Yanukovych with a normal face, and then everyone came to the sofa and sat down.

came to visit Yanukovych, Wang Ye certainly did not come alone.

He took Nova and several security personnel with him. As for Elena, he left it with the delegation so that if there was any emergency, he could contact him immediately.

Now the security personnel stayed outside and did not enter the house. Only Nova followed him into the room.

There were no outsiders in Yanukovych's family, and he may have spent all of his family on purpose to welcome Wang Ye's visit.

After all, the less people know about the topic they are going to talk about next, the better!

Without going around in circles, Wang Ye sat down and said straight to the point: "The situation is very serious, and the forces behind the opponent are very powerful."

Yanukovych should have been in touch with people in Moscow, so he was not surprised by Wang Ye's words.

He looked a bit bitter, shook his head helplessly and said: "I also know that they are very aggressive in publicity, and I don't know where they got so much campaign donations. Moreover, the people in the campaign team are very professional. It is said that the team was hired from abroad. My team is really not as good as him in that regard.

Wang Ye grinned. He was sure that Yanukovych also knew who his "real opponent" was this time.

The reason why he didn't point it out directly is obviously that he still doesn't want to face it.

He said casually: "Money is not a problem, I will help you solve this."

Yanukovych looked happy, and quickly asked: "Really?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he should have realized that it was impolite to ask such a question, so he smiled embarrassedly and explained: "Of course I am not doubting your strength, but I am just a little worried. If someone exposes the relationship between us If not, public opinion...may have problems."

This is true.

Although the source of the opponent's campaign funds is also unknown, neither he nor the opponent dare to leave anything behind.

Pulling campaign funds from abroad is not something to show off!

Because voters will be suspicious, if you use foreigners' money to campaign, after you are elected, do you want to give others something in return!

This kind of thing can be done, but it must never be said, and it must not be known by competitors!

Wang Ye waved his hand easily, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the money will come from your country. No matter how the opponent checks, there will be no problem with the source of the funds. It is absolutely clean!"

Yanukovych's eyes widened in disbelief.

If Wang Ye said that the money came from a secret channel abroad, or even from Crimea, he would not have any doubts.

But he said that it came from "domestic" and the source was clean, which made him unbelievable, because Mikhail obviously did not have any investment or business in Uzbekistan!

except Crimea

Wang Ye knew about his mental activities, but he didn't rush to explain to him, but said with a smile: "I'll introduce a friend to you, and you'll understand when she comes."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said briefly, "Come up."

Then hung up the phone.

While waiting for someone to come up, Wang Ye didn't say much, but picked up the coffee cup and slowly sipped it.

Yanukovych didn't make a sound, he was guessing who was going to come up...

The security guards outside the door pushed the door open, and a woman walked in.

Yanukovych stood up abruptly, looked at the woman in surprise, and blurted out: "Kimoshenko!"

"Please call me Yulia, thank you." Yulia said with a smile.

Wang Ye patted the sofa beside him, and Yulia sat down obediently.

Yanukovych also sat down in a daze. He looked at Yulia and then at Wang Ye, as if he didn't understand Wang Ye's intention.

"Yulia, you must know each other. From today, she will be your running mate. You will be the leader and she will be the deputy. You will form a team to participate in the election. After you succeed, you will be the president and she will be in charge of the government. work." Wang Ye said with a smile.

Yanukovych didn't come back to his senses for a while, his mind was in a mess.

He used to regard Yulia as a competitor!

How suddenly, he is about to become a running mate...

Wang Ye didn't give him too much time to think, and continued: "Yulia will be responsible for raising campaign funds, and the money will be paid from her own company's account. There should be no problem with this, and it can stand up to anyone. check."

Yanukovych blurted out: "She is responsible for everything? This is a lot of money!"

He is right. Now that the election situation is in a hurry, everyone is desperately spending money on publicity. If this continues until the election officially starts next year, the funds needed can be described as astronomical!

Originally, Yanukovych also prepared a sum of campaign funds, which was not a small amount, but as the opponent strengthened the campaign offensive, it gradually became unbearable.

He knew that Yulia was very rich, and the natural gas company behind it was also an energy giant.

But the problem is that Yulia's natural gas company is very powerful in China, but in Europe and even the world, it is not as good as Liuliu!

It cannot be compared with a real energy giant like Gazprom at all.

Otherwise, Yulia doesn't need to cooperate with anyone, she can just run for herself...

Yulia had an elegant smile on her face, she was not as angry as Yanukovych questioned her financial resources, and explained slowly:

"Although my natural gas company's financial resources are not very strong, it is a coincidence that our company has just signed a large contract with Gazprom and Yukos Group. Their pipelines for transporting energy to western Europe are going to be handed over to our company to be responsible for the construction and management.

So I plan to prepay our company a sum of up to 5 billion U.S. dollars. From this cooperation project alone, my company can earn more than 1 billion U.S. dollars in profits every year! "

The big contract she mentioned was one of the results of her "long talk" with Wang Ye last night...!

Faced with such a huge temptation and various guarantees given by Wang Ye, Yulia completely "surrendered" to Wang Ye without hesitation!

Being able to get to this point is enough to prove that Yulia is a very, very smart woman.

Because she is smart enough, Wang Ye chose her as a breakthrough point to break the situation.

As Guccima said, although Yulia seems to have a high support rate and a great momentum on the surface, in fact, she does not have real competitiveness and is just an accompanying role.

Yulia obviously realized this.

Maybe she didn't realize it when she first announced her candidacy, but as the campaign situation intensified, she must have noticed something was wrong.

The two strongest competitors have huge forces behind them to support them. What is behind me...

Just relying on the natural gas company at home and the few funds left in the company's accounts?

It is obviously impossible to support myself to the end!

So, when Wang Ye offered her an olive branch and invited her to his room, Yulia only hesitated for a second or two before decisively agreeing.

Of course, when she agreed to Wang Ye's invitation, she just had the idea of giving it a try, not sure what would happen in the end.

Perhaps, I just suffered a "small loss", and this loss can still be borne.

But what she didn't expect was that Wang Ye gave her a big surprise!

A super big contract, as well as related political future and personal safety guarantees.

All she needs to do is to follow Wang Ye's instructions and cooperate with Yanukovych's campaign.

You don't pay much, but you get more than you expected!

Yulia did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed. In order to prove her sincerity and loyalty, she also paid a lot last night...

After Yanukovych was astonished, he slowly figured out the link.

He was a little bit self-deprecating for the young director Mikhail's sophistication.

I have spent half my life and faced difficulties, but it turned out that people came to solve it within a day, and they did it seamlessly.

Not only solved the financial problem for myself, but also found a strong running partner for myself!

For the candidate Yulia, it is of course unrealistic to fight alone to reach the end, but she still has a lot of appeal among female voters, and her influence is still great.

As a running mate, that would be perfect!

However, even so, there is still no guarantee that next year's election will be won 100%.

Because the competitors also want money and money, people and people...

(end of this chapter)