Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 856

Chapter 856

Chapter 856 The advantage is mine

On the second day after Wang Ye left Kefu, Yanukovych and Yulia publicly announced that they planned to join forces in the election.

After the news came out, it caused a sensation all over the country!

Because this kind of situation has never happened before, how can two people "form a team" to participate in the election? If they win the election, who will be the master and who will be the assistant?

This question was quickly answered, because the new campaign team formed by the two is mainly Yanukovych.

It was even directly announced to the outside world that if they win the election, Yanukovych will be the general manager and Yulia will be the general manager!

Well, this is not a formal election yet, so the positions have been decided immediately.

is equivalent to selecting candidates for two positions at once...

Competitor Priority Branch naturally learned of the news immediately, which was also a big surprise to them.

Because according to the advice of the consultant team, the Priority Division plans to communicate with Yulia and pull her into their "camp"!

In the end, Yanukovych took the lead, which caught the priority team a little off guard. They immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this new challenge.

"What happened? Why did Yulia suddenly team up with Yanukovych? Didn't Yanukovych look down on Yulia in the past? In several TV interviews, he spoke rudely to Yulia. You think she's just a vase, and you don't know anything about politics at all." Priority Division asked with a gloomy face.

In the conference room, apart from his two trusted assistants, there are only members of the consultant team.

An assistant quickly answered, "According to my investigation, there was really no warning before this incident happened. Just a few days ago, the relationship between the two of them was still hostile, and Yulia also criticized it on different occasions. Yanukovych's campaign philosophy, that he is out of tune with this era! Who knows, the two colluded together after a few days."

Priority Division turned its attention to the members of the advisory team and wanted to hear their opinions.

The leader of the consulting team is Mike, an out-and-out old beauty, a top student at Yale Law School, with double doctoral degrees in law and media, and an absolute elite.

He is also in charge of the team that came to assist Priority Division in the campaign this time.

Mike is also proficient in Russian, so communication is no problem at all.

In those days, Ermao basically spoke Russian, but even Ukrainian was not far from Russian, and everyone could understand it.

If Russian is standard Mandarin, then Ukrainian is equivalent to Mandarin with a local accent, that's the difference...

Mike frowned, and said with a serious expression: "It's really surprising that Yulia suddenly took refuge in Yanukovych, because the two of them had no common interests and different ideas. Seriously , Yulia and your interests are relatively consistent, and the best choice is for the two of you to join forces. I suspect that someone is instigating behind this matter!"

Priority Ke had an idea, and blurted out: "Mikhail!"

Obviously, the only major event that happened these days was Mikhail's visit.

It was precisely after Mikhail came that Yulia announced that she had teamed up with Yanukovych. It is hard not to make people wonder if Mikhail has a lot to do with it.

After all, the priority department knows that Mikhail must support Yanukovych.

Mike nodded, "I also suspect that it was Mikhail who brought them together. Don't forget, Mikhail gave Yulia a huge contract! Probably this is what lured Yulia to join him. Yanukovych."

Priority Branch gritted his teeth and said: "These businessmen are really despicable villains who are ungrateful for profit! I bought them off with a little profit! After I come to power, I will definitely settle accounts with them!"

It's useless to speak harsh words, and the first branch soon got a headache, because what he has to face now is a combination of two people.

On the bright side, the opponent's approval rating has surpassed him, and it is estimated that he will not lose to himself in terms of campaign funds.

After all, if I and Mike guessed correctly, then Mikhail officially stepped in. In the hands of that young man, he holds the two energy giants Yukos and Gazprom!

It's no problem to just take out a one-billion-two-billion dollar.

But the forces behind him are obviously impossible to invest unlimitedly for their own campaign.

After all, the money given to oneself must be allocated from the financial budget of the "backer", and there must be a process.

In this regard, it is not as good as Mikhail who is the boss of the Yukos Group...

They analyzed for a long time, and basically guessed the truth of the matter.

But that's not the point of the question.

More importantly, how should they deal with the current situation and how to solve the predicament!

"Let's talk about it, how good are our chances of winning? Can we win next year's election?" Priority asked in a dull tone.

But this time he didn't look at his assistant, but stared straight at Mike.

Because he understands that relying on his own strength alone is definitely no match for his opponent, and now he can only rely on Mike...and the forces behind Mike!

As long as they are willing to pay more blood to help themselves, there is still great hope.

Mike pondered for a while, and after calculating the advantages and disadvantages of the "enemy and us", he gritted his teeth and said: "It doesn't matter, the election is still more than half a year away, although they may not lose to us in terms of funds now. But publicity is also needed Skills, we have too many experts who are proficient in propaganda and elections, and their campaign skills are still too primitive and backward. Therefore, the advantage is still on our side!"

With his guarantee, the priority department was relieved.

He said with a smile on his face: "That's good, that's good! In the next election, I will do my best to cooperate with you, Mr. Mike. After I win the election, I will definitely give you a satisfactory return.... By the way, Mr. Mike, it seems that our campaign funds are not too much, and I need to trouble you to apply for a little more funds."

Mike cursed in his heart, this greedy fat pig!

The amount of campaign funds supported by our own side to the Priority Section is not a small amount, but during the campaign, a considerable part of the money was "hacked" by the Priority Section.

However, his face remained calm, and he nodded and agreed with a smile.

Anyway, he didn't pay for it himself, and Priority Branch was really generous with people like himself, entertaining them with delicious food, drinks and fun. This kind of favor can still be done easily.

After this guy wins the election in the future, he will also be a big shot!

Maintaining a good friendship with such a great person will certainly not do me any harm...

After discussing the business, everyone left separately, each with their own things to be busy with.

Mike and the others first returned to the hotel where they lived, held a meeting, and made some arrangements for the next stage of work.

After finishing the work, it was evening.

Touching his hungry stomach, Mike smiled and said to several of his subordinates: "Go out and eat something, and you can have a drink by the way. I'm really tired of the restaurant in the hotel. The atmosphere in the bar is good. There are beauties."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but whistled.

Seriously, Mike has fallen in love with this place after being here for a while!

Low consumption, many beauties, and easy to use, it is simply a man's paradise.

Of course, the premise is that you have some money, and you are generous...

Mike obviously fits the bill.

He has a high salary, is tall and handsome, and has the aura of "American".

At the bar on Kifford's side, that's just unstoppable!

However, his self-control is quite good, and he understands that doing a good job is the premise, so he only goes to the bar every few days.

"Head, I'm just waiting for your words!"

"Haha, it's better to go to the bar last time, there are so many beautiful women."

"The girls here are really nice, much prettier than those in our country."

Mike's subordinates talked in a hurry, all of them staring like hungry wolves.

Said to go, Mike took them out of the hotel.

First, I found a relatively high-end restaurant and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. Then, seeing that the time was almost up, I went to a bar not far away.

Not only Lao Maozi likes to drink, Ermaozi also likes to drink, or people in this severe cold area like to drink a few sips.

So, although the economy here in Kiefu is not very good, there are quite a lot of bars.

And the bars are basically full, full of people.

When Mike and the others arrived at the bar, they each ordered a glass of wine, held them in their hands, and began to look for their "prey".

Soon, a girl with a hot body caught Mike's eyes, and he walked over with a glass of wine.

"Hi, beauty, are you alone?" Mike asked deliberately in Russian with a strong accent.

The girl looked at Mike and asked, "Foreigner?"

"Well, from New York." Mike replied.

The girl's eyes lit up, a sweet smile appeared on her face, she leaned closer to Mike, and said softly, "Can I buy you a drink, we can chat slowly, I am very interested in New York of."

Mike bowed slightly in a gentlemanly manner, "Of course it's no problem, I also like making friends."

Come to the bar, Mike signaled the bartender to give the girl a glass of wine, and the two stood by the bar, chatting.

Mike is a seasoned veteran, and his conversation is humorous, and he soon makes the girls tremble and smile coquettishly.

Feeling that the time is almost ripe, Mike tentatively sent out an invitation, "I'm staying in the hotel next door, would you like to have a cup of coffee in my room, it's too noisy here, and the hotel room is quieter."

The girl hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

The two got up and walked out of the bar. With the beauty in sight, Mike's pace was a little faster.

Before he even walked out of the hotel, a few tough-looking young men came to meet him.

A strong, tall young man stopped in front of Mike and the girl, and said angrily, "Dasha, who is this man!"

The girl seemed to be deliberately provocative, she hugged Mike's arm, put half of her body on his body, and said sarcastically: "This is my new boyfriend, from New York, he said he wants to take me to New York! What's the matter, what relationship do I have with you, I want you to take care of it!"

Mike froze for a moment, did he meet a "rival in love"?

He subconsciously wanted to explain, but when he turned his head and saw that Dasha was looking at him with pleading eyes, his heart softened.

Men, regardless of national boundaries, all want face.

Especially in front of beautiful girls, how could it be possible to admit defeat?

Besides, it's just a few punks, what are you afraid of.

If you really want to fight, I have also received special training, and ordinary people can't get close to me!

Even if there are many people on the other side, there are people on my own. Those subordinates seem to see that something is wrong with them, and they have slowly approached.

No more, just a phone call, there are real special forces at the hotel, responsible for the security work of the consultant team, but they were not brought out today.

Thinking of this, he stood up in front of Dasha, smiled and said to the young man: "Since you are only her ex-boyfriend, you have nothing to do with her now, please get out of the way and don't hinder us."

Hearing what he said, the young man became even angrier. He cursed "Suka Bulie" and was about to push Mike with his hand.

Mike curled his lips, grabbed the young man's wrist, and pulled it over, trying to make him look ugly.

Who knew, the opponent was surprisingly strong, and he slapped Mike on the shoulder, pushing him staggering.

At this moment, Mike became a little bit annoyed. He shouted "Fack" and gave the guy a right uppercut with his fist.

The fist hit the opponent's body, making a dull sound.

This punch was like stabbing a hornet's nest, and those young men swarmed up to beat Mike.

And several of Mike's subordinates also rushed over, they must not watch Mike being beaten.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The moment the incident happened, Mike didn't take it seriously, relying on the skills of himself and a few of his subordinates, it's impossible that he couldn't beat the gangsters on the opposite side.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong!

Because he saw the eyes of those boys, not the kind of anger or fanaticism of ordinary people, but a kind of viciousness.

I felt as if I was being targeted by a cobra, and I felt creepy!

Before he could react, the young man who had been punched by him had already rushed forward.

This time was completely different from before. Mike barely blocked a heavy punch when he felt a chill in his chest.

He looked down in a daze, and by the dim light of the bar, he saw a bright dagger stuck in his chest.

Then, the dagger was pulled out, inserted again...

Mike's mind went blank, what happened...

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl named Dasha again. She turned her head and walked out of the bar without even looking in her direction.

(end of this chapter)