Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 717

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Domestic Study Group

While Wang Ye was busy receiving the parliamentary delegation from Krimi, the two leaders of his New Sun Group, Mr. Kong and Zhang Guangming, were also very busy these days.

They are also busy hosting delegations, but business delegations from China.

New Sun has long been unremarkable among the many group companies under Wangye, but in fact, this company should not be underestimated. Although the annual net profit will not be astonishingly high, it is stable!

The three major wholesale markets in Moscow, the old ACT, the new sun, and the Ljublino that failed to open smoothly, are now all under the new sun group.

The old ACT and the new sun have been merged together. After renovation and re-covering, the unity is the style of the original new sun market.

Tall and spacious awnings, wide and bright passages, and two-story iron container shops stacked on both sides, the style is simple and practical.

After re-planning, it now focuses on clothing, shoes, socks, bags, etc.

And the Ljublino market, that is a huge modern shopping mall. The reinforced concrete building is not high, only two floors, but it covers a huge area.

The hardware facilities are much better than the new sun side.

is mainly engaged in all kinds of small electronic and small electrical products, and even some fur merchants who originally operated in Xinsun and merchants who do medium and high-end brand clothing are also slowly moving here.

After all, this side is closer to the city center and the environment is better, and the future development will be better than that of the New Sun Market.

Boss Kong and Zhang Guangming cooperated well. Boss Kong is now mainly in charge of the new sun, and Zhang Guangming is in charge of Liubrino.

Although Zhang Guangming also has a general manager Maozi on his head, but that is only in name, it is Zhang Guangming who really does things.

After all, everyone knows that this kid was picked up by the boss himself, and he is very respected by the boss.

Because of the expansion of the site, the three wholesale markets combined, the shop directly exceeded 30,000!

At the beginning, the Ljublino market was not open, all the wholesalers were crowded in the new sun and the old ACT, especially the second phase of the new sun has not yet opened, so there are few shops and many people, and it is difficult to find a shop.

But with the opening of the new Sun Phase II and the opening of the Ljublino market, the problem of the shortage of shops has been alleviated.

Even the old ACT and Ljublino have vacant berths.

This vacant shop is a waste, especially on the Ljublino side, all the shops are rented and not for sale.

If a shop is vacant, then the rent will be reduced.

Because of the good location, good environment and supporting facilities, the rent may be higher than that of Xinsun.

And in order to optimize the service process and provide better services to the merchants, Ljublino uses a one-stop service. The rent, management fees and messy fees are all combined, and only need to be paid once a month. Can.

According to different zoning and locations, the cheapest shop costs $5,000 per month, and the most expensive shop costs nearly $20,000 per month

Don't think this fee is outrageously high. In fact, in Xinsun, especially in the shoe area of No. 1, 2, and 3, the rent of the best-located shops is already close to this figure.

For those big bosses, it is normal to have a monthly turnover of millions of dollars, so there is no pressure to pay ten thousand to twenty thousand store rents.

It can only be said that the business in those years was too good.

Why is the business environment in Moscow so bad, even personal safety cannot be guaranteed, and the environment is poor, but there are still a large number of Chinese businessmen who go to Moscow one after another to do business.

Just because you can really make money!

At that time, everyone laughed and said that if you send a container of goods to Moscow, you will be able to earn a big car and come back directly

Although it is a bit watery to say this, it is enough to prove how profitable it was to be a wholesaler at that time.

All kinds of clothes and shoes with ridiculously low wholesale prices in China were pulled to Moscow, and the price immediately doubled several times!

And it's very easy to sell, there is almost no situation where it can't be sold, can it make money...

Therefore, shops with good locations were also fired at sky-high prices at that time.

In Wang Ye's "previous life", when the big market business was at its best, that is, between 2000 and 2008, a shop in the new sun market, in a better location, could sell for $200,000 to $300,000. !

You must know that these shops were purchased with two or three thousand dollars a few years ago, and I don't know how many times the price has been doubled.

Since the beginning of this year, Mr. Kong and Zhang Guangming have combined and comprehensively increased the rents in the three major markets.

Of course, like the old ACT, because the shops are all sold, they can only charge a management fee, so they have to increase the management fee instead.

The improvement rate is not very large. It is divided into several grades according to different divisions and locations. The minimum improvement rate is only 20%, and the highest rate is directly quadrupled

At the beginning, many merchants still have opinions.

Just kidding, of course other people are not happy to spend more money from their own pockets.

But the arm can't twist the thigh, especially the New Sun Group has completely monopolized the wholesale market here.

If you don't work here, you will have to close the door and return to China.

Besides, although New Sun Group charges a lot, the services it provides are indeed in place.

The personal safety issue that everyone is most concerned about has been solved directly.

Now the police officers around the big market are so polite when they see Chinese businessmen again.

It was like returning to the country.

In addition, New Sun Group also provides one-stop freight, customs clearance, and exchange services, all of which are legal and compliant, and the fees are not high.

Everyone just needs to do business with peace of mind, without any worries.

Just for this, pay more money, it's not too much.

After figured out this truth, everyone agreed.

In the end, there is still money to be made. You can make money by doing business here.

In addition to raising the rent, Mr. Kong and Zhang Guangming also began to actively negotiate with major domestic associations, inviting them to come and visit and explore the Eastern European market together.

Like what WenZ Small Commodities Association, Bgou Luggage and Bags Association, Leather Association, etc.

During this period of years, many associations have come here. After the inspection and visit, everyone expressed that they are quite satisfied with the business environment here, and they are ready to act immediately and come to rent and sell goods!

In the past two days, a delegation from a relatively large association of small electrical appliances arrived in Moscow to inspect the Ljublino market.

Zhang Guangming attaches great importance to this delegation, because as long as this delegation is managed, at least hundreds or even thousands of new merchants can be introduced to Ljublino!

can make the Ljublino big market, which is still a little deserted, immediately prosperous.

The wholesale market, no matter how good the hardware is, no matter how good the position is, it is only the foundation.

More importantly, the popularity must thrive!

(end of this chapter)