Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 716

Chapter 716

Chapter 716 Don't give face

Meshkov, that is Wang Ye's "old friend"!

When Wang Ye was still a white man, when he went to Krimi for the first time, Meshkov gave him a high courtesy.

That is because of the face of Wang Ye's "uncle" Khovchenko, and he is also asking for Wang Ye, hoping to get some "oil and water" from this rich man.

Meshkov at that time, although expensive as the president of the Crimei Peninsula, was actually quite abject.

was targeted by the local council, the decree was unreasonable, and anything he wanted to do would be rejected by the council.

His job as the president is to quarrel and quarrel with parliament every day...

And facing the pressure of the general election, he didn't even have campaign funds, and he was about to step down.

As a result, Myshkov met his "noble man", that is, Wang Ye...

Wang Ye gave him millions of dollars in campaign funds to help Meshkov be re-elected. He just made a small request to let Ajeelina enter the parliament and let Natalia Adam be the prosecutor.

Obviously, this effort is far greater than the requirement.

Meshkov certainly wanted what he wanted, and the two successfully reached a cooperation, which also opened up a new milestone in the Crimea.

After that, Wang Ye made a big investment plan of 10 billion dollars for ten years, which made the Crimean peninsula start to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Maybe the good times have passed for a long time, and people's hearts can easily change.

Meshkov may also have some new ideas

"Set up the presidential palace guard? What does he want to do, will someone threaten his personal safety?" Wang Ye sneered.

Seriously, Meshkov is a "president" in name, but this is too much moisture. In fact, his power is not as good as any governor on Mao's side.

Who will target a governor, which governor have you ever heard of setting up his own guards...

So, Meshkov's request does sound quite surprising and unexpected.

Wang Ye also frowned.

Mainly, he has already regarded Crimei as his base camp and base, and naturally he doesn't want any trouble here.

It is best not to have any accident!

Crimi will be positioned as a tourist destination and an economic and financial center in the entire Eastern Europe in the future!

Therefore, a stable and united Crimei is very important.

If it is as turbulent as Burkina Faso, who would dare to come and invest in tourism?

A house in a land of war, no matter how cheap, no one dares to buy it...

Therefore, Wang Ye didn't want too many armed forces here, not only Er Mao, including Da Mao, should not come.

As long as there are enough police forces, it is enough to maintain a good law and order.

Now what is Meshkov going to do with the guards, this is what to do!

"I carefully looked at his budget application, which also included funds for the procurement of weapons and equipment, and it was not low, so I was worried about this. However, this budget application is still stuck in the parliament, and it will not pass for a while. Yes." Agelina replied.

Wang Ye nodded and said simply:

"After you go back, send this application back directly.

If you have enough budget, try to invest as much as possible on the police station. Crimei needs a good law and order, and even becomes one of the safest places in the world.

Certainly, the policing system will also be slowly controlled by the parliament. "

The Council will also become the "private land" of the royal industry in the future, and Ajielina will help him control it.

After all, Meshkov's position is still quite interesting, and it can be regarded as a "mascot". Wang Ye is not interested in that position, so he will continue to let Meshkov be in front of him.

And the real power will still be in the hands of the parliament in the future, and Ajielina will definitely be the next speaker.

At the same time, Natalia is also ready to take over the position of Grand Inquisitor!

Controlling the legislative and judicial power in his own hands, then no one in the Crimei can come up with anything.

"But...he's still the head T after all. If he really doesn't give any face, will there be any problems?" Ajielina replied with a little embarrassment.

During this period of time, Meshkov and the Council have been cooperating relatively harmoniously, and the relationship is also very good.

Now suddenly not giving Meshkov face, it seems a bit unreasonable.

After all, Meshkov had a very good reason to form the Guard.

Wang Ye smiled, "Face? Give him face, and he will have face! Meshkov may have forgotten how his position was saved. He needs to wake up now and think about what he should do. , is the most appropriate.

It's not that Wang Ye is unfriendly, but that after he is in a high position, sometimes he can't be too soft-hearted.

Otherwise it becomes the benevolence of women.

As soon as Meshkov showed a little strangeness, he resolutely suppressed him and made him become honest again.

This is actually the greatest kindness of Mishkov!

Otherwise, this time, I couldn't save face for a while, and agreed to Meshkov's request to form the General T House Guard.

Meshkov, who has a direct armed force, will his ambitions become more and more inflated...

Next time, if he wants to take back the power of the parliament through tough means, what if he wants to monopolize the power!

even began to reach out to the Krimi Investment Company, wanting to seek greater benefits.

At that time, if Wang Ye wanted to deal with him again, Meshkov might not give in so easily.

After all, he has money, power and guns!

The confidence is enough.

And Wang Ye will also have a headache. At that time, Meshkov was already difficult to deal with by ordinary means.

If you use the thunderbolt method, it will cause great troubles, and even pull in the big hair and the second hair.

In that case, even if the Meshkov problem is solved, the Crimea will also become a focus area, and it will become a mess and a mess.

I smashed tens of billions of dollars into it myself, and naturally I don't want this to happen.

Therefore, what he does now is the best solution.

Facing Ajielina, Wang Ye was very patient. This was the person he trusted the most and had the greatest hope for.

In the future, the Crimean Peninsula will need Ajeelina to help him "take care".

He smiled and explained: "The reason why I don't give him face so much is to wake him up. If he has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, try not to have any thoughts. Be honest and be his chief T, and go on a vacation to catch a fish if you have nothing to do. What, isn't it better than fighting with people every day? Meshkov is not too young, he is about to retire, is he still thinking about doing it again?"

Azelina nodded thoughtfully.

After thinking for a while, a smile appeared on his face, "I know what to do. After returning from here, I asked him to come to my office to chat. Some things are better if they are said."

Let Meshkov go to his office instead of going to the General T's House, which naturally also represents a certain attitude!

(end of this chapter)