Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Chapter 718 The boss is very strong

The New Sun Group received the delegation from China, and naturally they all arranged to stay at the Kitty Eagle Hotel.

They are all industries owned by the boss, so fat and water don't flow to outsiders.

However, Boss Kong and Zhang Guangming did not tell Wang Ye about these matters.

They also know how busy the boss is. After all, they are all big figures at the deputy national level, and they must be busy with various national affairs every day.

These little things in the group, there is no need to harass the boss.

Early in the morning, Zhang Guangming greeted the bosses of the delegation to get up for breakfast and plan to visit the Ljublino market.

It's only five o'clock in the morning!

But the big market is like this. It basically opens at 5 am, and from 5 am to 10 am, it is also the busiest time of the day.

Arrangement of inspections will naturally be arranged at the most popular time.

Could it be that we have to wait until the market has dispersed and become deserted before we investigate?

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Li, good morning. After breakfast, we will go to Liubrino for inspection. It's almost six o'clock there, which is the most popular time." Zhang Guangming smiled and talked to the delegation. A boss greeted.

Kitty Eagle Hotel also has this advantage, that is, the restaurant is open 24 hours a day!

This kind of place is basically open day and night, and there are guests at any time. The supporting facilities such as restaurants, bars and cafes are naturally open 24 hours a day.

If you change to another five-star hotel, how can you have breakfast at five o'clock in the morning.

A group of people simply ate something in the restaurant, then walked out of the hotel door and prepared to leave for the Ljublino market.

Because there were a lot of people, there were fifty or sixty people, so Zhang Guangming contacted the reception vehicles of the Kitty Eagle Group, two Volvo luxury buses.

The car used by the Kitty Eagle Group to receive customers has also been replaced recently.

Sedans are all Jaguar XJs. This car is not cheap, and its positioning is on the same level as Mercedes-Benz S.

Bus, CMBs, etc., are all Volvos.

This is also a "linkage" of Wangye's group companies, and the bulk purchase price is still good.

It was after five o'clock in the morning in Moscow, the sky was still dark, and there were sporadic snowflakes in the sky.

A gust of cold wind blew, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

After getting into the car, Zhang Guangming sat with the head of the delegation, President Liu of the Small Electrical Appliances Association.

Across the white car window, looking at the dim lights outside the window, Mr. Liu asked casually, "I heard that the boss of your New Sun Group is very powerful?"

He asked more implicitly.

In fact, Chinese businessmen who do business in several major wholesale markets under New Sun Group now know that Mikhail, the boss of New Sun Group, is the Deputy Speaker of the Duma.

A real high official!

Although this matter has little to do with them, everyone is honored to speak out.

And there is an extra sense of security. After all, with such a boss in charge, they don't believe that there will be things like being closed by the tax police a few years ago!

Zhang Guangming was refreshed when he heard it, and when he talked about his boss, he would not be sleepy.

"Haha, this is not a secret, all the Chinese in Moscow know it. Our boss Mikhail is now the deputy speaker of the Duma and director of the Economic Committee. This is a serious deputy state! He is coming to the market now. During the inspection, it was all police cars clearing the way, followed by a dozen or so guards with live ammunition.

In addition, in terms of business, our boss is also doing a great job.

The scale of the New Sun Group is not small, but to tell you the truth, this group is under our boss, so it is not ranked.

As for the hotel you stayed in, the Kitty Eagle Group, which is the only group in Russia with a gaming license, belongs to our boss!

Have you heard of Yukos Group?

The world's top three oil oligarchs, our boss is the chairman!

Russian United Airlines Group, which manufactures fighter jets and large transport aircraft, our boss is the chairman!

There are several other group companies. It is said that the investment is tens of billions of dollars. This is the industry of our boss.

Even many people think that the richest person in Russia is not Kovchenko anymore, but our boss..."

Zhang Guangming boasted loudly, and those who didn't know thought he was bragging.

But as the head of the delegation, Mr. Liu must have done some homework before coming here.

He roughly knew that what Zhang Guangming said should be true...

"Tsk tsk, how can such a rich man still do a big wholesale market? He shouldn't see the money." Mr. Liu said in surprise while sucking his teeth.

Zhang Guangming shook his head and said: "I don't know. Although the Xinyang Group is not large, this is where our boss made his fortune. He started at Xinyang at the earliest. And he is now in charge of the Economic Committee, right Foreign investment and import and export trade are more interested, otherwise why do you think New Sun Group is directly responsible for customs clearance, this is all the efforts made by our boss behind the scenes."

Speaking of customs clearance, Mr. Liu also said with emotion: "Let's not mention anything else, this formal customs clearance is really a great thing.

To be honest with Mr. Zhang, we came here for a visit a few years ago and wanted to do business here.

But I was scared off by that gray customs clearance!

That thing is illegal. It doesn't matter if you are doing a small business. One shipment is not worth much.

But we are all in regular business, and the shipment volume is very large at one time. If it is seized, it will really be bankrupt.

But it was too troublesome to go through the formal customs clearance at that time, especially the time was uncontrollable, half a year or even a year was normal.

So in the end we didn't dare to come here

In fact, it is not only Mr. Liu who is particularly emotional about this matter. Those who have done a bigger business are all very grateful to Wang Ye.

The formal customs clearance of New Sun Group is not much more expensive than the previous gray customs clearance, which is almost negligible when allocated to the cost.

And even faster than grey clearance.

This is a reassurance for many Chinese businessmen!

They can expand their business scale with confidence and bet heavily on the market here.

Because they know that they are doing a legal and compliant business and are protected by the laws here.

There will no longer be a large number of tax police, who will raid in the middle of the night and directly seize millions or even millions of dollars worth of goods in their warehouses and confiscated them...

Based on this, Wang Ye's image is incomparably tall among Chinese businessmen!

If the Chinese businessmen also have votes, there is no doubt that they will vote for Wang Ye firmly no matter what Wang Ye is running for.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

(end of this chapter)