Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Chapter 706 No, you have to pay more

The next morning, when Wang Ye woke up, Rosiana was no longer around.

He washed and dressed, went downstairs to the living room, and saw Rosiana sitting at the dining table, arguing with Constantine while eating breakfast.

There were not many people at the table, namely Constantine, Rosiana, her parents, and two women whose names were not remembered by Wang Ye, who seemed to be Rosiana's aunt or something.

Seeing Wang Ye coming down, everyone at the table looked over.

Constantine smiled and waved, letting Wang Ye go over to eat.

As soon as Wang Ye sat down, Constantine deliberately said with a stern face: "What kind of ecstasy did you give my granddaughter? She even argued with me for a long time about your affairs. She was not like this before. "

Wang Ye smiled and asked casually, "What are you arguing about?"

"It's not about becoming a shareholder in the Kitty Eagle Group. I have just told my grandfather about the revenue data of the Kitty Eagle Group in the past two years, and told him that the valuation of three billion dollars is too low. I really want to. It is not impossible to negotiate a stake in the Kitty Eagle Group. But this valuation is absolutely unacceptable, and you have to add money!" Rosiana hurriedly replied.

This matter, Wang Ye really can't say anything.

First of all, he verbally agreed to Constantine yesterday afternoon to invest in the Kitty Eagle Group at a valuation of $3 billion.

Now that Rosiana is in his interests and arguing with her grandfather, Wang Ye has a hard time talking.

He could neither help Rosiana speak, nor discourage her enthusiasm.

Fortunately, Constantine is also a very generous person. He seemed to understand the difficulties of Wang Ye, so he waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Since Rosiana said so, then I would be a little too stingy if I still insist on a valuation of three billion dollars.

Let's take a valuation of $4 billion. Our family will take a stake in that cruise ship, and we will assist in the corresponding procedures and help recruit crew members on board.

in exchange for 20% of the shares of Kitty Eagle Group, this is all right. "

Kitty Eagle Group is valued at US$4 billion, and the giant cruise ship is invested at US$1 billion, which adds up to US$5 billion.

Then the Constantine family happens to hold 20% of the shares.

Constantine said so, what else could Wang Ye say, so he happily accepted it.

He nodded and said, "That's fine, just do as you said, these are all small things."

In Wang Ye's eyes, this is indeed a trivial matter.

His business center has long since been transferred to Yukos Group and Polar Bear Investment Company. Even Krimi Investment Company will definitely make more money than Kitty Eagle Group in the future!

Therefore, it doesn't matter to him whether the shares in the Kitty Eagle Group are more or less.

But hearing this in Constantine's ears made him a little sigh.

For Wang Ye, he knew some aspects in detail, but he didn't know some aspects.

For example, the commercial layout of Wangye, the trajectory of its rise, etc., are all known to Constantine.

But Wang Ye's true identity, as well as Wagner's development, as well as Krimi's layout, and Polar Bear's investment, he is not very clear.

But just what he knew made Constantine amazed.

You know, this young man is about the same age as his granddaughter

Oh no, she is younger than her granddaughter!

But the achievements in business have even surpassed the wealth accumulated by his entire family for so many years!

Look at the hard work of several generations of my family to achieve such a little achievement.

As for others, it only took two years to complete the transcendence!

Although it is said that the "stage" and opportunities of this young man are very good, and there is also the support of Hofchenko, a businessman behind him, no matter what you say, you can't deny that this is a once-in-century business genius!

Not to mention, in addition to business, in politics, this young man has achieved even more

can only say that people are more popular than dead people.

The current Wangye is indeed qualified to look down on the "small business" of the Kitty Eagle Group.

Didn't stay much in Petersburg. After having breakfast and chatting for a while, Wang Ye planned to rush back to Moscow.

However, Rosiana stayed, and Wang Ye also entrusted her to be responsible for the Constantine family's investment in the Kitty Eagle Group and the joint investment of the two parties in the Gazprom Group.

Some details, Rosiana will continue to discuss with the family.

After Wang Ye rushed back to Moscow, he also had to do some preparatory work to become a shareholder in the Gazprom Group, and inquire about the news or something.

Although Constantine is more confident, it is not a sure thing after all.

With such a big piece of cake, there must be many people who want to share a piece, which means many potential competitors.

also cannot be taken lightly.

At the airport, watching Wang Ye's special plane soar into the sky, Rosiana's family returned to the car to prepare to go back.

Constantine specially asked Rosiana to take his car, and he planned to talk to her about some things.

When saw him off, Constantine also came over in person.

Sitting in Constantine's extended Rolls-Royce, before Rosiana spoke, Constantine sighed: "The future generations are terrible, this Mikhail, the future is limitless!"

Rosiana smiled and said, "What's wrong, Grandpa, you've only been in contact with him for a day, so you can see that his future is limitless? But this statement is not correct. Don't look at the future, he is limitless now."

Constantine also laughed, yes, there is indeed something wrong with his statement.

Because Mikhail is already the Deputy Speaker of the Duma and Director of the Economic Committee, and holds great power!

What kind of future does this look like...

He shook his head and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to believe that a young man in his early twenties can hold such a high position as Deputy Speaker of the Duma. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I thought it was a It's a farce. But it's not uncommon for the Duma to often make jokes. But after getting in touch this time, I feel that Mikhail is absolutely qualified to be the deputy speaker of the Duma. No wonder, Puding The gentleman is full of praise for him..."

Rosiana answered quite contentedly: "Otherwise, why do you think I am willing to be his assistant, when my adoptive father wanted me to work in the government, I was not willing to go.

It's because Misha is so good, so I'm willing to go over and get in touch with him. "

Constantine asked implicitly: "Is your relationship stable now? Although you are both still young, some things can't be delayed for too long. If that kid is willing to marry you this year, that cruise ship should be Make it your dowry!"

Please take a leave in advance. Tomorrow, which is Saturday, I have something to do, so I have a day off. Regular update on Sunday.

(end of this chapter)