Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 705

Chapter 705

Chapter 705 Turn the elbow outward

Wang Ye just finished the phone call with Miss He, put down his phone and was about to rest, when he heard someone knocking on the door outside the room.

He was stunned for a moment, who would come to look for him so late?

But he is definitely a person with no problem. You must know that there is at least one security guard on duty outside your door, even at Constantine's house.

There was no movement outside the door, and no one was stopped. It was estimated that it was either Rosiana or Constantine.

But Konstantin couldn't come to his room so late, even if there was something to talk about tomorrow, it's most likely Rosiana!

Sure enough, Wang Ye opened the door and saw Rosiana standing outside in her pajamas.

turned sideways to let Rosiana come in, and Wang Ye asked casually, "Why did you come here?"

Rosiana said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you're not used to living in a strange place, so I'm here to accompany you."

Her bedroom is on the same floor as Wang Ye, but on the other side. Seeing that she has taken off her makeup, her hair is pulled up high, her body is fragrant, and she has changed into a set of pajamas, so she knows that she has already washed .

As for how to accompany you, there is no need to ask more

After a deep communication between the two, they rested after a while, hugged each other and started chatting.

Rosiana asked curiously, "What did my grandfather talk to you in the afternoon? Has the tax increase been discussed?"

The result of the conversation between Wang Ye and Constantine seems to be that Rosiana has not been notified yet, and she doesn't know what the two of them talked about.

So, Wang Ye briefly talked about what he had discussed with Constantine in the afternoon. Just when he said that the two were going to join forces to invest in the Gazprom Group, he was interrupted by Rosiana.

"What! There is a chance to take a stake in Gazprom Group? That's great! If you can control both Yukos Group and Gazprom Group, then there will be only one energy oligarch in the country, and that's you, Mikhail!"

Rosiana's eyes gleamed and she said with longing.

Wang Ye laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "Holding shares? How is that possible? Even if Gazprom expands its shares for financing, it won't transfer many shares. Industrial Group, then I have to think about it, the tree is big and attracts the wind!"

What he said was the truth.

If there is an opportunity to control the Gazprom Group, Wang Ye will really consider it very carefully, and there is a high probability that he will give up!

A Yukos group has already caused a lot of gossip, and I don't know how many people are staring at him behind their backs.

Re-controlled Gazprom Group

Wang Ye is really afraid that he has a life to make money but not a life to spend!

As soon as she heard that she couldn't control it, Rosiana sighed in disappointment, but immediately became excited again.

"It doesn't matter! At the beginning, you must have won not many shares, but since you can enter the board of directors and gradually expand your holdings with your influence, sooner or later you will be able to control the Gazprom industry. Besides, who will influence the energy industry? I can compare to you. As for the big tree attracting the wind, I may have had this concern before, but it should be fine now."

Wang Ye also understood the meaning of Rosiana's words.

It is nothing more than that he is now standing with Rosiana and his family, which naturally means that he is on the same front as the Kremlin, so no one should dare to make irresponsible remarks.

Wang Ye can also let go of his hands and feet and do whatever he wants!

Of course, Rosiana thinks so, but Wang Ye dare not think so...

He smiled, changed the subject, and started talking about Constantine's desire to take a stake in the Kitty Eagle Group.

Rosiana widened her eyes in surprise and asked, "You agreed so easily? The Kitty Eagle Group is only worth three billion?"

"Yes, three billion dollars, the valuation is not bad, it's already much higher than I expected. You don't know, this group doesn't invest a lot of money, and it adds up to a billion dollars. Knives. Oh, it is estimated that the gambling card is quite valuable, but the high seas cruise gambling has to be developed, and this gambling card is actually not that important. "

Wang Ye said nonchalantly.

Indeed, he didn't spend a penny in the Kitty Eagle Group at the beginning, and it was given to him by Hovchenko.

Behind is Miss He who took out a sum of money to invest in shares, making the Kitty Eagle Group bigger.

After two years, the valuation has reached 3 billion US dollars, and Wang Ye is indeed quite satisfied.

"You... don't know what to say about you. Sometimes you're terribly smart, and sometimes you're... silly and cute." Rosiana said with a wry smile.

Wang Ye was a little puzzled and asked, "Why are you so stupid?"

"The valuation of Kitty Eagle Group is obviously too low. You just said that Kitty Eagle Group's net profit this year will exceed US$800 million.

According to this profit, if it is listed, the company's valuation will be at least US$4 billion!

And combined with the strength behind the Kitty Eagle Group, oh, that is the influence of your boss in the country, and the only gambling card in the country!

It is normal for the valuation to reach US$5 billion. I estimate that my grandfather's psychological price is also US$5 billion. The reason for the valuation of 3 billion is not to leave you room for bargaining.

If you have a good talk with him, even if the cruise ship he took out is worth a lot of money, it can bring a lot of hidden benefits to the group, but the valuation of four billion dollars still cannot escape!

No, since you handed this matter to me, I will have a good chat with grandpa when I look back. The valuation of 3 billion is too low, at least 4 billion. "

Rosiana talked a lot, making Wang Ye a little dumbfounded.

Not because of what she said, but because of her attitude.

The question is, isn't Rosiana Constantine's granddaughter, she should have turned to Constantine, right?

This is their family talking about business with them, how did Rosiana turn her elbows out and talk to herself...

"You..., aren't you afraid that your grandfather will say that you are facing outsiders?" Wang Ye asked tentatively.

Rosiana smiled sweetly and said nonchalantly, "I'm already an adult, and you're not considered an outsider. I'm going to discuss business with him as your assistant. Of course, I have to have no selfishness. I believe that Grandpa will also understand and support me."

Whether Constantine will understand and support Rosiana, Wang Ye still doesn't know.

But what he knows is that in this matter, it can be seen that Rosiana is indeed on his side, and she did not "harm the public and private" because she is a member of the Constantine family...

But Rosiana doesn't know, whether the valuation is one billion high or one billion low is actually not very important to Wang Ye.

The important thing is that through this cooperation, he is deeply tied to the Constantine family!

(end of this chapter)