Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 707

Chapter 707

Chapter 707 The best Duma

Hearing what Grandpa said, Rosiana grinned, as if she wanted to laugh but didn't.

She reached out and played with her long, messy hair, and replied, "Misha and I are both young and don't want to get married so early. Besides, isn't this dowry enough?"

The last sentence was said as a joke.

But Konstantin thought about it seriously, nodded and said: "Indeed, this dowry is not worthy of you and Mikhail. When you really want to do it, I will see if there is something to accompany the dowry. Let's In the family, although there are many young people of your generation, there are only a handful of promising ones. Maybe, this family will depend on you in the future."

The big families in Europe are different from those in China, they don't pay attention to the "eldest son and grandson"!

There are many daughters or granddaughters who "take over", look at the generations of queens of Britain, and look at Queen Catherine.

Therefore, the probability of Rosiana taking over the family in the future is not low!

Of course, Constantine definitely didn't want to give all the wealth accumulated by his family over the generations to "outsiders", and he didn't want the glory of his family to slowly disappear.

Therefore, even if Rosiana takes over the family, there will definitely be a lot of constraints.

For example, the wealth of the Constantine family cannot be merged with Rosiana's husband.

Rosiana's future children must choose a surname "Constantine" as the head of the next generation of the family...

I have to say that having a private jet is indeed much more convenient.

After squinting for a while on the plane, he opened his eyes and returned to Moscow. Wang Ye had made an appointment with Geblev in advance to have dinner together in the evening.

He wanted to inquire about the transfer of Gazprom shares.

Oh, and also made an appointment with Alexei. This is the current Minister of Energy. Although Gazprom Group is not managed by the Ministry of Energy, Alexei must also know some inside information.

One more thing to say here, Gazprom Group's specifications are still very high, directly managed by the government, and its level is comparable to that of the Ministry of Energy.

Of course, this is the same as the domestic ministerial-level central enterprises, although the level is the same, but the actual power and jurisdiction are much worse...

Alexei was promoted to Minister of Energy from the position of Chairman of Gazprom Group.

It can also be seen that in the actual government "sequence", the Minister of Energy is still higher than Gazprom.

As for who is the current chairman of Gazprom Group, Wang Ye did not pay attention.

After all, a character of that level, in Wang Ye's eyes, is really an unimportant little character...

At six o'clock in the evening, it's still the old place, in the fixed box of Turandot restaurant.

Wang Ye, Geblev, and Alexei gathered together.

As soon as the people arrived and the food was not served, the three of them chatted while drinking tea. Wang Ye talked about the proposal to "promote the birth rate" and the taxation of several giant companies.

The proposal was passed at the Duma Assembly, as both Geblev and Alexei knew.

But that tax increase is something that many people in the Duma don't know about, and it is obviously the first time that Geblev and Alexei have heard of it.

Perhaps the reason for his long-standing high status, Wang Ye doesn't look like a young man in his early twenties now.

's powerful aura makes it easy for people to ignore his age.

Even the big figures in the eyes of ordinary people like Geblev and Alexei would not be cautious in front of Wang Ye, but they were very polite, and even more cautious.

Just a year ago, Wang Ye called himself a junior in front of Geblev.

But now, Geblev obviously doesn't dare to regard him as a junior.

"Haha, there is such a thing? It was rare in the previous Duma. In the past, the Duma was basically too lazy to do anything, just a ruthless voting machine. Your Duma is really good. When it comes to regulations, the financial difficulties have been taken into account in advance, and can be solved proactively. It can be said that your Duma is the best one in history! With you and Grezlov coming forward, it should be done. ?" Geblev said with a big laugh, and he was full of praise for Duma.

This is normal too, as he said.

In the previous Duma, it is no exaggeration to say that all those members of the Duma were eating and waiting to die.

Everyone is running for Duma deputies just to get a "social status" and gild them.

No one wants to do anything anyway.

It's not that the Duma has no power, but that no one wants to be that early bird, and there are so many members of the Duma, who form gangs and have many hilltops.

There is no one who obeys the other, and meetings are just messy quarrels.

But the Duma of Wang Ye and the others are obviously very different.

First of all, Grezlov is a very responsible speaker, and he has a relatively large influence in the first faction. In addition, the first faction has a little more seats in the Duma.

This already has the rigid conditions for doing things.

Then there is Wang Ye, a rising political star who has suddenly emerged, not only is not afraid of taking responsibility, but takes the initiative to ask to do things, and all he does are big things!

The two hit it off, and in the past six months, they have made a lot of big moves together.

Although the influence of the Duma began to gradually increase, the Kremlin did not care, because the Duma on Da Mao's side was greatly restricted when it was originally designed.

It's almost impossible to be like the Congress on Laomei's side, and it can even suppress that one from Momomiya...

Because of Wangye, everything they did was beneficial to the country, and even to a large extent, promoted the development of the country's economy.

is equivalent to helping the government to do what the government wanted to do, but was unable to do!

Alexei also echoed: "This is what you Duma gentlemen can do. If we change the Ministry of Energy, hehe, those giant companies will not dump us at all."

This is normal, as you can see from the last time the Ministry of Energy and Yukos and Gazprom filed a lawsuit in the Duma.

In most cases, the Department of Energy has no binding force on these giant companies.

Not to mention that this time it is a cross-industry taxation, the Ministry of Energy cannot control the communications and financial industries.

Energy, finance, and communications, these three industries are the most profitable industries in Russia, and they are also the deepest!

Ordinary people can't grasp it, and Alexei, a "little" Minister of Energy, has no courage at all to find trouble in these industries.

Don't forget why the last Minister of Energy stepped down!

Wang Ye nodded and said casually: "I have divided the work with Speaker Grezlov. I will be responsible for the energy industry and the communication industry, and Speaker Grezlov will handle the financial industry. Now I have no problem here, he They haven't asked what the situation is, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

(end of this chapter)