Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699 A good start

As soon as Wang Ye finished speaking, the rest of the deputy speakers couldn't sit still and expressed their opposition.

"Mikhail, you're wrong. It's not fair to only levy additional taxes on the top three companies in the energy, finance, and communications industries!"

"Yeah, I also think this is not good. These large companies themselves have contributed a lot of taxes to the country and provided a large number of jobs. Now, if an additional tax is added, these companies will have opinions. "

"By the way, Speaker Mikhail, you are the chairman of the Yukos Group. This is the largest company in the energy industry, and even the Natural Gas Group is not comparable to Yukos, so I want to ask you first, guys. Will Yukos agree to this new tax?"

Wang Ye laughed and replied very simply: "Since you asked this question, then I will also make a statement. Yukos Group is willing to pay this additional tax to support the development of the country, our group is bound to!"

His words made several vice-speakers speechless.

Indeed, on the surface, Wang Ye is the chairman of the Yukos Group, and he has to pay real money to support this tax policy.

Since he can express his position on the spot and is willing to pay, what opinions can other companies have?

Especially these deputy speakers, they are not qualified to speak on behalf of other companies.

Grezlov is fairly fair, and his involvement with those giant companies is not that deep, so he said with a smile:

"I think Mikhail's proposal is good. As he said, the development of these enterprises is inseparable from the resources provided by the state, and now they have developed into giant enterprises.

After you have a lot of wealth, you should do something to give back to the country and the people!

Especially in the three major industries of energy, finance, and communications, we are now closing the door and saying, isn't this the only way to make money by relying on monopoly!

Wealth is taken from the people and used for the people, that's how it should be! "

Both of them support it, so it is not easy for the other vice-speakers to oppose it.

But some people said unwillingly: "What's the use of the promise of Yukos Group? If the other companies are against it, are we really going to force tax collection? Wouldn't that damage the business environment? International public opinion will Not good for us."

According to Wang Ye's formulation, the top three companies in the three major industries are nine companies in total.

Now, on behalf of the Yukos Group, Wangye has stated that there is no problem in paying taxes, but there are still eight companies that have not made a statement.

The annual budget expenditure is about one billion dollars, which also means that we have to collect so much money from these nine companies. On average, each company is over 100 million!

When it comes to paying extra taxes, are these companies really willing to pay?

Wang Ye replied calmly: "Except for Yukos Group, there should be no problem with Gazprom Group. This is a state-owned company, and we must set an example in this regard. These two companies are energy companies. I don't pay much attention to who the top two are in the industry, but I think, the boss and the second agree, do you dare to have any opinions?

The vice-speaker who raised the objection was speechless.

Indeed, Yukos Group and Gazprom are definitely two giants in the energy field. One almost monopolizes the oil industry and the other almost monopolizes the natural gas industry.

To be honest, it doesn't matter who the third child is, because the share is far worse!

The energy industry is no problem, and Wang Ye talked about two other industries next.

"In the financial industry, there is no doubt that among the top three companies, there are at least one or two state-owned enterprises. Like Gazprom, they have no reason to object.

The last is the communications industry, which is basically a private sector. However, I have a certain degree of confidence to persuade them in advance to make them accept this new tax policy.

Speaker Grezlov, why don't we divide the work between the two, and you will solve the problems of the three financial companies.

As for me, I'm responsible for securing the top three companies in the communications industry! "

Wang Ye's words were absolutely comprehensive, completely blocking the mouths of the deputy speakers.

This matter does not require their efforts, Wang Ye and Grezlov can handle it, so what else can they say.

Grezlov pondered for a while, then nodded without hesitation: "Okay! The two of us will do it, there should be no problem."

Grezlov also agreed with Wang Ye's analysis just now.

With Wang Ye's leading position, coupled with the state-owned enterprise of Gazprom Group, the energy industry need not worry.

Now he and Wang Ye are dealing with three companies in the financial industry and the communication industry. Relatively speaking, Wang Ye's side is more difficult.

As Wang Ye said, although there is a lot of private capital in the financial industry, the ones that really do the most are state-owned banks.

It is generally easier for him to do business with him, especially when he is acting on behalf of the Duma.

The communication industry is all private capital. Fortunately, Wang Ye took the initiative to take on this responsibility. If it were to be handed over to Grezlov, he might not be able to handle it.

After all, the boss of a state-owned company must sell Grezlov's face.

But private companies may not give him this face...

The reason why Wang Ye dared to take on this responsibility, he is also certain.

Because Rosiana's family is the biggest shareholder behind the communications industry...

Their family basically controls the two largest communication companies in China.

When the time comes, I will have a chat with the helm of the Rosiana family and explain the pros and cons. Wang Ye believes that the other party will still choose to cooperate with him wisely...

But this matter still needs Rosiana's cooperation.

So, after the meeting, Wang Ye returned to the office and had a long talk with Rosiana...

He didn't go around in circles either, but first told Rosiana about the content of the meeting just now.

Finally clapped Rosiana's hand and said earnestly:

"Look, we've known each other for so long, and I haven't visited your family yet, which is too rude.

How about taking some time in the next few days and I'll accompany you back to Petersburg to meet the elders of your family?

It's good to have a chat with them about the taxation. "

Rosiana is not stupid, of course she understands that Wang Ye is "using" herself.

But she doesn't hate this feeling, because her family planned to "bet" on Wang Ye early on!

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to come and be Wang Ye's personal assistant.

Now that Wang Ye has something to ask his family, this is not only a bad thing, but a good start!

(end of this chapter)