Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 698

Chapter 698

Chapter 698 Taxes from Oligarchs

Fikroff's plan to increase the fertility rate of the population was approved at the Duma Congress.

But if you want to implement it, there is still a big problem.

That is the various subsidies and support in it, but it involves a lot of money. Where does the money come from?

Fikroff can ignore money matters, but Wang Ye and Grezlov, several Speakers, must consider it.

A policy without sufficient funds to support it is a piece of paper and will not have any effect at all.

To this end, Grezlov convened several deputy speakers and held a small meeting to discuss where to squeeze enough money to implement this plan to promote population fertility.

"I asked someone to calculate. If the various policies in the plan are to be implemented in a practical manner, it is estimated that one billion US dollars will be needed every year. If the effect is good, it will increase. This is not a small sum of money, and it is difficult to get from from the national budget."

Grezlov spread his hands and said helplessly.

As the maker of national policies, at least they are involved in decision-making. There are many policies that are clearly beneficial to the country and the people, but they are difficult to introduce and even more difficult to implement.

Is it because they don't want to?

No, it's just because there is no money in hand!

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

If possible, which country does not want to implement universal welfare, it is best to cover it all from birth to death!

Unfortunately, there are not many countries in the world that have the ability to implement this kind of welfare policy.

As strong as an old beauty, and as rich as a small book, you can't do it at all!

That is, there are several small countries in Northern Europe, because the population is pitiful, so they can implement this kind of welfare policy to a limited extent.

A large country with a large population may be able to implement universal welfare in a certain way, but if you want to implement comprehensive welfare, no matter how rich a country is, it can also bankrupt you.

This time, it was because Wang Ye, Grezlov and the others saw the long-term harm of the population crisis to the country, so they took the initiative to push such a welfare policy.

But still have a headache about where to get the money.

Several deputy speakers look at me, I look at you, everyone is speechless.

In the end, everyone unanimously turned their attention to Wang Ye.

If you talk about spending money, then everyone here is a good hand!

But when it comes to making money, there is no doubt that it is none other than Mikhail...

Therefore, now everyone is counting on Wang Ye to come up with a way to make money. If he can't figure it out, then don't come up with this plan, and let it rest as soon as possible.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Wang Ye smiled helplessly, of course he knew what everyone meant.

However, this proposal was made by people from my own faction, and it has been approved by myself, there is no way, I must endorse this proposal.

In fact, Wang Ye had already considered the issue of funding sources, and he also had a more mature and reasonable plan.

The reason why he didn't take it out in advance, of course, also has his own considerations...

He frowned awkwardly, stretched out his hand and rubbed his face, and after a long time he said, "A billion dollars..., this is a huge sum of money! This amount is not wrong, does it need so much? "

Grezlov simply nodded and replied: "This is calculated by a group of professionals in the finance department. To achieve the expected effect, a billion dollars is the minimum. Of course, if there is more funds, That would be better."

Wang Ye pondered for a while, as if thinking about how to solve this problem.

Just when Grezlov waited a little impatiently and wanted to urge him, Wang Ye slapped the table with a slap, which startled Grezlov.

"Yes! We have to change our thinking to solve this problem. We can't focus on the small budget. Otherwise, we will tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall. If there is money here, other places will be stretched." Wang Ye said.

Grezlov said with tears in his eyes: "Everyone understands the truth, but if you want to make this money from a new place, everyone has no idea. Are you waiting for you to come up with an idea now?"

"What are the most profitable industries in our country?" Wang Ye stared at Grezlov and asked.

Grezlov replied tentatively: "Oil?"

Wang Ye nodded and continued to ask, "What else?"

"Natural gas? Finance? Communication... gone!" Grezlov counted for a long time with his fingers crossed, and then he named three industries.

Among them, oil and natural gas are both energy industries. After all, the industries that Russia can do well are currently the two major industries of energy and finance.

Among them, finance only dominates domestically and has little international influence.

Wang Ye smiled, "Yes, of course, the most profitable monopoly industries have to pay for this kind of thing!

Their wealth is taken from the people and also used for the people. As the company grows, it cannot forget the sense of social responsibility that they bear.

This is also what I have been emphasizing within the company since I became the chairman of the Yukos Group.

To this end, the Yukos Group spends a sum of money every year to fund education in remote areas.

Do other energy and financial communication giants also have to take corresponding responsibilities and contribute to the country's population growth? "

Wang Ye's words made the meeting room quiet.

What he said is very reasonable, and there is nothing for everyone to question.

However, if they want those energy oligarchs, financial oligarchs and communication giants to subsidize the national finances, are they willing...

In the end, these Speakers, and those oligarchic companies, are also inextricably linked in private.

Wanting them to come forward to be this "wicked person", they must be unwilling, so they simply bowed their heads and said nothing.

Others can pretend not to hear, but not Grezlov, he is the supporter of the meeting.

And he also very much hopes that this population proposal can be successfully introduced and implemented.

grinned, and Grezlov said embarrassedly, "Then what are we going to use to collect this money in the name of...?"

"Let's levy a separate tax, and indicate that this tax is only for the top three companies in the three major industries of energy, finance, and communications! Let them spend a sum of money in proportion to their revenue and use it for special purposes. Support the implementation of the population proposal." Wang Ye replied without hesitation.

It is not difficult to introduce a new tax law, and it only targets a few leading monopoly enterprises. The Duma has this power.

However, it is very difficult for this tax law to be passed smoothly in the Duma and to be implemented.

has long said that most of the more than 400 Duma members have various relationships with these giant companies. At critical moments, they want to help those giant companies speak!

(end of this chapter)