Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700 The first visit

She agreed without hesitation.

said cheerfully:

"That's great!

My parents, they will be very happy to hear this news, and all of my family will welcome you.


How about we set off the day after tomorrow, I will contact my family later and let them prepare in advance.

The distinguished Speaker of the Duma is visiting our house, so we must give it a grand reception. "

Although she said it as a joke, she was right.

In the current status of Wang Ye, to visit the Rosiana family, it really is not just a casual reception.

That must be grand enough to be worthy of the status of a king!

It is very necessary to prepare two days in advance.

Wang Ye thought for a while, then hesitated and asked, "Who are the elders in your family, how many gifts should I prepare, but don't have enough gifts by then, it would be too rude."

Also, the visit to Rosiana's family this time was not just for business.

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone knew that their relationship with Rosiana meant that there was a "new son-in-law coming to the door"...

Therefore, the proper etiquette is still required, and gifts are also indispensable.

Rosiana pursed her lips and said happily: "As long as you can go, this is already the biggest gift. Don't worry, my family won't care about this. If you really feel embarrassed with empty hands, just bring two Let's have a bottle of wine, my grandfather likes to drink."

Wang Ye thinks about it too, he can't be like ordinary people, prepare gifts for the seven aunts and eight aunts of the Rosiana family.

That is also a bit inconsistent with his identity.

It is estimated that at that time, I will be talking with Rosiana's grandfather. Others, including Rosiana's parents, are all "supporting roles"!

Two days later, Wang Ye and Rosiana took a special plane and flew directly from Moscow to Petersburg.

This place in Petersburg, King Ye has never been here in this world, although the Kitty Eagle Group also has a large-scale gaming and entertainment center here.

Song Xiaogang and Yanzi have been staying here, managing the place.

But in the previous life, Wang Ye had been here several times, and he had a good impression of this place.

Unlike Moscow, Petersburg is like a "water city". The city is crisscrossed with large and small rivers, and it is a famous historical city, like the "Winter Palace" and "Summer Palace", these famous buildings. , all in Petersburg.

Compared with Moscow, it is more humanistic.

Of course, this side is also closer to Europe, or to be precise, where Petersburg is located, it is already Europe.

In the past, Wang Ye was also relatively low-key.

The entourage did not bring many, including a few Selyosha and one female assistant.

In any case, I have that relationship with Rosiana, and I don't know if this girl has told her family...

If he came to the door for the first time, he would bring a few beautiful assistants with flamboyant beauty, then how would Rosiana's family think of him?

That's not good!

The plane went straight into the sky, getting closer and closer to Petersburg, Rosiana seemed to be a little "nearly timid".

She approached Wang Ye and said in a low voice, "I haven't been home for a long time. I usually communicate on the phone. I don't know what's going on at home..."

Wang Ye patted her arm lightly and said with a smile: "When you grow up, you naturally have your own life and work, and it is impossible to stay with your parents all the time. Your family should also be very happy to see your growth. ."

Of course, Rosiana's current "achievement" is probably not worth mentioning in the family.

Perhaps her greatest halo is the universal righteous girl...

But as long as Puding sits in the Kremlin for one day, Rosiana's position in the family is unshakable.

No matter how successful her cousins and cousins are, she must speak kindly in front of Rosiana.

Her grandparents are also kind to her.

No way, this is reality.

When they went to Petersburg this time, Wang Ye did not inform Song Xiaogang and the others. The reception work on the ground was entirely the responsibility of the Rosiana family.

The plane landed slowly at Petersburg International Airport. Before it stopped, Rosiana, who was sharp-eyed, approached the window and said in surprise, "I saw Mom and Dad!"

Wang Ye glanced sideways, not far from the apron, a convoy of several black cars was parked there, and a few people were standing beside the convoy, just about to walk towards the plane.

The leading man and woman were not very clear about their appearance, but they must be Rosiana's parents.

It can be said that if Wang Ye and Rosiana have no such relationship, the person who came to pick up the plane today should be Rosiana's grandfather taking the lead.

Because that is in line with the principle of "equivalence of status", it is also not rude.

After all, Wang Ye was officially the Deputy Speaker of the Duma and Director of the Economic Committee.

In the business world, he is also Chairman of Yukos Group, Chairman of United Airlines...etc, a long list of titles.

It is only reasonable to have the patriarch of the Rosiana family come forward in person, whether it is public or private.

But just because he has that relationship with Rosiana, it is not appropriate for Rosiana's grandfather to come forward in person. Instead, it is more close to ask Rosiana's parents to pick up the plane.

From this detail, Wang Ye can also see that his relationship with Rosiana should be known by her family...

Thinking of this, Wang Ye could only sigh.

It seems that I still don't have enough "concentration", I can't control my lower body...

Then when I saw Rosiana's parents and grandfather this time, I couldn't put on airs and press people with power.

The plane stopped, the hatch opened, Wang Ye and Rosiana walked down the gangway one after the other.

Rosiana's parents were already standing under the gangway with smiles on their faces, welcoming the two of them.

With a cheer , Rosiana crossed Wang Ye and gave her mother a big hug. The mother and daughter pressed their cheeks together, and it could be seen that the mother-daughter relationship was still very good.

And Rosiana's father, with a smile on his face, stretched out his hands to Wang Ye.

"Speaker Mikhail, welcome to Petersburg!"

Wang Ye also stretched out his hands, held him tightly, and responded with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry for my uncle and aunt, I often hear Rosiana mention you and say that you have a lot of research on economics. I hope this time you can do it. Ask you some questions."

Rosiana's father does not have a business or official career.

Instead he taught at Petersburg University, professor of economics.

So Wang Ye's remarks are not flattering, but sincere.

(end of this chapter)