Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 697

Chapter 697

Chapter 697 The Speaker's Favor

After the conference, Wang Yegang planned to go back to his office, but was stopped by Grezlov.

"Misha, come to my office to sit down, I haven't chatted for a long time." Grezlov said with a smile on his face.

Wang Ye thought about it, and he had nothing urgent to do, so he nodded.

After arriving at Grezlov's office, the two sat down on the sofa, the assistant brought two cups of steaming coffee, and then backed out.

After taking a sip from the coffee cup, Grezlov said, "I heard that your business in Krimi is doing very well, and it is developing very well there. Hey, I went to Yalta more than ten years ago, It was still very lively there at the time, and in a blink of an eye more than ten years have passed, and things are different."

Wang Ye responded with a smile: "It's alright, the investment is quite a lot, but the return will not be very high in a short time. It is a long-term business there, and I hope in the future. Yalta and Simferopol are really good, and the whole The city with the best environment and climate in Eastern Europe has a good foundation for the development of tourism.

In fact, Wang Ye was a little puzzled, why Grezlov suddenly mentioned the matter of Krimi.

I set up an investment company in Krimi, and invested tens of billions of dollars. This incident was not publicized.

If you don't pay special attention to the Crimea, you generally don't know about it.

Of course, Grezlov is the Speaker of the Duma and has high authority, so it is impossible to hide this kind of thing from him.

But he should have known it long ago, why did he suddenly mention it today?

After pondering for a while, it seemed a little hard to explain, and Grezlov took another sip of coffee.

In the end, he said, "It's like this, I have a son, and I do a little business myself. Well, I'm engaged in real estate development, and I also have several real estate projects in Moscow. He told me a few days ago that he liked it too. The development prospects of Kerimi, I want to invest there. But now Kerimi, you have the final say, and the land with a better location is in the hands of your Kerimi Investment Company, so..."

So what, Grezlov did not continue.

But Wang Ye also understood.

is nothing more than wanting to take a few pieces of land from your own hands, it is best to give a appropriate discount to the price.

Unexpectedly, the Crimean Peninsula has not improved much, and someone has already been eyeing this cake.

This is also normal. It is estimated that Grezlov's son is also unable to use his fists in Moscow. His father is the speaker, which is an advantage, but also a disadvantage.

After all, you still have to pay attention to the impact!

Grezlov is a person who loves face very much, and usually creates his "clean and fair" character.

If there is any scandal because of his son's business, he will not be able to show his face, so he should have a lot of restraints on his son.

But if you go to the Crimea for development, it will be considered a "foreign country", and naturally there will be fewer constraints.

After figured this out, Wang Ye knew how to deal with it.

It is no exaggeration to say that on the Crimean Peninsula, half of Simferopol and most of Yalta belong to the Crimean Investment Company, that is, Wangye!

Grezlov said that the current Crimei, Wang Ye has the final say, that is not an exaggeration at all.

In the council there, Agelina is the vice-chairman.

And Natalia, the great prosecutor!

There are two of the so-called three powers that are mastered by Wangye.

These are not really important. What is more important is that with the full expansion of the business of the Kitty Eagle Group and the Crimean Investment Company, most of the residents of the Crimea Peninsula are now working for Wangye...

It can be said that Wang Ye is everyone's "invisible boss"!

These things, Grizlov must also know.

So when his son wanted to go to Krimi for development, he came to say hello to Wangye as soon as possible.

He knew that only after obtaining the consent of Wang Ye, his son could go to other people's land to eat and eat, otherwise, he would die without knowing how to die!

"Haha, if Kerimi wants to develop, I can't rely on me alone. All legitimate investors are welcome there. Let's work together to develop the local industry, invest together, and make profits together. It's a good thing, of course I have no opinion." Wang Ye replied with a hearty smile.

He really thought so.

But he also "reminds" that the premise of investing is to be "legal"!

Don't think about any privileges, and take advantage of opportunities to speculate when you go there. If that's the case, you're not welcome.

Of course, Grezlov also understood what Wang Ye meant, and immediately responded: "This is no problem, my kid's construction company is still very formal, I went to see the real estate developed by them, and it was built beautifully, even in Moscow. Little famous."

In a few words, the two settled the matter.

Grezlov's son also received a "ticket" to invest in the development of the Crimean Peninsula.

Wang Ye didn't boast that he wanted to help and take care of anything, but since he nodded and agreed to let Grezlov's son go there, he implicitly assumed a responsibility.

That is to "cover" Grezlov's son.

As long as the other party conducts business in an orderly manner, Wang Ye must ensure that he will not be disturbed and not embarrassed by the local forces.

Of course, this is also a favor.

The favors owed by the son are naturally repaid by Laozi.

Grezlov will also write down Wang Ye's favor today, and he will give it back when there is a chance in the future.

In the final analysis, this is also a kind of resource replacement!

The higher the position, the greater the power, the more and more important the resources in the hands.

The more things can be used to replace with people.

There are many things that are incomparable to the sky in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of big men like Wang Ye and Grezlov, they are nothing at all.

After returning to his office, Wang Ye called Ajielina.

Briefly explained the things that Grezlov had entrusted to him, and also asked Agelina to take care of him.

After talking about the business, when Wang Ye was about to hang up the phone, Ajielina suddenly said, "I will go to Moscow in a few days."

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked: "Didn't you say that you were very busy recently and didn't have time to rest? Are you not that busy now?"

"It's not a break. It's an exchange project organized by our parliament. I will lead the team to exchange with your Duma for a few days and learn your experience. This matter is just sent the application documents, you shouldn't have it yet. You know, but I don't think your Duma will refuse." Ajeelina said playfully.

How could this be rejected!

For the public and private, Wang Ye, the deputy speaker, agrees with both hands.

Not only should the two parliaments communicate well, he and Ajielina, the two vice-speakers, should communicate in private

(end of this chapter)