Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Chapter 554 The old classmate is here

This is the Nth time Wang Ye has tried to persuade Hovchenko.

Whether it's a side-by-side or a direct expression, he just doesn't want Hovchenko to enter politics...

is both for himself and for Hovchenko.

Obviously, Khovchenko can also understand the meaning of Wang Ye's words.

He smiled and said meaningfully:

"Don't worry, I've been planning for so long, and I haven't retired yet, I'm just waiting for an opportunity!

When the time comes, don't worry about affecting your relationship with some people.

Because they are unable to protect themselves, they will ask you instead.

Think about it, is it better for your friend to sit in that position, or is it better for you to sit in that position for your uncle? "

Wang Ye was dumbfounded, his uncle is really confident!

If what Hovchenko said can come true, then Wang Ye certainly can't ask for it!

My own "uncle" controls the Kremlin, so wouldn't I be able to walk sideways in the Damao territory in the future?

No, it's not limited to Da Mao, it should be the whole of Europe, you can walk sideways!

But the question is, Wang Ye knows whose "world" will be in the next twenty years...

secretly sighed, he couldn't persuade Khofchenko any more, some things, it's not good to say too much.

Now that Khovchenko is so confident, let him try it.

At least he should have a certain ability by then, help him clean up the mess...

After finishing the oil and gas pipeline, Wang Ye can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, I was almost always spinning, I was so busy, I didn't even have time to rest.

Just in time, my old classmate Zhang Xiaoxi will come here for a tour in a few days. Wang Ye can take a good rest while he is with her.

On June 28, the domestic capital airport.

The International Departure Hall is crowded with people, and this year is the boom of going abroad.

Many people also have money in their hands, especially many who study abroad and travel.

"Everyone follow me, don't fall behind, line up, and tell me if you have anything..." A team leader wearing a red baseball cap and holding a small flag in his hand was traveling with him Team members explain the precautions.

Such tours are common at airports.

When you travel abroad, you must go with a group. After all, most people are going abroad for the first time.

Going to a strange country, unfamiliar with the place, and can't even speak the language.

definitely dare not walk alone...

Besides, even if you want to go out alone, you probably don't know how to get a visa!

This tour group is traveling to Russia, and Zhang Xiaoxi is also one of them...

She has already finished her exams and is on vacation. She left the capital directly and flew to Moscow Airport as the first stop.

Then start the half-month journey.

This tour group is not small, there are thirty or forty people, but there are not many people like Zhang Xiaoxi alone.

Most of the others are family units.

It is either a husband and wife, or a parent with a child.

We also just gathered at the travel agency today, and we are not familiar with each other.

Under the leadership of the team leader, everyone lined up for security check, customs clearance, and waiting...

After waiting to get on the plane, Zhang Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief.

She is also the first time to go abroad, and even this is her first time to fly...

Although the family conditions are good, in those years, the small inland town where she lived had no habit of going out to travel.

In addition, her parents are very busy with work, even if Zhang Xiaoxi is on winter and summer vacation, her parents don't have time to take her out to play.

And the Central Plains Province is not very far from the capital, so Zhang Xiaoxi went to study by train.

It is very cheap to buy student tickets by train...

Curiously looked at the layout of the cabin, Zhang Xiaoxi felt that everything was very fresh.

Although this is only economy class, the space is small and the seats are crowded.

But definitely more comfortable than a seat on a train.

"Little girl, are you traveling alone?"

Just as Zhang Xiaoxi was looking around, a middle-aged woman in the seat next to her asked curiously.

This is also a member of the same tour group. When the middle-aged woman and her husband were lining up to board the plane just now, the middle-aged woman and her husband were in front of Zhang Xiaoxi, so Zhang Xiaoxi still had some impressions.

"Yes, it's summer vacation, let's go out to play." Zhang Xiaoxi replied with a smile.

The middle-aged woman was amazed, "Hey, then you are amazing, you dare to go abroad to play at such a young age. Your parents are also at ease. If my child is my child, I would never let him go abroad to play alone. By the way. , depending on your age, or... a high school student?"

Zhang Xiaoxi looks younger.

Eh, it should be said that the face is relatively tender, and some parts of the body are not fully developed...

Zhang Xiaoxi pursed his lips and smiled, and said a little embarrassedly, "No, I'm a sophomore this year."

The middle-aged woman suddenly made a fuss, pulled her husband's arm, and said cheerfully: "Old Hu, look at this little girl, she's a sophomore, and she's still traveling abroad alone. The stinky boy is stronger."

"Oh right, little girl, you should be studying in the capital, which university? Let me tell you, my boy just graduated from BFSU last year and went to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! He is now the ambassador to Russia. The fourth secretary of the museum, we also want to stop by and see him on this trip."

Speaking of her son, this middle-aged woman was full of pride.

Also, to be able to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that is indeed a godsend!

Zhang Xiaoxi hesitated for a while, but answered honestly: " at Tsinghua University."

The middle-aged woman looked at Zhang Xiaoxi in astonishment, feeling that this girl should not be bragging...

"Tsinghua University..., that school is really good. But university is just a stepping stone. What kind of job can you find after graduation is the key. Where is your hometown? It doesn't sound like you are from the capital."

"It's from the Central Plains Province." Zhang Xiaoxi replied.

A smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged woman, and it seemed that she had pulled back a round...

She pretended to be concerned and said: "Oh, then I have to talk to you. Although you are only a sophomore, you are graduating very quickly. After you graduate, you must find a way to stay and work in the capital. The most important thing is Yes, it is to solve the hukou problem! Only those who work in those state units can get hukou..."

She told Zhang Xiaoxi that she didn't think it was enough to get admitted to Tsinghua University.

This is the beginning. In the future, after graduation, whether you can solve the capital account, whether you can stay in the capital to work, and whether you can enter a good unit, that is more important!

Zhang Xiaoxi didn't know how to respond. After all, she didn't understand these things either...

(end of this chapter)