Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553 The top three of the rich list

Wang Ye was speechless, and the other directors nodded in approval.

"Yes, Mikhail has indeed made outstanding contributions to the group, and it is not an exaggeration to reward him with 5% of the shares."

"Our company's market value has indeed skyrocketed recently. This is all due to Misha."

"The president is really generous, Mikhail, your uncle is too good to say anything to you!"

"If the president retires one day, I think only Misha can take over this position, and I don't approve of anyone else!"

Everyone praised Hovchenko and Wang Ye. Anyway, you don't need to spend money to say good things

If they really asked them to take out shares to reward Wangye, it is estimated that they would not say so.

Looking at Hovchenko's kind smile, Wang Ye was also a little excited.

This "uncle" in name is really nothing to say about himself.

Perhaps at the beginning, Hovchenko did not necessarily "use" his own ideas.

But over time, after Wang Ye showed his amazing talent, Hovchenko's attitude towards Wang Ye began to change.

Not only did he not do anything detrimental to Wang Ye, but he also greatly helped Wang Ye in many things!

Not to mention, the money lent to Wang Ye has nearly two billion dollars!

Without this uncle with strong financial resources, many things Wang Ye would not be able to do at all.

In addition, those high-level contacts that Wang Ye made friends with, at the beginning, why didn't they treat him so politely because of Khovchenko's face...

For example, Abu, Geblev et al.

Without this "pro-uncle", Wang Ye wouldn't be able to get in touch with these people at all!

Of course, the reason why those people are willing to help Wang Ye later has a lot to do with Wang Ye himself, not just because he is Hovchenko's "nephew".

How to say, Wang Ye can achieve the current achievements, of course, personal ability and hard work are important factors.

But Hovchenko did provide him with a big enough stage, and also gave him a lot of help in the back.

The two complement each other and are indispensable!

"Then... thank you uncle." In the end, Wang Ye did not refuse any more and accepted the huge reward.

"Haha, that's right! It's just a little share, it's nothing. In the future, your career will be much more than that. We don't need to see the outside world between our uncles and nephews." Hovchenko laughed heartily.

Wangye did not know about the share structure of Yukos Group before. At today's board of directors, because of the transfer of shares, Hovchenko explained it to him.

Yukos Group is not a simple company.

This is a veritable giant of the energy industry!

After acquiring Siberia Oil Company, it has become the largest oil company in Russia, accounting for 80% of the country's oil production and 50% of its export volume!

The reason why the export sales volume is so much lower than the extraction volume is because part of it is sold to the state-owned oil companies, who refine it and sell it domestically, or re-export it.

How to say, this can be considered as a "protection fee"...

But even so, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Yukos Group is the dominant one.

The shares of the group company, Hofchenko personally and the offshore companies he controls account for 65%!

Of course, he is also the largest shareholder of the group, chairman and president of the company.

Gazprom, which controls 20% of Yukos Group's shares, is the second largest shareholder.

The remaining 15% is controlled by several Russian domestic and European and American funds, which are all minority shareholders.

After Hovchenko personally agreed to transfer 5% of Wangye's shares, he still controls 60% of the group's shares and is still the largest shareholder with absolute control.

Gazprom is still 20% of the shares and the second largest shareholder.

But Wangye, with an exclusive 5% stake, became the third largest shareholder of the group!

At that time, he was not only a nominal director, but a real major shareholder of the company!

Hovchenko should have been prepared long ago, and called his assistant and the group's legal advisor on the spot.

took out the prepared share transfer agreement and asked Wangye to sign it.

In this agreement, it is clearly stated that Hovchenko will transfer 5% of the Yukos Group shares he personally holds to Mikhail at the price of "US$1"!

Wang Ye picked up a signature pen and seriously signed his name on the agreement, Mikhail

These letters are worth billions of dollars!

After signing the signature, Hovchenko said with a smile: "Okay, just leave the rest to the legal affairs, congratulations to Misha. If there is another rich list this year, it is estimated that you can enter... the top three. Well! Maybe even second."

Who is the first? It goes without saying that other than Hofchenko, don't even think about it!

But the second place, this is not easy to say.

In last year, Abu ranked second.

Wangye barely made it to the top ten at that time.

But speaking of which, Wang Ye didn't have a very clear idea of how much he was worth.

Because none of his companies are listed, it is difficult to value them.

But in any case, even without the 5% Yukos Group shares, and only those companies of Wangye, his net worth is more than five billion dollars.

There is no problem with entering the top ten.

After adding this 5% of Yukos Group shares this year, Wangye's net worth will exceed 10 billion US dollars!

Go straight to the top 3 of Russia's richest list, and even have a chance to sit on the second throne!

Of course, there are a lot of invisible rich people here. If others don't say it, even Abu, his real net worth is far from what is shown on the rich list

After the board meeting, the directors took their leave.

Wang Ye stayed and followed Hovchenko to his office to continue drinking coffee and chatting.

After sitting on the sofa, the assistant brought the two of them fragrant coffee, and then backed out.

There were only two people left in the spacious office.

Wang Ye took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette, and did not hand it to Khovchenko.

Because he knew that Hovchenko basically did not smoke, and occasionally smoked a cigar.

But Wang Ye doesn't like smoking cigars yet, maybe he feels that he is not old enough...

"Uncle, there's no need to give me so many shares. Besides, I always feel that it is most suitable for you to be in charge of the Yukos Group. I have a lot of **** on my side, and I simply don't have enough energy to manage such a large group. ."

The blue smoke covered Wang Ye's face, making it impossible to see through his mind.

He is not being modest, but speaking the truth!

Yukos Group is different from other companies. This company is too huge!

Just look at how busy Hovchenko is every day

(end of this chapter)