Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

The middle-aged woman talked for a long time, but Zhang Xiaoxi didn't respond when she saw Zhang Xiaoxi's confused expression.

She finally sees the poor dagger and said with a smile:

"When you get to Moscow, go meet my boy with your auntie, you young people will get to know each other, maybe you will get along very well.

Auntie secretly told you that the easiest and most convenient way to get a capital hukou is to find a native of the capital to marry!

That's great, since you can get a household registration, you don't need to worry about the house.

Now the housing prices in the capital are extremely high, and it costs thousands of dollars per flat. How can you young people afford it!

My family doesn't have to worry about this, there are two houses.

There is a new house in the third ring road, which is prepared for my son's marriage! "

It turned out that she was going to help her son on a "blind date". She liked Zhang Xiaoxi and wanted to match the two.

It's no wonder, after all, Zhang Xiaoxi is quite handsome, and he is a top student at Tsinghua University!

Although she is a "countryman", her family can let her travel abroad alone, which shows that the family conditions are quite good.

After a few chats with Zhang Xiaoxi, this middle-aged woman has already figured out Zhang Xiaoxi's basic situation...

Zhang Xiaoxi is not stupid, of course she understood what the middle-aged woman meant.

A blush appeared on his face, and he was a little flustered for a while.

hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Thank you Auntie, but... no need. I'm only a sophomore, and I don't want to think about those things..."

The middle-aged woman still chased after him and said, "Oh, it's alright, let's have a meal together. We are all part of a tour group, so you don't have to worry about anything else. Say you are traveling alone, When I got there, I didn't know anyone."

Zhang Xiaoxi pursed his lips and smiled, and said helplessly: "I really don't have time. After I got there, I wanted to talk to the team leader to see an old classmate of mine who is studying in Moscow now."

The middle-aged woman opened her mouth slightly, as if she was a little surprised.

She thought about it, patted her thigh, and sighed with pity:

"Oh, you said that you are a top student from Tsinghua University, so don't continue to mix with those unpromising people.

My son told me that if you study there, you don't need to say anything about your academic performance. It's not much better. Basically, you can't go to college in China before you pass the exam.

In addition, the tuition fees there are very cheap, so the family conditions for studying there will not be good..."

She belittled the international students over there, it was from the bottom of her heart and she looked down on it.

Zhang Xiaoxi is actually a little impatient at this meeting. She feels that there is something wrong with this woman...

But she has a good education, plus her age is there, and she is part of a tour group, so she can't say anything unpleasant.

could only yawn on purpose, and said apologetically, "I didn't sleep well last night, I'll be sleepy, I'll sleep for a while."

After saying that, he leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.

The middle-aged woman had no choice but to turn her head to chat with her old man, but she obviously had no intention of giving up.

It takes about seven hours to fly directly from the capital to Moscow, although the distance is not very far.

Zhang Xiaoxi fell asleep in a daze, and had a dream in the middle.

I don't know what I dreamed about, anyway, I blushed for a while and the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, looking very happy...

When she was woken up, it was time to eat in the middle.

They are on Air China. On such an international flight, the in-flight meals are still good.

Of course, I was in economy class, even if it was good, it was not much better.

I ate and slept, slept and ate, and quickly got through a few hours.

"It's coming, it's coming, it should be in the afternoon in Moscow, I don't know if it's snowing there. But at this time, it shouldn't be falling..." The middle-aged woman next to her said excitedly.

Across the window, Zhang Xiaoxi glanced down, the plane had already arrived over Moscow.

Looking down from above, you can only see a large lush forest, and in the forest, there are some buildings scattered.

The city of Moscow, known as the "city in the forest", is not a vain name.

Especially in the suburbs, it is full of large forests!

At that time, most of the cities in the country were quite poorly green. Even in the capital, the streets were bare everywhere, and green was rarely seen.

The contrast of is more obvious.

The plane landed, and everyone, under the leadership of the team leader, got off the plane one by one, picked up luggage, and prepared to leave the customs...

It is quite conspicuous that dozens of them gather together, especially the leader holds a small flag in his hand, which looks like a tour group.

ignorantly followed the team forward, queuing up to check passports and visas.

After passing this level, it will be regarded as a real step on the land of Moscow.

But, at this moment, an accident happened...

Zhang Xiaoxi saw two uniformed airport security personnel, walked over here quickly, and said a lot to the team leader.

She didn't understand a sentence...

This is normal, after all she doesn't know Russian.

But looking at the face of the team leader, it seems a little unsightly.

frowned, the team leader and the two uniformed men were hurriedly exchanging something.

It seems that the communication is not pleasant.

In the end, a staff member in uniform showed an angry look on his face, shouted a few words at the leader, and waved his hand suddenly.

The leader stopped saying anything, but turned his head and looked at everyone.

"What's the matter, what is that person talking about?"

"Is there any trouble? That old Maozi doesn't seem to be good at talking, so rude!"

"I heard that the old Maozi here are very greedy, and they have to tip when they leave the customs, otherwise they will cause you trouble."

"Yes, I heard about it before I came here, especially the Mao police here, who are very bad!"...

Everyone was a little nervous in their hearts, and asked in a row.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoxi's heart murmured a little, she prayed to herself that nothing would happen...

The leader hesitated again and again, but still said to everyone: "It was the airport staff just now, saying that they suspected that we were carrying excess foreign exchange and contraband, and we need everyone to go to the back to check one by one."

Lao Maozi here has a rule that when foreigners come over, the foreign exchange they carry with them cannot exceed 2,000 US dollars.

And it must be filled in a form truthfully before going out of the customs, it is a report.

But this kind of regulation is generally not taken seriously.

When Wang Ye and the others came over, everyone brought several thousand dollars in cash, and the airport staff did not check.

But this kind of thing, if the other party is not serious, it will be fine, but if it is serious, it will be more troublesome...

Zhang Xiaoxi and the others have filled out all the forms. According to what the team leader said, everyone only wrote that they brought five hundred dollars.

Of course, some people bring more cash than this, and they are all over the limit...

(end of this chapter)