Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552 Giving Too Much

Walked into the familiar top-floor conference room of Yukos headquarters again, and all the directors stood up and applauded!

Wang Ye walked in with a smile and nodded to everyone.

This is the first time he has received such a welcome?

Second or third time?

Wang Ye can't remember.

It was probably the first time that he helped the group solve the oil field in Siberia.

But at that time, he was only holding the title of special assistant to the president.

For the second time, I got the $300 billion deal of the century by myself, and returned triumphantly!

Hovchenko deliberately convened the board of directors and announced that he had become the new director.

This is the third time.

Help the group solve extremely difficult troubles!

"It's so beautiful! Misha, as long as you come out, there will be no trouble that can't be solved."

Hovchenko embraced Wang Ye's shoulders with a smile on his face, his expression a little proud.

At this moment, maybe he really regarded Wang Ye as his own nephew!

It's also possible that Hovchenko was proud of his vision. He just recognized a "nephew" and found such a lucky general. He was a genius!

The several troubles the group encountered before and after may have been resolved in the end if there was no Wangye.

But what is certain is that the solution should not be as beautiful and clean as Wang Ye's work!

After receiving everyone's congratulations and praise, they took their seats and the board of directors began.

This meeting, of course, is also related to the regular Duma meeting that just ended yesterday, because Wang Ye proposed a new pipeline plan on the Duma side.

"Everyone should know about the new plan that Misha proposed yesterday. In fact, it is no different from the original Anda line. It's just an extra branch pipeline..." Hovchenko briefly explained the matter.

All the board members present smiled and gave Wang Ye a thumbs up.

"Misha, your plan is really perfect! The other party suffered a dumb loss, but he couldn't say it, ahaha."

"Indeed, the reasons they originally used to attack our group are useless. I would like to see if they can come up with any new reasons."

"This is Misha, my brain is really spinning fast, why didn't I think of such a plan."

"I think the small book side is definitely not willing to pay this money. The purpose of the Anna line they proposed is not so simple. It is not only for importing our oil and gas resources, but more for trapping others."...

Among the directors, there are still some people who can clearly see the international situation, and they point out the true intention of the small book in one sentence.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with the Yukos Group.

The Group does business honestly, digs oil and sells oil, whoever is willing to buy it and whoever pays more, then sell it to whomever, it's that simple!

The reason why he is angry with his own country this time and does not want to cooperate with them.

The most fundamental thing is that the Chinese side has shown sincerity, very sincere!

A $300 billion contract...

As for this country, although it promised to pay in advance to repair the pipeline, it did not promise how much oil and gas resources to purchase.

In other words, when the pipeline is repaired, it is still unknown whether the country will buy oil or not, and how much!

What's even more extreme is that the big contract of 300 billion is almost yellowed by them...

The Yukos Group is naturally not happy!

"Okay, this should be the end of it.

I got the news that the Kremlin has already nodded and said that it will be implemented according to my new pipeline plan.

Because the Chinese side has happily agreed to advance the pipeline construction cost of more than 10 billion dollars, the original Anda Line continues to execute as planned.

As for the Japanese side, there is no reply yet, so let's talk about the branch pipeline, and then consider it when they pay for it

Wang Ye said calmly.

Geblev called him again last night to talk about this matter.

According to Geblev, Mr. Puding is very satisfied with Wang Ye's new plan, and believes that the plan is clear, beneficial to all parties, and will not offend any party.

So, procedurally, this solution will not have any obstacles.

Just let Wang Ye prepare for the next step.

Although the Ministry of Energy is not under the direct jurisdiction of the Kremlin, since the Kremlin has made a statement, there will be no sudden change in the matter.

After all, the Ministry of Energy doesn't have the guts to go against the Kremlin

Kovchenko nodded, turned his head to look at Wang Ye, and said with a smile: "This time, when the group was in danger, Misha came forward again and helped the group solve this big problem. Therefore, just verbal praise is unreasonable. I propose that the group should give Misha a certain share incentive!"

This is real!

Equity incentives!

Don't forget, this is the Yukos Group, one of the largest oil companies in Russia and the world!

Reward a little stake at will, that is astronomical.

Some directors nodded in agreement, while others had hesitant expressions on their faces.

After all, it gave Wangye shares incentives, which also means that everyone's share of shares will be smaller...

is equivalent to taking out the money in his pocket and giving it to Wang Ye, which is a bit hard to accept.

Hovchenko looked at everyone's expressions and said simply: "Don't think about it so much, this time the share incentives are all from my personal shares. I will agree to transfer to Misha, 5% of the group's shares. Now It's just to inform everyone, and no comments are required from everyone."

Indeed, his own shares are naturally given to whomever he wants!

Although Khovchenko said this a little rudely, the directors in the conference room didn't care at all, and there were genuine smiles on everyone's faces.

Just kidding, everyone doesn't need to pay for it now, and Kovchenko paid it all by himself, so who can be unhappy!

Wang Ye was a little surprised, he hesitated: "President, this is a bit... too much!"

The 5% stake in Yukos Group is estimated to be worth several billion dollars...

is indeed a bit too much, and Wang Ye did not expect that Hofchenko would be so generous, and he would give himself so many shares at once!

Hovchenko smiled and said kindly:

"Actually, it's not much for your contribution to the group.

A very simple truth. Before signing the 300 billion contract, the Yukos Group may have a market value of about 30 billion US dollars.

But after signing the contract and finally implementing it, Yukos has a market value of at least 100 billion dollars!

Although my shares have decreased by 5%, the value of the remaining shares is still more than double what it was before!

That said, did I win or lose? "

(end of this chapter)