Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 516

Chapter 516

Chapter 516 Smells Danger

May 1st, Capital Airport.

It was still the special plane that came when it came, with the roar of the engine, soaring into the sky!

The whole trip of this overseas visit was over, and Wang Ye and the others went home.

In the executive cabin on the plane, Kasyanov had a bright smile on his face, and he was in a really good mood these two days.

This visit was a great success!

That oil and gas contract alone deserves a lot of bragging rights.

300 billion dollars...

As long as this contract can be successfully implemented, then Russia's fiscal revenue will have a substantial increase!

With money in hand, many plans that I originally wanted to do but could not do can be implemented.

turned his head to look at Wang Ye who was sitting next to him, Kasyanov was even more pleased, this guy is really good!

Not only has the ability to do things, but also knows how to be a person.

In an interview with a Russian reporter, Wang Ye said several times that the reason why the negotiation was successful this time was that the government headed by Kasyanov had made a lot of efforts and help.

He gave Kasyanov the credit.

Although Kasyanov didn't need to take the credit for this, it would still be of great benefit for Wang Ye to say so.

"Misha, after you go back, you Yukos will discuss with Gazprom as soon as possible, and submit a pipeline laying application. At that time, I will urge the relevant departments to speed up the approval. As long as there are no problems, it will be soon. I can pass." He said with a kind expression on his face.

Wang Ye nodded, "The group has formed a professional team and started to make a plan. But before, only oil transportation was considered, and natural gas was not considered. Now certain modifications need to be made..."

As Wang Ye said to Alexey last time, the signing of the contract is just the beginning.

There is still a lot of work to do!

No matter which link goes wrong, the contract cannot be implemented.

Hearing them discussing the pipe laying, Alexei also came over.

He said with a smile: "Actually, the National Pipeline Company has more experience in pipeline construction. The boss of the pipeline company called me last night and said that when we went back, he wanted to discuss with us that the three companies would cooperate to do this. thing."

Kasyanov raised his brows and said happily: "This is a good idea! If a pipeline company joins, this matter can be advanced faster."

But Wang Ye was a little hesitant.

He is not familiar with this so-called national pipeline company, but from the name, it should be a state-owned company.

With the participation of this company, it is naturally beneficial for pipeline laying, and it will be easier to apply for anything.

But the drawbacks are not without.

That is, people get involved, and naturally they are not here to be "volunteers", they must take away some of the profits!

If they don't have much appetite, it's okay, just pay according to market practice.

But what if they were greedy...

Plus that company has a state-owned background, Yukos Group will be more passive!

Perhaps seeing Wang Ye's concerns, Alexie said with a smile: "This matter is not urgent. After we go back, we will sit down and discuss it together. Let's see how the proportion of investment is calculated, how expenses are divided, and how profits are made. Distribution. These issues can all be discussed.

Kasyanov also agreed with him.

Wang Ye can only nod and say: "Well, let's talk about it after we go back, but I don't think I will be involved at that time. Yukos Group has senior executives who are responsible for these. You can just talk."

He "smells" trouble!

So I just got out and didn't care about what happened next.

Anyway, my mission has been completed, and the super big order has also been won. This is enough to give the group board a satisfactory explanation.

Those tedious things that follow, you can't let yourself do it.

Besides, I still have a lot of things at hand.

United Airlines Group, Krimi Investment Company, there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

By the way, this Kerimi Investment Company was specially established to cooperate with Wangye's ten-year ten billion investment plan in Kerimi.

There is no doubt that this is another large company controlled by Wangye.

In the next ten years, he will continue to invest huge sums of money in this company, thereby making the Crimean peninsula a big change!

Some time ago, this company has also officially started.

A large area of land on the Crimean Peninsula has also begun to go through procedures, and the property rights belong to this company.

After another six-hour long-distance flight, we successfully arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport.

After getting off the plane, the team that picked up the plane was already waiting on the tarmac.

Wang Ye's team did not come all over, led by Anton, only two cars came.

After all, in this case, it is better not to be too ostentatious...

After saying goodbye to Kasyanov, Alexei and others, Wang Ye took Nova and Irina into the car.

"Go back to Kitty Eagle Hotel. By the way, has anything happened these days?"

After Wang Ye finished his instructions, he closed his eyes and lay on the back of the chair to rest.

Anton started the vehicle and responded: "It's no big deal, oh, by the way, the warships we ordered by Wagner are ready to be delivered. Petrov also returned to Krimi, he knew that you were visiting abroad, so he Don't bother you. But he asked me to ask you, do you want to come over when the warship is delivered?"

Wang Ye closed his eyes and thought about it.

The delivery of this batch of warships is also a big event for Wagner.

Although I am very busy, it is best to make time to go there.

said: "Tell Petrov, the delivery schedule will be after the tenth, the ninth will attend the military parade, and there will be time to pass after the tenth."

Anton nodded, indicating that he had written it down and would pass it on to Petrov.

Before the car returned to the Kitty Eagle Hotel, Wang Ye received a call from Hovchenko.

"Misha, you should have arrived in Moscow, right? How are you, are you tired?"

Wang Ye cheered up and responded with a smile: "Fortunately, I slept on the plane, what's the matter, uncle?"

"If you are free, come to the headquarters of the group. We will hold a board of directors, and you will tell everyone about this cooperation. When you sign this big contract, it really scares everyone. Heaven, everyone is waiting for you to come back, there are many questions I want to ask you, haha..."

Hovchenko laughed heartily, and he could tell that he was quite happy.

What else can Wang Ye say? He can only cover his mobile phone and tell An Dong, "Turn around and go to the Yukos Group headquarters."

Then he said to the phone again: "Okay, I'll go right there."

(end of this chapter)