Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 517

Chapter 517

Chapter 517 Managing Director

When Wang Ye pushed open the door of the large conference room, all the directors inside stood up.

Under the leadership of Khovchenko, everyone looked at Wang Ye with smiles and applauded vigorously.

"Welcome to the triumphant return of our hero! Misha, you did a great job!"

said, Hovchenko stepped forward and gave Wang Ye a warm hug.

Everyone is so enthusiastic that Wang Ye is a little embarrassed...

But he deserves it!

After this cooperation agreement is won, as long as there are no major changes, Yukos Group will firmly occupy the dominant position in the Russian oil industry for the next 20 years!

Even in the global energy industry, it is one of the few giant companies!

After the welcome, Hovchenko took Wang Ye and sat down.

"Everyone knows that Misha has already negotiated the super big order during this visit! When the pipeline is laid, the crude oil exported to the east will account for more than 30% of our output! Moreover, this is a long-term contract. Twenty-five-year supply contract..."

Hofchenko said with a blushing face.

Everyone knows what he said, but even if you listen to it again, everyone in the room still feels emotional.

Because this also represents huge and stable profits!

How much more can you share each year...

"I propose that Mikhail be promoted to managing director, and he will fully preside over the work when I am not in the group in the future!" Hovchenko finally said solemnly.

This made Wang Ye a little surprised. "Director" and "Managing Director" are two different things!

Especially the second half of Khovchenko's sentence, when he was away, Wang Yelai would preside over the work of the group!

This is almost the process of slowly transferring the management of the group to Wangye.

In fact, Wang Ye is not in a hurry, he even hopes that this day will come a little slower!

Unfortunately, Hovchenko seems to be more anxious than him...

Wang Ye can't speak out against it, so he can only wear a shy smile on his face and watch everyone raise their hands to vote for this resolution.

As a reward to Wang Ye for completing this super large order, in addition to being promoted to "executive director", there are also corresponding equity incentives!

was also proposed by Hovchenko, which was approved by a show of hands.

granted Wangye Yukos Group a 3% stake, which will be exercised in three years.

In other words, if Wang Ye did not make a big mistake or left the Yukos Group within three years, the 3% stake would be firmly in his hands.

Don't think that 3% is a little too low, it depends on what company's shares it is.

Yukos Group This is a super giant!

Maybe this 3% stake is worth more than the entire New Sun Group!

Wang Ye got up and bowed to express his gratitude. When he got up, he no longer cared about equity incentives.

If he did a careful calculation, his current net worth should be as high as several billion dollars, and he didn't care about money for a long time.

Besides, Yukos Group is a "sweet pastry" in the eyes of others, but in Wang Ye's eyes, it is a "hot potato"...

There are many industries where you can make big money, and it is still very safe and secure, and there will be no sequelae.

Then why does he have to get into this "big trouble"!

You must know that the Kremlin has long been eyeing the energy industry and is already "sharpening".

In the future, whether it is oil or natural gas, it is a core industry related to national policy and must be controlled by the Kremlin.

In order to achieve this goal, they did not hesitate to use various means...

But these things can't be said to Hofchenko, Wang Ye can only take it slow, see the tricks.

If the situation is not good, then go to Geblev immediately and state your position...

After the board was over, the others dispersed, and Hovchenko took Wang Ye to his office.

The assistant brought two cups of coffee and left, leaving only the two of them in the room.

No one lit a cigarette in Khovchenko and Wang Ye, puffing up.

"By the way, I have always wanted to ask you, how on earth did you persuade the Chinese side to accept this contract. And it was so refreshing! You know, the oil and gas negotiation has been going on for many years, and many people have I have talked with the Chinese side, but it has never been discussed." Hovchenko asked with great interest.

This question has really bothered him for days.

Hovchenko was not without contact with the Chinese side, but the interest of the other side did not seem to be great at the time.

In the past two years, the international energy market has been oversupplied, and prices have continued to fall.

Secondly, if you want to transport oil from Russia to China, the transportation method is more troublesome and the transportation cost is relatively high.

And there are plenty of high-quality and cheap oil in the Middle East to choose from, there is no need for China to buy Russian oil...

So there was no progress in his negotiations at that time.

But Wang Ye "going out", it took only a few days to get such a super big contract, and the other party agreed so readily and simply, it's really abnormal!

Could it really be because of Wang Ye's true identity that played a role?

Hovchenko doesn't think so, because even if Wang Ye's real identity is Chinese, the Chinese side has a natural goodwill and trust in him.

But this is a contract worth hundreds of billions of dollars...

Not to mention that Wang Ye is just an ordinary college student in the eyes of the Chinese side, even if he is the son of so-and-so, the Chinese side would not have given him such a big contract so readily!

Hovchenko is not so naive.

Wang Ye smiled, spit out a standard smoke ring, and said calmly: "Actually, it's very simple, I'll tell the Chinese personnel that if an industrial power has only one energy lifeline, in case something happens If someone gets stuck, what will be the consequences!"

This sentence is a bit esoteric, and Hovchenko frowned and thought about it for a long time while holding the cigarette butt.

After a while, he asked hesitantly, "You mean..."

Obviously he has not grasped the key point.

Wang Ye reminded: "The lifeline at sea, a certain Rokko Strait!"

Khovchenko finally reacted at this time, his eyes widened suddenly, and he blurted out a bit incredulously: "How is that possible... Now is the era of international free trade, it won't happen like that!"

Wang Ye smiled and shook his head, and said in a meaningful way:

"You all think of some countries too well!

This world is never peaceful, there will always be conflicts and accidents.

In addition, oil and gas resources are never just commodities, but also strategic resources.

A strategic resource related to national security! "

Hovchenko was silent, obviously Wang Ye's words made him realize.

The reason why Wang Ye could negotiate the cooperation that he could not negotiate on his own was able to negotiate it.

is because the pattern and starting point of the two people are different...

(end of this chapter)