Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Chapter 515 No mess

Hearing this, Wang Xueqing was a little dazed.

She understood that since Wang Ye said he was going to attend the military parade, it was definitely not as simple as watching on the street...

is to appear on the reviewing stand as the main or even core personnel of the ceremony!

Think about it, what kind of status are those who stand on the "city gate" and wave to everyone during similar events in China!

"Then... congratulations, this is really important."

After a while, she said with an envious tone.

Wang Xueqing secretly sighed in her heart, would she still have a chance in her life to stand in such a place to watch the military parade like Wang Ye did...

Obviously this is too difficult!

Everyone is young, Wang Ye is even younger than his own age, how could he achieve this step.

Sure enough, people and people are incomparable!

"By the way, the photos taken at the signing ceremony today..." Wang Ye thought of another thing.

Today, he is one of the protagonists. He must have been photographed by many reporters, and the camera has been facing the stage.

If the news is published and people who are familiar with him see it, wouldn't it be trouble again...

Wang Xueqing nodded knowingly, "Don't worry, everything will be processed. The photos will only be in the long-range, and the pictures taken by the camera will not give you close-ups. It is impossible for others to recognize you through the news."

The internet is not that developed these days.

Although there are many news portals on the Internet, most of the main channels to get news are still TV and newspapers.

With the clarity on TV and newspapers, it is indeed quite difficult to see a person clearly through a long-range lens.

After returning to the State Guest House where he was staying, Wang Xueqing also followed Wang Ye upstairs.

Because there are still some things that need to be conveyed to Wangye through her.

Wang Ye made an excuse to let Nova and Irina go to the restaurant to eat first, while he took Wang Xueqing back to the room.

Looking at the backs of Wang Ye and Wang Xueqing, Nova murmured a little.

She couldn't hold it anymore, so she whispered to Elena: "You said...they two went back to the room, what did they do..."

Irina smiled and said nonchalantly: "You can do anything, he is the boss, we are subordinates, naturally it is not our turn to take care of the boss's private affairs."

Nova was speechless, she couldn't tell Elena that she was Wang Ye's "little sister-in-law"...

According to his identity, he should help his sister to "supervise" Wang Ye, and not let him mess around outside.

But she was a little afraid...

After all, the status of this "brother-in-law" is not ordinary!

Especially after she became Wang Ye's assistant, she had a better understanding of this "brother-in-law", and she now understands Wang Ye's current "weight"!

In fact, she was just thinking wildly, Wang Ye and Wang Xueqing definitely had something to mess with.

Back to the room, after closing the door, the two went to the living room sofa and sat down.

"Why, is there anything else in the organization to instruct me?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

Wang Xueqing responded seriously:

"It's not enough to ask that, after all, you are neither a party member nor trained in the organization, so there will be no requirements for you.

Just let me tell you the above, although in other respects, it is difficult for China to help you.

But if you are in domestic business, if you need it, the country will help you as much as possible.

Of course, we also welcome you to invest in your home country. You are also very familiar with the domestic situation. Over the years, the economy has developed rapidly and it can be said to be booming

These words of hers are quite heartfelt.

did not make any request to Wang Ye, but offered him some help.

We also welcome Wang Ye to return to China to invest...

After listening to Wang Ye, he felt quite comfortable.

This is what it feels like to be respected!

nodded, and Wang Ye also said seriously: "I understand that although I developed abroad, I was born and raised in China after all, and I will never forget my roots."

He didn't promise anything, and he didn't have any rhetoric, because it wasn't necessary.

At the critical moment, perhaps because of his existence, he can help the country!

Obviously, Wang Xueqing was very satisfied with Wang Ye's reply.

A bright smile appeared on her face, "Then I won't disturb your rest. My mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day. If you need help with anything in China, please call me at any time!"

Obviously, she is equivalent to the "liaison person" between the domestic and Wangye.

It is not easy for people at the top to come forward and communicate directly with Wang Ye, and it is easy to attract the attention of others.

Wang Xueqing's identity is very suitable.

Young and beautiful girl, because of this opportunity to serve as Wang Ye's "translator", the two developed a deep "friendship", and it is normal for them to contact occasionally in the future...

When Nova and Elena came back to the room, Wang Xueqing had already left.

Wang Ye is sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette, holding a document in his hand.

In his hand is the "Sino-Russian Oil and Gas Cooperation Memorandum" signed today, a huge volume.

"Boss, are we going back tomorrow, then I'll pack everything up today." Elena said.

Wang Ye nodded, closed the document in his hand, and said with a smile: "You guys come here, I've been busy with work these days, and I haven't brought you guys out to play. It's still early, I'll give you a vacation, you guys Go out for a walk, have fun, and don't come back too late at night."

When he spoke, Nova was secretly looking at the room, and pretended to casually walked to the master bedroom door and glanced inside.


Seeing that the quilts on the bed were neatly arranged and not messy at all, she finally felt relieved.

It's okay, my "brother-in-law" didn't mess around...

Irina was a little moved by Wang Ye's suggestion. She looked at Nova and asked with a smile, "How's it going, let's go out for a walk?"

After all, they are all young girls, and they are at the age where they like to play. After finally coming to a foreign country, of course I want to go out and see.

Of course Nova would not object, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, I've been passing by the Forbidden City in the past two days. It seems to be very beautiful. It is said that there is a big shopping mall next to it. Let's go there and play."

But when it comes to shopping at the mall, Elena thought of a question.

"But... we don't have RMB, and we don't know where to exchange foreign currency."

They came with the group and basically didn't need to spend their own money, so they didn't bring any money.

Even if you bring it, it's still rubles and dollars. In Moscow, foreign exchange can be exchanged everywhere, but in the capital, it is not easy to exchange foreign exchange.

But this matter is easy to solve, Wang Ye said indifferently: "Swipe my card."

His credit card is not an ordinary card, it can be used all over the world, and there is no upper limit.

(end of this chapter)