Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 351

Chapter 351

Chapter 351 Prepare in advance

They all say "Three Caves of the Crafty Rabbit", the natural rank of the king's business for two generations is higher than that of the "Crafty Rabbit"...

So what he considers will be more comprehensive and longer term!

Now he is sandwiched between Khovchenko and the Kremlin. It can be said that he is "walking a tightrope". When there is no conflict between the two sides, he can naturally have both sides and mix well.

But looking at Hovchenko's appearance, it is estimated that there will be a "war" with the Kremlin sooner or later...

At that time, how should Wang Ye choose!

In other words, does he still have the right to choose...

Therefore, Wang Ye is also preparing his own way of retreat. If Russia can't get along, he must have a place to go.

It can even be said that he must have the "capital" that he can get, and negotiate with the emperor at a critical moment!

Looking and going, choosing and choosing, Wang Ye took a fancy to the Crimean Peninsula.

This place is very special!

If you plan well, you can do a lot in the future.

That's why Wang Ye went to make a "deal" with Krimmyshkov and paid a large amount of political donations in exchange for Natalia's attorney general and Ajielina's seat of parliament!

Of course, this is just the beginning, and there is still enough time for Wangye to deploy.

Hearing Wang Ye's invitation, Liu Jun was stunned.

He also knew something about the Xiaoying Group. He learned it from Ruan Xiaozhu and Nalan Yaqi.

In fact, Wang Ye did not deliberately hide from his friends. He felt that there was no need to tell everyone about some things for the time being. When the time is right, everyone can know that.

A study abroad agency, a large gaming entertainment center!

Even a fool knows which side is more promising...

And when Wang Ye came up, he promised the high position of general manager of the branch!

This means that he was in charge of the branch in the past, so the salary will definitely not be low.

Even if he didn't make it into this industry, Liu Jun also understands what the so-called gaming entertainment center does. This is definitely a cash cow!

"This... Of course I'm willing to go, but I'm afraid I'm inexperienced, don't screw it up for you..." He hesitated and replied with a wry smile.

Wang Ye waved his hand and said casually: "It's okay, Brother Liu, you probably don't know, that boy Song Xiaogang was sent to Petersburg by me, and he will also be in charge of the gambling center in Petersburg in the future. Are you not as good as him? Ha ha."

Actually, Liu Jun really knew about this, but he only knew that Song Xiaogang went to Petersburg to help Wang Ye to work, but he didn't know exactly what to do...

Originally, he and Song Xiaogang were quite familiar, but Song Xiaogang was very tight-lipped, and he would never say anything that shouldn't be said!

Now hearing what Wang Ye said, Liu Jun suddenly realized, no wonder that stinky boy Song Xiaogang couldn't study well, so he went to Petersburg with his girlfriend.

Just kidding, the general manager of a large gaming center!

What else do you study, even if you graduate with a doctorate, it is impossible to find such a good job!

Since Song Xiaogang dared to try it, why did he hesitate? He gritted his teeth, looked at Wang Ye, and said seriously: "Well, since you have already invited, if I don't agree, I'll be a bit hypocritical to be honest. I will do my best to help you look good there.

Wang Ye nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, a professional management team will be assigned to you at that time, you just need to keep an eye on it. As a leader, you only need to manage people, and leave the specific matters to the professionals. people to do it.

Then Liu Jun is relieved, he is also worried that he does not know how to manage the gaming center.

But you should think about it.

To be able to get a gaming license, I don't know how much Wang Ye paid, but thinking about it, I know it must be an astronomical figure!

It's impossible to mess around with such a big business. You must have found a professional management team long ago, and the reason why you let yourself be the general manager in the past.

Honestly, it's not because of how capable I am, but because of my friendship with Wang Ye...

When the two of them were talking, the three girls next to them were drinking tea and eating quietly, without interrupting at all.

Now that they had finished talking, Ruan Xiaozhu pouted and said, "Brother, you are too boring! Look, Song Xiaogang and Brother Liu have both become the general manager of a large gaming center, why didn't you expect your elder sister? Woolen cloth!"

What she said was half-truth, not only a joke, but also a little bit of blaming Wang Ye for forgetting her for something good...

Wang Ye laughed heartily: "Haha, how could I forget about you, elder sister. In this way, isn't Brother Liu better than the Crimean Peninsula, the Qingyun Company is no longer managed, and it just so happens that the company is also in the Alpha Hotel, and Huaxing Communication Company is next to it, you should take over that company too.

It's not that he can't trust Ruan Xiaozhu, he just thinks that this cousin is still young and needs to be "polished".

Besides, what's the hurry? In the future, her career will definitely be more than what it is now. Some important positions are waiting for her!

Ruan Xiaozhu is also very interesting. Hearing what Wang Ye said, he immediately turned his anger into joy and said with a smile, "It's not too bad! But you want to give me a raise!"

"Of course, if you manage two companies, you will naturally get two salaries." Wang Ye said casually.

Liu Jun and Ruan Xiaozhu were satisfied, but Nalan Yaqi pouted, she took Wang Ye's arm and said coquettishly, "What about me? All of them are general managers or something, and I don't have any title. ."

Wang Ye rolled his eyes, "You learn Russian first, then let's talk about it!"

This sentence blocked Nalan Yaqi...

Also, except for Nova who didn't speak, the others, including Wang Ye, spoke Russian very well.

Even Ruan Xiaozhu, the "worst" one, would have no problem communicating with Russians normally.

And Nalan Yaqi has only been in Russia for a year, and she really doesn't pay much attention to her studies, so at present her Russian level is good enough to go shopping and buy things, but when it comes to business, she can't understand it right away...

chirped for a long time before she choked out a sentence: "My Russian is better than other classmates! Many people don't even dare to buy something by themselves."

This is true. Many Chinese students go abroad and suddenly stay away from their parents. No one cares about them anymore, so they let themselves go.

Skipping classes, playing games, living together

Anyway, foreign diplomas can be confusing, and family members don't know what they have done abroad. After a few years, they can get a diploma and go back, even if they can make a difference.

In comparison, Nalan Yaqi has been able to go out on her own for a year and can barely communicate with Russia, which is really not bad.

Of course, this also has to be compared with whom, in front of Wang Ye, a "monster", she is like a scum.

(end of this chapter)