Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Give you a general manager

As for Ruan Xiaozhu, she had never seen this brand in China before. The reason why she knew it was that she saw it in a luxury store near Red Square after she came to Moscow.

At that time, when she saw that a watch could be sold for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, her mouth could not close, and she talked about it for a long time afterwards.

But also keep the brand firmly in mind.

She did not expect that the gift Wang Ye gave today would be such a precious thing.

Wang Ye smiled and said casually, "I don't know what gift to buy, so I just bought a few watches. This brand should be okay. It's not too expensive, maybe a hundred thousand dollars a piece."

Hearing their conversation, Liu Jun behind him couldn't help swallowing.

He doesn't know much about Wangye, but he also understands that the current Wangye is definitely different from a few months ago.

Privately, Liu Jun also guessed how much money Wang Ye has now.

After all, he bears the title of "President of New Sun Group"!

Liu Jun guessed that Wang Ye's net worth should have tens of millions of dollars...

But looking at it like this today, I am still too conservative!

A person with a net worth of tens of millions will never be willing to give away a famous watch worth 100,000 casually!

This level of arrogance is estimated that only a billionaire can achieve it...

Next to , Nova was dumbfounded. She also knew that her brother-in-law was rich, but a small gift was worth one hundred thousand dollars, which was definitely beyond her imagination!

Looking at the small paper bag on the dining table, Nova didn't even dare to reach for it.

Seriously, her parents have worked all their lives, and it is estimated that the family's total assets are not as much as $100,000...

After several people took out their watches, they couldn't wait to put them on their hands, and they felt that their wrists were heavy!

After the gifts were delivered, everyone sat down to drink tea and wait for the food to be served.

Wang Ye, the "brother-in-law", naturally wanted to pay attention to Nova's recent situation, so he asked with a smile, "Have you adjusted to the school after so long?"

Nova hurriedly nodded and responded, "It's all good, and the teachers and classmates are also very friendly."

After she came to Moscow, of course she was much more comfortable than before.

Not to mention that she went to college, she was very free, just in terms of living expenses, it was much more comfortable than when she was in high school!

The family did not give her much living expenses, but her sister Ajielina gave her a lot of "subsidies", giving her a few thousand dollars from time to time.

Because Agelina knew that in a metropolis like Moscow, it would be too painful to have no money, especially for girls.

So now that she has money, she naturally doesn't want her sister to suffer this.

A few thousand dollars is nothing to the current Ajielina, but for a college student like Nova, it is definitely a huge sum of money!

This made Nova live like a duck in water at school, and she rarely cooks by herself.

Eat in the school cafeteria during class and in the restaurant downstairs after school...

Wang Ye smiled and said, "I remember that the school allows you to choose a second major, do you want to learn another foreign language?"

Nova blinked, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Don't you know, I'm learning Chinese with my sister. My sister's Chinese is pretty good now, but I just started learning it, so I can't."

Wang Ye didn't know about this.

When Ajielina had not returned to the Crimean Peninsula, she would occasionally speak a few words of Chinese with Wang Ye, but Wang Ye did not notice that she was systematically learning Chinese.

But it is conceivable that the two sisters learned Chinese because of themselves.

He responded: "That's good, I wanted to tell you about it originally. In the future, the group will have a lot of business that will be launched in China, so there is a need for talents who can understand both Chinese and Russian, whether it is China. People are still Russian. If you can learn Chinese well, you can come and help me after graduation."

Wangye has already begun to plan for the future.

In 2001, the mainland was not strong enough, and it did not have the strength and influence that it would have 20 years later.

In foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, it can be said that most people still look down on the mainland. When it comes to China, their impression is that they are poor and backward...

At this time, perhaps only Wang Ye knows, in another twenty years...

No, as long as seven or eight years pass, a certain eastern power will rise strongly!

So he had to prepare in advance, and slowly start the layout when the huge market in the East has not yet attracted too many people's attention.

Including his own talent team, he must also hurry up to cultivate it, so that there are no trusted people available in the future.

Not to mention, the few people who came to eat tonight are all people Wang Ye can trust.

Needless to say, Nalan Yaqi, the two have already had that kind of relationship.

As for Nova, this is his "little sister-in-law", which belongs to his own family, and Wang Ye will reuse it in the future.

Ruan Xiaozhu, Wang Ye's cousin, fellow villagers and relatives, plus Wang Ye's previous life's understanding of her, there is no problem with 100%, and her ability is very strong, she belongs to the type of strong woman.

Now Wangye is still slowly cultivating her, and she will be of great use in the future.

Liu Jun, this is also a person Wang Ye can trust. The two of them have dealt with each other in the previous life, and there are no problems in terms of character, ability, and experience.

After caring about Nova, Wang Ye turned to look at Liu Jun and asked with a smile, "Brother Liu, is the company busy recently?"

This "Brother Liu" made Liu Jun a little "flattered"...

Although Wang Ye called him that when the two first met.

But the problem is that the current Liu Jun is still the same Liu Jun.

And the current king's industry is no longer the same as the king's industry...

In terms of status, the gap between the two has become very big!

Liu Jun replied quickly: "I've been busy with the previous paragraph. Now the company has nothing to do, just do some daily work. To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable when I suddenly get idle. Maybe it's just hard work, haha."

He is mainly responsible for the management of Qingyun Study Abroad Service Company, and the study abroad intermediary business is staged.

Before and after school started in September, it was indeed very busy, and all kinds of complicated work needed to be done.

But now that the students are all enrolled, there is still more than half a year before the enrollment next year, so I suddenly have time to spare.

Wang Ye thought for a while and asked him, "I wonder if Brother Liu is interested in working for the Kitty Eagle Group. I am going to open a large-scale gaming and entertainment center in Yalta on the Crimei Peninsula in the next year, and I still lack personal management. If Brother Liu comes over, the position of general manager of the branch over there will be yours."

This is not Wang Ye's whim, but he has long thought about it.

He planned to run Krimi as his "base camp", so he began to gradually tilt resources and manpower there.

(end of this chapter)