Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Chapter 352 The campaign is about to start

In addition to having dinner with a few old acquaintances, Wang Ye also went to see Hofchenko once.

sent the gift he brought back. Hovchenko was not very interested in watches, but he was still very happy with Wang Ye's intentions.

After briefly asking about the investment in Apple and Google, Khovchenko changed the subject and said, "You are about to start running for Duma, right? Are you joining Abu's party?"

Wang Ye nodded and said: "Yes, it will start at the end of this month, and I have to go to Chukchi. Hehe, I always feel that this is a bit unreliable. Even at my age and qualifications, I can enter. The State Duma?"

Hovchenko shook his head and said disapprovingly: "It's not that your age and qualifications meet the requirements for entering the Duma, but now is just a good opportunity for you to enter the Duma. Geblev recognizes you, and Abu is willing to help, if necessary. If so, I will help you too. But you must know that entering the Duma is just the beginning, and being a member of the Duma, the influence and power are worlds apart!"

There is something in his words, it seems that he is telling Wang Ye something vaguely.

Wang Ye really didn't know much about the Duma of this country before, but he only knew that he seemed to have a lot of power, especially his high social status!

But since Geblev proposed to send him to the Duma, Wang Ye made inquiries and gained a deeper understanding of the State Duma.

As Khovchenko said, he is also a member of the Duma, but some people are in high positions, and the whole Russian political scene will tremble when they stomp their feet!

But some congressmen speak or don't speak, attend or not attend meetings, and even if you live abroad for a long time and change your nationality, no one will pay attention to you

The Duma is just a huge "stage". Geblev, Abu, and Khovchenko can only help Wang Ye on this stage, but whether they can become a "protagonist" or a "supporting role" or a "running role", then It's a test of Wang Ye's ability...

"I understand, uncle, don't worry. Anyway, I entered the Duma just to mess around, and I didn't intend to have any influence." Wang Ye said with a face full of indifference.

"You..., do you know how many people dream of being able to enter the Duma? Now that you can enter so easily, you haven't seized the opportunity properly!" Hovchenko stared at him with hatred.

Wang Ye reluctantly spread his hands and said, "But I don't know anything about politics, and if I say too much, I will lose my mind. Maybe I will offend someone. I don't want to cause trouble for myself."

It is understandable that he has this concern.

After all, Duma is not in the business world. In the business circle, the opponents you encounter are basically not too strong, as long as you don't mess with those oligarchs.

But in the Duma, it is definitely a place of hiding dragons and crouching tigers, maybe you will offend some big man you can't afford to offend!

Wang Ye really intends to hang around after he goes in, just show his face during the meeting. Anyway, he is just "harming the mud", and he doesn't say anything to offend people.

What he is looking for is the status of Duma deputies and judicial immunity...

Hovchenko sighed, very helpless.

Maybe Wang Ye is really not interested in politics, in that case, don't force him.

He waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about this matter. By the way, does your security company have enough staff now? I still have a few oil fields here, and I need a group of security personnel, so I simply hand over this business. I'll give you that company."

"Really? There is absolutely no problem with manpower. Just say how many people you need, uncle. In Russia, there may not be many others, but there are really many veterans. If my security company wants to expand its personnel, it is simply Don't be too convenient." Wang Ye said overjoyedly.

The business undertaken by his security company is mainly security work such as oilfields and mines.

Because these jobs carry certain risks, the remuneration will be relatively high, and these types of companies have deep pockets, so there is no bargaining at all when negotiating the price!

In the future, if Wagner Company wants to grow and develop, it is impossible to rely on Wang Ye for "blood transfusion" all the time, because this is a "gold swallowing beast". Even if Wang Ye wants to raise so many people now, the pressure will be great.

Therefore, it is better for the company to be self-sufficient and to support and develop itself by undertaking business.

Now Khovchenko is just giving help in the snow, directly giving a few big contracts!

Everything went smoothly, and all the troubles in the previous paragraph were resolved.

In November, it is also very important for Wangye.

Because first of all, the election on Ajielina's side is about to start, and Wang Ye intends to help her in the campaign.

Although the result has already been decided by default, basically there will be no surprises, but the surface effort is still to be done.

Therefore, Agelina will have several public speeches in Yalta and Simferopol to canvass votes. At this critical moment, Wang Ye naturally cannot be absent.

On the other hand, the general election of the Russian Duma is about to begin.

Wang Ye's constituency is Chukotka. Like Ajielina, even if the result has been decided, the superficial work that needs to be done is still to be done. Wang Ye also plans to fly over to record an interview and join Abu on a TV show. some type of.

After all, he will be considered a Duma member from Chukotka in the future. It can't be said that local voters have not seen what this member looks like. It is too outrageous.

On November 11th, Wang Ye called Meshkov and told him that he planned to go to the Crimei Peninsula to help Agelina's campaign.

On the phone, Meshkov seemed very happy, and almost said he would send a plane to pick up Wangye.

But after thinking about it, I don't have a special plane, so I didn't say this...

The political donation that Wang Ye had promised him had already arrived, that is, with that sum of money, Meshkov was confident about this election!

Not only can he keep his own seat, but also his party's seats in the parliament can even reach more than half.

In this case, his next term will be very comfortable, and he will never be like now, when he wants to do something, he will have to argue with the parliament.

Meshkov is also a person who keeps his word. Since Wangye has all the money in place, he must also do what he promised.

Besides, his so-called "President" is really poor.

Crimi's area is not large, the population is not large, and there are no resources to sell, and the only tourism industry has failed in recent years.

In terms of power, he also does not live up to his name, with the Ukrainian state above and the parliamentary constraints below.

is called the "President" in name, but in fact the power is far worse than the real "President".

Therefore, he also values Wang Ye, a wealthy friend, and Wang Ye also plans to continue investing in the Crimean Peninsula. In the future, his political achievements will be counted on Wang Ye!

(end of this chapter)