Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033 Samsung Delegation

"May I ask why Chairman Li Zairong is here in Moscow? Could it be that Samsung has some big project to land here, but I don't seem to have heard of it."

Wang Ye pondered for a moment and asked.

Park Changsheng quickly and respectfully replied: "The main purpose of the chairman's visit this time is to meet with you and discuss the possibility of some investment projects landing in Russia."

Samsung's branch in Damao has been established for a long time, but the business is not much. Apart from selling some electronic products of Samsung, such as mobile phones, TVs, laptops, MP3, digital cameras, etc., there are no physical projects. All products are It is imported.

Samsung in this meeting has a very large scale and a great brand reputation. It does almost everything, and it does it well...

According to what Park Changsheng said, Samsung is planning to increase its investment in Russia. Li Zairong came to visit Wang Ye. The purpose is naturally to take the upper-level route and apply for some preferential policies for the company's big projects.

This is also normal. After all, Damao's economy has developed very rapidly in the past few years, and the population base is not low, so it can be regarded as a relatively large market.

If Samsung wants to develop further here, it is necessary to invest and build a factory locally.

And Da Mao at this time is also very suitable for investment.

The economy is developing rapidly, the high-quality population is huge, the price of industrial land is cheap, and the investment policy is favorable...

These are the first things that foreign businessmen should consider when they come to invest.

Perhaps Samsung is the first foreign giant planning to invest in a large scale, but it will definitely not be the last!

Moreover, if Samsung's investment goes well, many foreign-funded companies that are still on the sidelines may flock to it. In a sense, Samsung's investment this time is still very representative.

Wang Ye will also pay a little attention to it, and try his best to facilitate this investment by Samsung.

So he said straightforwardly: "Chairman Li Zairong is very welcome to visit, and I will lead my colleagues from the Economic Affairs Committee and the staff of the government's commercial department to meet with him. Of course, if necessary, I can also invite Mr. The palace and relevant departments of the city of Moscow are involved."

Park Changsheng was overjoyed, bowed quickly to express his gratitude, and said that he would definitely convey the meaning of Speaker Mikhail to Chairman Li or something...

To tell the truth, Li Zairong chose to meet Wang Ye this time, because he has a vision and knows that he should worship "Which Buddha" first when he comes to Russia for development!

I won't talk about other aspects, but only about business, and the one with the most voice or real power will undoubtedly be Wangye!

As long as Wang Ye's approval and nod can be obtained, Samsung's next investment will definitely go smoothly without any obstacles.

But if the investment is not approved by Wang Ye, even if anyone else nods, it may not be effective...

After Park Changsheng went out, Wang Ye picked up the phone and called Nova, and asked her to collect the information of the Samsung Group and the information of several important people in the Samsung Li family, and he wanted to take a look.

Although Wang Ye was not very interested in the Samsung Group and the Li family in his previous life, he recognized the strength of this company.

After all, there are two sentences, "South Korea is small, but Samsung is big" and "three things that Koreans cannot avoid when they are born are taxation, death, and Samsung", which fully demonstrates the strength and strength of the Samsung Group. Energy up.

Some people who don't know much about Samsung may think that Samsung only has mobile phones and electronic products, but in fact, this company is almost "omnipotent"!

In South Korea, the business scope of Samsung Group covers people's basic necessities of life, from small screws to automobiles and buildings, and there is no business that Samsung Group does not intervene.

Having 230,000 employees in 68 countries around the world, with an annual turnover of more than 200 billion US dollars, accounting for 21% of South Korea's total GDP, it can be called a wealthy country!

Of course, Samsung Group has reached its current scale, and its real shareholding structure is already extremely complicated. It is no longer the Samsung of the Li family, or it is not just the Samsung of the Li family.

A considerable part of the shares are controlled by European and American capital. Most of the profits Samsung makes every year are distributed to foreign shareholders, and only a small part stays in Korea.

But at least on the surface, the actual control of the Samsung Group is still in the hands of the Li family, and the core executives are all direct descendants of the Li family.

If such a chaebol company invests in most countries, it will be warmly welcomed.

However, in front of Wang Ye, the face of the Li family is not so great. After all, Li Zairong and Wang Ye cannot be compared in any respect.

Let's not talk about power and status, that's not in the same dimension at all!

Even if it's only about wealth, Wang Ye's net worth alone can beat the entire Li family...

That's why Li Zairong put his posture down so low. If he wanted to visit Wang Ye, he asked someone to make an appointment in advance, hoping to be interviewed by Wang Ye.

After Nova collected all the information about Samsung and the Li family, Wang Ye read it carefully, and had a clear understanding of the current Samsung and the Li family.

In 2006, Samsung was already a world-renowned giant company, and its business scope was also frighteningly large. It even involved the most cutting-edge technology fabs. It seems that the ambition is not small.

Li Zairong has already served as the vice chairman of the group, presided over the daily affairs of the group, and is basically the real head of the family.

Because he was the only son, Li Zairong's "succession" path was extremely smooth. He was trained as the successor of the group from birth. He also studied in Japan and the United States successively, and got a doctorate. He has a stable personality and works in a low-key and pragmatic manner.

After returning to China, he joined the Samsung Group to work, which was unanimously approved by everyone. According to the current situation, it is estimated that he will be able to officially assume the position of group chairman at the latest next year or two, and become a veritable head of Samsung.

As for his three younger sisters, their fate was more difficult.

The eldest sister Li Fuzhen, also known as the "Samsung Princess", is very beautiful and capable, but she took a detour in her relationship. In 1999, she "married" to one of her bodyguards. There was also a commotion.

The point is that the bodyguard husband is not only unlearned and incompetent, he is also quite ugly...

No one knows what the eldest princess Li Fuzhen really likes about that person.

The most outrageous thing is that this bodyguard also came to "soft food but hard food". After marriage, he not only often fooled around outside, but also committed domestic violence to Li Fuzhen when she was pregnant.

It is said that the two have already started going through legal procedures to divorce, but the bodyguard Lion opened his mouth and asked for a huge "breakup fee", and now the two are still in a lawsuit...

The second younger sister is relatively low-key, and she married the son of another chaebol family early, which is considered to have left the Li family.

As for the third sister...

I won't go into details, because people are gone, and it's also because of emotional matters.

It can also be seen from this that it is not enough just to have a good reincarnation. There are still quite a few people who got off to a bad start with Wang Bo...

Of course, Wang Ye is not interested in other people's family affairs. He only cares about what kind of big projects Li Zairong will bring this visit, how much investment can be made, and how many jobs, taxes, and GDP growth can be brought to the local area!

At the same time, I also need to consider what kind of request Li Zairong will make, and whether I can support it...

Li Zairong was still very vigorous in his work. Just three days after Park Changsheng visited Wang Ye, he arrived in Moscow with a few entourages in a low-key manner.

Wang Ye appointed a member of the economic committee to meet him at the airport.

After all, as Li Zairong, he is not qualified enough to be greeted by Wang Ye at the airport in person. Even if he is the chairman of Samsung Group, he will not be able to do so after officially taking charge of Samsung, let alone now...

Wang Ye did not deliberately snub Li Zairong, give him a blow or something, but followed the normal procedure, formally received Li Zarong and his party in the office building of the Economic Committee of the Kremlin Palace.

When we met for the first time, Li Zairong obviously didn't put on a dirty face like he usually does in public, but was full of smiles. Before Wang Ye came forward, he took a step ahead, stretched out his hands from a distance, and bowed to him at the same time. Greetings from Wang Ye.

Wang Ye also extended his hand with a smile. After shaking hands warmly, they each introduced the entourage behind them.

Wang Ye is here with several members of the Economic Committee and his assistant Nova.

As for Li Zairong, several group executives did not attract Wang Ye's attention, but there was one person who made Wang Ye take a second look.

That's Lee Jae-young's eldest sister, Lee Fu-jin!

To be honest, Li Fuzhen, who is 36 years old this year, is really not an outstanding beauty in Wang Ye's eyes. After all, he has seen too many beautiful girls.

However, Li Fuzhen has a good temperament, with bright eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a good figure. A pair of red phoenix eyes add to her style.

Can also be called graceful...

When introducing Li Fuzhen, Li Zairong also specially emphasized with a smile, "My sister has long admired the name of Speaker Mikhail, so when she learned that I came to visit you this time, she must follow, even if she is in charge of business. The scope is outside the scope of this discussion."

Li Fuzhen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a standard smile, and bowed to Wang Ye decently to say hello, but he didn't take the opportunity to flatter Wang Ye, which made Wang Ye feel more fond of her.

To be honest, if it wasn't because Li Fuzhen was a woman, it's hard to say who the Samsung Group would pass on to.

And in terms of ability, Li Fuzhen is much stronger than Li Zairong. Maybe the Samsung Group will develop better in her hands than in the hands of Li Zairong!

Of course, reality does not have if...

Although Li Fuzhen, as a woman, has shown excellent business acumen, she is still marginalized within the Samsung Group. Currently, she is only in charge of the group's hotel and retail business, and has nothing to do with the real core business.

Seeing Li Fuzhen, Wang Ye thought of her emotional experience in the information, and felt a little emotional.

She is obviously such an excellent lady, why did she blindly find such a husband who doesn't want to make progress...

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone came to the living room of the conference to take their seats.

The Samsung Group's visit this time is a preliminary contact, and there is no clear investment project, so neither side made much fanfare, and there were no other media reporters besides the reporters from the national TV station and NTV news channel.

Oh, one more thing, since Wang Ye acquired NTV, NTV reporters have also obtained the right to be stationed in the Kremlin and the Duma, and their treatment has basically caught up with that of national TV stations.

In the past, this kind of treatment was beyond their imagination...

Of course, this is also because of Wang Ye, even if he didn't say hello to anyone, everything happened naturally.

The kind of wide and long conference table that is common in large international conferences. The two parties sit on each side, and flowers and national flags are placed in the middle of the conference table.

Wang Ye gave a warm welcome speech on behalf of the country. It was nothing more than welcoming the Samsung Group to invest in Russia. It will definitely provide necessary help and an open and free environment.

After Wang Ye finished speaking, Li Zairong took over and said that he was very honored to have the opportunity to meet with Director Mikhail. He believed that under the leadership of Director Mikhail, Russia's economy will inevitably have a sustained high growth. Samsung is very optimistic about it. The market and development here will continue to increase investment here at the right time, etc...

After the scene was finished, the media reporters left, the door of the conference room was closed, and the discussion began...

Lee Jae-young said sincerely:

"Director Mikhail, I am here this time mainly to talk to you about cooperation in the field of chips.

As far as I know, the Industrial Fund Office of your country intends to invest huge sums of money to build a fab with world-leading technology.

And our Samsung, which has officially approved the project last year, also wants to build its own wafer factory.

Both of us are newcomers in the chip industry, and this industry is technology-, capital-, and talent-intensive. It is very difficult to succeed!

So, I was thinking, whether there is an opportunity for the two of us to work together and share technology, capital, etc., so that we can build our respective fabs as soon as possible. "

It turns out that Lee Jae-young came here for the fab!

Although he talked about the sharing of technical funds between the two parties, the real focus must be the huge subsidy from the Industrial Fund Office!

After all, the investment in the fab is too huge, and even a giant group company like Samsung cannot easily bear it.

What's more, this kind of industry belongs to super large investment, super long cycle, super slow return, super big risk...

Ordinary private companies are basically afraid to invest a lot of money in the early stage, because it will really drag down the entire group.

That is to say, like the Industrial Fund Office, through the issuance of bonds by the state, the money in hand is too much to spend, and then they are willing to invest huge sums of money to build this wafer factory because of the strategic significance.

Now that he knew that the other party's intention was to "ask for money" rather than "give money", Wang Ye didn't have that much patience.

Originally, if you want money and people, you can buy technology if you want money. Why do you bring Samsung to play with you...

(end of this chapter)