Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032 Uninvited Guest

Wang Ye turned his head to look at Natalia, and asked, "How is the situation at Keefu?"

Natalia replied knowingly: "It's very stable, and there are no accidents. Recently, I have promoted a new regulation to strictly control the involvement of foreign capital in the media industry and the development of overseas media organizations in Uzbekistan. Although the embassies of some countries have raised so-called protests, saying that we interfere with the freedom of the press, they are ignored at all. Anyway, Uzbekistan has not received any benefits from them, so naturally they don't need to pay attention to their opinions."

Wang Ye smiled knowingly. It seemed that Keefu's situation was as expected. At this stage, Da Mao was the only one to rely on.

Last year's general election was a complete face-off with certain foreign forces, and there was no turning back.

Besides, since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Ermao's life has become worse and worse, and they really haven't received much benefit from others. Even the promises made by some countries have not been fulfilled at all!

Now the troika that controls Keefu is standing firmly on Da Mao's side, or standing on his side...

Relations with Europe and the United States are very tense, at least in the short term it is impossible to ease.

Moreover, with Natalia, Wang Ye's "hard-core confidant" in Kiefer, and she also serves as the high-ranking Attorney General, the other two should not dare to act rashly even if they have any careful thoughts.

Naturally, Nova had no chance to intervene in the topics discussed by the three of them, and could only bury her head in eating alone.

Ajielina glanced at her sister, smiled and asked Wang Ye, "Nova has been exercising with you for several years. She is also a graduate student now and will graduate next year. She can't continue to study for a doctorate. That would be a waste of time. Where do you plan to let her develop in the future?"

Also, although Nova is considered a "little child" in Wang Ye's eyes, she is actually only one year younger than Wang Ye, and both of them entered freshman year in the same year.

Wang Ye did not continue his studies after graduating from his undergraduate degree last year, because it was unnecessary, and Mo University also gave him an honorary doctorate.

And Nova continued to study for graduate school, but she will graduate next year.

According to what Ajielina said, she doesn't plan to let Nova continue to study for a doctorate. After all, the doctorate is still three years away.

For Nova, it doesn't matter whether she gets a doctorate or not, and it won't affect her future development anyway.

Wang Ye pondered for a moment, looked at Nova and asked, "Nova, do you have any thoughts, which aspect you are more interested in?"

Hearing her sister and Wang Ye discussing herself, Nova quickly raised her head, swallowed the food in her mouth, and replied: "Ah? This... I don't know about this. I think it's good to be an assistant with Misha now, and I will be an assistant in the future."

This answer made Ajielina a little dissatisfied. She glared at her sister and said angrily: "Please, how old are you this year? When Misha was your age... Oh, he was only one year older than you. Look at Misha, and then look at you, don't you feel ashamed?"

Obviously, as the older sister, Ajielina hopes that Nova can be "independent" and stop hiding under the wings of Wang Ye!

Actually being able to be Wang Ye's assistant is an unattainable dream for many people, and it's okay for Nova to keep doing it.

But Ajielina thought more about it. She was also worried that Nova had been with Wang Ye for a long time. If something happened between the two of them, it would be really troublesome...

Originally, my relationship with Wang Ye could not be made public, and my good friend Natalia also had that relationship with him. If Nova also embarked on this path, then Ajielina really didn't know how to face her family.

So when she usually talks on the phone with Nova, she will also make side-by-side inquiries to see how the relationship between Nova and Wang Ye is.

Fortunately, so far, Wang Ye and Nova have obviously not broken through the normal relationship.

Although Wang Ye took care of Nova, it was just the kind of care that the leader gave to his subordinates, at most it was the kind of care that a "brother-in-law" gave to his sister-in-law, and there was no personal relationship between a man and a woman.

And Nova admires, worships, reveres, and respects Wangye...

Various emotions are mixed together. Obviously, if there is a problem, there is a high probability that Nova will have the problem first.

Therefore, Ajielina deliberately raised this issue today, just to transfer Nova away from Wang Ye before the incident happened.

With how busy Wang Ye is, as long as Nova is not by his side as an assistant, the chances of meeting him will be much less...

It's a pity that Nova didn't understand her sister's "good intentions", and said ignorantly that she had no great prospects and wanted to stay and work beside her "brother-in-law".

From her point of view, it is indeed true. Wang Ye is not an outsider. It is not an exaggeration for her sister's boyfriend to call him "brother-in-law".

With such a "big mountain" to rely on, why do you have to go out and work hard by yourself, not to mention the exhaustion, the status and power may not be higher than being an assistant to Wang Ye...

Not necessarily, it should be certain!

Listening to the conversation between the two sisters, Wang Ye seemed to understand some of Ajielina's true thoughts, so he said with a smile:

"Nova's work performance in the past two years is still very good. In fact, I plan to let her focus on diplomatic affairs in the future, so that she can develop in foreign affairs."

Wang Yeben served as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee, so it should not be too simple to arrange a person in a diplomatic agency.

If Nova is really interested in diplomatic work, then Wang Ye can let her go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to train for two years, and then work in the Foreign Affairs Committee!

After being "gilded" by the Foreign Affairs Committee for a few years, when it is released, the level is higher...

This can be regarded as a "shortcut"!

It can be considered that Wang Ye has paved the career path for Nova, that is, with him, otherwise, most people would not dare to think of such a path.

Ajielina nodded quickly after hearing this, she also thinks this is very good, the diplomatic work is also very decent and has great development prospects, it is very suitable for Nova.

Unfortunately, Nova herself doesn't think so.

She said hesitantly: "But... I'm not very interested in diplomatic work..."

Ajielina glared at her, and just about to reprimand her, Natalia interrupted with a smile: "Okay, Nova is still young, don't worry now, let's discuss it after she graduates from graduate school. If it doesn't work, you can come to Kefu to work at that time. It's boring for me to stay here alone, so Nova can come with me. The development opportunities here are not less than those in Moscow, and you are all on your own. There will be no dispute if you arrange any job."

This is also a way out.

In Moscow, although Wang Ye is high and powerful, he can't talk about covering the sky with one hand...

So whatever you do, you need to consider the impact and the views of other factions.

But there are no such concerns at Keefort's side, let's not say it's reckless, it's not too much

Kifu's three carriages in power are Wang Ye's persons or even Wang Ye's pawns commanded by Wang Ye's remote control. After the integration of the three of them, there is almost no noise on Jifu's side, and the political atmosphere can be described as peaceful!

Really let Nova come here, not only can arrange the location, but also can further strengthen Wang Ye's control over here, so Wang Ye thinks this idea is not bad...

Nova moved her lips, wanting to say something, but she endured it and grinned.

After talking about Nova, Wang Ye changed the subject and started discussing the future development of Crimea with Ajielina.

With Ajielina officially serving as the chairman of the Crimea Parliament, and Meshkov becoming the "Honorary President", Crimea is completely in the hands of Wang Ye. This is the "base camp" he originally planned!

Although as the situation continues to change, Crimea is no longer the trump card for Wang Ye to settle down, but it is still a very important trump card in his hand!

Because of the special location of this place, it has very important strategic significance for both Da Mao and Er Mao.

And with the rapid economic development of Crimea, its importance will become more and more important. Not only can it bring huge amounts of money to Wang Ye, but there are also potential other benefits...

"Recently, many European and American hotel management groups came together to investigate. Obviously, they think that the future tourism prospects here in Crimea are better, so they want to set up here in advance. Some high-rise buildings or palace-style garden buildings that our investment company has built are very popular. Not only those hotel management groups, but also some large commercial chains..."

When talking about this, Ajielina's eyes were shining, and her face was a little rosy.

To be honest, watching my hometown become better and better under my own "management", even surpassing my previous dream, the sense of accomplishment is still very intoxicating...

Natalia is not interested in these things. She curled her lips and said, "What's the benefit of letting those capitals in? Crimea's basic investment has been completed, and it's time for the harvest. Are they rushing over to pick peaches? Let me tell you, all the businesses in Crimea have been monopolized by us. Anyway, Misha also owns the Kitty Eagle Group, which not only has gaming centers, but also hotels, shopping, tourism and other businesses. The rich water does not flow to outsiders. Give it to the Kitty Hawk Group."

Ajielina did not object to her words, she quite agreed, because the Kitty Eagle Group is Wang Ye's property, and the Crimean Investment Company is also his property. Of course, if there is a good thing, you must first consider your "brothers".

Wang Ye pondered for a moment, but rejected this attractive proposal.

He said with a smile: "It's better not to, this is not good, because our ultimate goal is to build Crimea into the pearl of Eastern Europe!

is a global free trade port, a place that is free, open, full of vitality and business opportunities!

Therefore, it is necessary to be inclusive, open to all rivers, and allow global capital to participate, so that this place can truly prosper.

Money is endless, and our own strength is always limited.

Relying on the Kitty Hawk Group alone to develop Crimea's business is too slow and efficient, and it will definitely not be able to keep up with Crimee's development speed. It will become a burden and a shortcoming, which is not good.

Now we have to take a long-term view of the problem, and the pattern should be larger, and we can't be limited to the small profits in front of us..."

Ajielina listened attentively to Wang Ye's long speech, nodding frequently.

But Natalia was different, she secretly rolled her eyes, but when she saw Wang Ye's gaze turned, she immediately sat upright with a serious look on her face.

After Wang Ye finished speaking, he quickly said: "Oh, I don't understand these things. Misha, you also know that I have been doing judicial work, and I don't understand anything about economics and diplomacy. We can do whatever you think. Anyway, this... family, you are the one who is in charge, we just listen to you..."

This somewhat exposed her relationship with Wang Ye, but luckily Nova was concentrating on handling the steak on the plate, and didn't pay attention to what Natalia said.

Wang Ye smiled helplessly. Natalia has such a character, straightforward, with clear love and hate, and never hides it.

But there is nothing wrong with this, as her character for judicial work is just right.

After dinner, everyone went back to the bedroom to wash and prepare to rest.

The apartment is big enough and has many rooms, so Ajielina, Natalia and Nova each have their own bedroom.

Of course, Wang Ye doesn't need a separate bedroom.

He sleeps in Ajielina's room...

Before leaving Simferopol, Wang Ye visited Meshkov again.

The two closed the door and had a secret talk all morning, and then had lunch together. Meshkov had a bright smile on his face, and it seemed that he had a good conversation with Wang Ye...

After returning to Moscow by special plane, an unexpected guest from Wang Ye came to visit.

According to the visitor's own introduction, he is the person in charge of the Samsung Group's Russian branch, and he is a Korean named Park Changsheng.

"Chairman Mikhail, Mr. Li Zairong, the vice chairman of our group, will come to Moscow soon. He hopes to meet and talk with you. I wonder if you have any time arrangements here."

As he spoke, Park Changsheng bowed deeply.

Wang Ye frowned slightly, Li Zairong has not really taken over the position yet, is he the chairman of Samsung?

Wang Ye has certainly heard of Samsung, a chaebol family. Li Zairong's name often appeared on major financial news in his previous life. If he said he was not familiar with it, he must be lying.

But Wang Ye is not too sure when he came to power Samsung.

However, what is this guy who came to Moscow to meet him? It is said that the two have never had any intersection before...

(end of this chapter)