Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034

Interrupted Li Zairong, who was eloquent, Wang Ye asked bluntly:

"If you cooperate to invest in a fab, what can you provide? Is it capital, talents or equipment technology? Oh, I also want to remind Chairman Li that it is our fab project, whether it is capital, talents or equipment technology. There is no shortage of equipment and technology!"

These remarks basically blocked Samsung's extravagant hope of "opportunity", because Samsung does not have anything irreplaceable. On the contrary, Wang Ye has everything and everything. Compared with Samsung, the conditions are much better. many.

Then why should Samsung "hug the thigh"?

Li Zairong froze for a moment, his face was a little embarrassed, maybe he had never encountered such a scene in other places.

Others will more or less give him or give Samsung some face, and will not let him down in person, but Wang Ye naturally doesn't need to worry too much.

Samsung or something, they are not qualified in front of him!

Li Zairong didn't know what to say for a while, and he was awkward there. Fortunately, Li Fuzhen, who was sitting next to him, turned his head fast enough. Seeing that the scene had cooled down, he quickly smoothed things over and said, "We came here this time mainly to Discuss the possibility of cooperation with Director Mikhail. It is not necessarily a joint venture. If the conditions are acceptable, our Samsung Group may also directly move the fab here. Then we will cooperate with your fab to jointly Build up Russia's chip industry, form a scale effect, and join hands to compete with other countries!"

Don't say it, although she just changed the wording, but Wang Ye sounds much more pleasing to the ear.

Wang Ye smiled, nodded and said: "This idea is not bad. If your Samsung fab is also built here in Moscow, after it is built, it will indeed form a scale effect, and there will be no mutual competition. After all, With the development of technology, I think the demand for chips in the global market is huge!"

Of course Wang Ye would not refuse such a large investment delivered to his door.

After all, fab projects often cost billions or even tens of billions of dollars in investment. In the future, they can contribute a lot of high-paying jobs and taxes, which is very effective in stimulating local economic growth!

If Samsung is really willing to put the fab project in Moscow, Wang Ye will not be stingy to give them some help and support policies, even industry subsidies can be discussed...

Li Zairong immediately caught the kindness released by Wang Ye, and he quickly said:

"Yes, our group does have this consideration.

Although the initial fab project was approved in our country, after so long preparations, the company found that there are still many difficulties in building a fab in our country.

Equipment is easy to solve, but relevant talents are relatively scarce. It is also difficult to recruit some relevant talents from European and American countries.

After all, those experts are not very willing to work away from home, but it should be easier to think about it in Moscow, after all, they are all in Europe.

The reason for this trip to Moscow is that you, Director Mikhail, attach great importance to the chip industry, and even set up an industry fund office to support related industries.

Although our Samsung Group has strong financial resources, the investment in the fab is too large, so we also hope to get support from the national level.

Therefore, I would like to come over and have a discussion with you to see if our group's fabs invest here, can they enjoy the support of the industry fund? "

Talking until now, Lee Jae-young has given up his initial fantasy and started to become more pragmatic.

Before he came, he prepared two plans.

The first set, of course, is to let Samsung and a local Russian company jointly build a fab. In this way, the Samsung Group itself does not need to spend too much money, and it can also smoothly get the support of the Russian industrial fund.

But as soon as this matter was mentioned, the road was blocked by Wang Ye!

The second set is the plan that Li Zairong is talking about now.

That is, Samsung came to Moscow to build a wholly-owned factory, but it had to talk to Wang Ye so that its own fab could also get the support of the industrial fund.

After all, who would dislike too much silver?

Wang Ye's face softened, and he said with a smile: "Then this matter is simple. In the afternoon, I can invite the person in charge of the Industrial Fund Office to meet with you for a detailed discussion. In principle, whether it is foreign capital or our domestic capital, as long as you want to If you invest in the chip industry and meet the basic conditions for industrial fund support, then you can get the support of the industrial fund!"

In the afternoon, Wang Ye really introduced Elena to Li Zairong, and asked them to talk about the establishment of the Samsung fab in Moscow.

Moreover, Wang Ye also specifically confessed to Elena that it was a matter of business, and there was no need to make things difficult for Samsung, but there was no need to give any special preferential treatment...

Irina nodded to express her understanding. She had been with Wang Ye for several years, so she naturally understood what Wang Ye meant.

Let Yi Lianna and the Samsung delegation discuss matters, Wang Ye did not participate, he returned to his office, wanting to deal with other business.

Unexpectedly, about ten minutes later, Nova knocked on the door and walked into the office to report to him: "Boss, Ms. Li Fuzhen from the Samsung delegation is outside and wants to see you. Do you want to invite her in?"

Wang Ye raised his head and asked in surprise: "Li Fuzhen? Why is she outside? Is the meeting between Elena and the Samsung delegation over?"

Nova shook her head and said: "As far as I know, the meeting has just begun, and there is only Ms. Li Fuzhen outside. She said that she has some other investments and wants to talk to the boss alone."

Wang Ye frowned slightly, and was just about to say no, but then he thought about it, Li Fuzhen came to see him "sneaky", is there really something that cannot be said in front of Li Zairong?

This made Wang Ye a little curious.

Anyway, I won't delay myself for long, so it doesn't hurt to meet up.

So Wang Ye nodded and said, "Let her in."

Soon, under the leadership of Nova, Li Fuzhen walked into Wang Ye's office.

Seeing people coming in, Wang Ye stood up politely, invited Li Fuzhen to sit down by the sofa, and asked Nova to bring two cups of coffee.

Sitting opposite Wang Ye, Li Fuzhen must be a little nervous, so his movements and expressions look unnatural.

Wang Ye didn't rush to speak, but took a small sip from his coffee cup.

Li Fuzhen was also holding a coffee cup, but he was not in the mood to drink it. He moved his lips a few times but did not speak. He was probably still organizing his words and had no idea how to speak.

Of course, it is also possible that she does not speak Russian...

After being silent for a while, Li Fuzhen finally said: "Director Mikhail, what I'm going to say next may be a bit presumptuous, I hope you can forgive me."

She said this sentence in Russian, and her pronunciation was fairly standard, which surprised Wang Ye a little.

It seems that this woman is not simple. She can speak Russian fluently without the background of studying in Russia.

Nodding his head, Wang Ye said calmly: "It doesn't matter, if you have something to say, just say it."

He really didn't think that Li Fuzhen could say anything earth-shattering. After all, no matter how strong Samsung is, it is just a company. Maybe some things are very important in Li Fuzhen's eyes, but they are not worth mentioning in front of Wang Ye.

Li Fuzhen thought for a while, then grinned wryly and said: "Perhaps you have heard about me, and think that I am the kind... how should I put it, a stupid woman who is dazzled by love, but in fact, the inside story is not what it seems on the surface ..."

This is about her marriage farce. Wang Ye has indeed seen it in Li Fuzhen's files. At that time, he was a little puzzled why such a shrewd woman would do such a stupid thing.

But I didn't think much about it at the time, after all, it has nothing to do with Wang Ye, but now that Li Fuzhen has brought it up, there must be a reason.

Wang Ye didn't say a word, but just signaled Li Fuzhen to continue talking.

Li Fuzhen took a breath, calmed down, and continued:

"Choosing that one person to marry is only because I am unwilling!

Obviously I am more capable than my elder brother, and my performance is better, but because my elder brother is a man and I am a woman, the family property is passed on to my elder brother as a matter of course, and I don't even have the chance to compete!

I think the Samsung Group can develop better under my control, and it will only make the family business decline if it is in the hands of my brother!

So I don't want to marry another wealthy family according to my father's wishes, because then I will have nothing to do with the Samsung Group, and I won't have any chance to continue my career after I get into my husband's family. status housewives.

So I deliberately found a low-born and incompetent bodyguard to be my husband.

In this way, I can still stay in the family, continue my business, and still have a chance to take over the family business!

Outsiders are laughing at me, saying that I was dazzled by love, it's just that they don't understand my thoughts.

For me, what is love, what is marriage, compared with family business, those are not worth mentioning! "

The more he talked, the more excited Li Fuzhen became, and he even waved his arms involuntarily.

Wang Ye just put down the coffee cup in his hand and said calmly, "This is your family business and has nothing to do with me. If you came here to tell me about this, then you can go, because I don't have so many Time to listen to you talk about the short stories of these parents."

Li Fuzhen immediately restrained himself, and the expression on his face was no longer so excited. He stretched out his hand to stroke his hair, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I made Director Mikhail laugh, so I'll get straight to the point."

Wang Ye nodded slightly, motioning for her to speak directly.

Li Fuzhen took a deep breath, looked at Wang Ye with firm eyes and said, "I hope to get the help of Director Mikhail to seize control of the Samsung Group!"

Wang Ye frowned, looked at Li Fuzhen playfully, and asked with a smile: "Two questions, the first one, Samsung Group and Russia basically have no intersection, and your country does not belong to my sphere of influence, why do you think I Can you help me? Second, why do you ask me to help you? What can I get if I help you?"

In fact, Wang Ye felt very baffled in his heart. Is this Li Fu really mentally ill?

Suddenly ran over to find herself, complained to herself, and said that she would help her seize control of the family business...

The problem is that Samsung is not in Russia, and I haven't extended my hand to South Korea. This **** has nothing to do with me, so why should I help her.

Facing the two questions raised by Wang Ye, Li Fuzhen calmed down, straightened his back slightly, and said sincerely: "Director Mikhail, I did a lot of homework before I came to Moscow. To tell you the truth Say, I just learned Russian in the last two years, and the purpose of learning Russian is to be able to communicate with you face to face without the help of an interpreter after coming to Moscow!"

Wang Ye was a little stunned when he heard the words. It was really hard for him to imagine that this woman spent two years learning a foreign language just to meet and communicate with him, and she learned it well.

It can be seen from this that she is really persevering, and she belongs to the kind of person with a stoic personality!

But Wang Ye didn't say anything, just nodded to signal her to continue.

Li Fuzhen continued: "What I want to do, I can't find anyone to help me in our country, because no one has this ability! So I set my sights abroad, hoping to use external forces to help me realize my dream. So, I paid attention to you who has already started to rise! After two years of observation, I think that with your current strength, it is not difficult to help me realize that dream. And because your strength does not include our country, So even if you do something, no one will suspect you, which becomes an advantage instead!"


Wang Ye didn't need to ask what Li Fuzhen was talking about, and Wang Ye could roughly understand it. It must be some unconventional means.

However, for a wealthy family like the Li family, it is not surprising that anything happens in order to compete for family property.

As Li Fuzhen said, although I have not extended my hand to South Korea now, but if I really want to help her, it is really not difficult.

To do this kind of thing, Wagner under Wang Ye has too many "professional" people...

It is estimated that Li Fuzhen also learned that the Wagner Group is under his own control, so he took the risk and came to see his side too!

But now there is one last question, which is the second question Wang Ye raised just now, why should I help her...

Before Li Fuzhen came to see Wang Ye, she should have been very well prepared, because she knew that when she came to see Wang Ye this time, she must succeed and not fail!

If you can't convince Wang Ye, you may even face danger to your life!

She let out a long breath and said firmly:

"As for what you can get after you help me?

My answer is, anything you want!

Including part of the shares of the Samsung Group, the indirect control of the group, and even me!

Of course, maybe you are not interested in me..."