Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031

In July 2006, another thing happened, that is, Ajielina was successfully elected as the new speaker of the Crimean Parliament!

Although she basically controlled the entire parliament and even the entire Crimea when she was the deputy speaker before, but that was not right after all, and some affairs were not so convenient to handle.

Now it's all right, she officially serves as the speaker, and the actual management of the Crimea Peninsula has also been transferred from the presidential palace to the parliament, which has become a parliamentary responsibility system.

Originally, Crimea is such a big place with a small area and a small population. Whether it is managed by the president or the parliament, it basically has no impact.

Through the operation of Wangye in the past few years, the Crimea Peninsula has truly become the pearl of the entire Eastern Europe!

The entire peninsula is full of vitality, with new buildings rising from the ground, tourists coming for sightseeing, and with the establishment of a free trade port, overseas investment has also begun to skyrocket.

It is no exaggeration to say that Simferopol and Yalta have become gathering places for rich people in Eastern Europe!

Under the leadership of Wang Ye, Ajielina, on behalf of the Crimean Peninsula, signed an agreement with the member states of the Economic Mutual Aid Organization, allowing each other to travel visfree.

Although it seems that this matter is not important, it is a great promotion for the tourism and business of Crimea!

In the future, when tourists from these countries come to Crimea, they only need to take their passports and wallets, buy a plane ticket and fly directly, which is very convenient.

This will also make more people come to Crimea for shopping.

There are more tourists, economic development, and Crimea's unique geographical location and economic policies, so there is no reason for foreign capital not to invest.

Or foreign capital that originally planned to invest in Da Mao or Er Mao, but was afraid of changes in the domestic situation of Da Mao and Er Mao, so they have been waiting and watching, but now there is Crimea, an "enclave" sandwiched between Da Mao and Er Mao, and it is also a global free trade port. It enjoys various extremely favorable economic policies and can be exempted from visas.

So, in the past two years, the office market in Crimea has become very hot. Companies, large and small, from all over the world, as long as they want to develop in Eastern Europe, they will come here first to occupy a position and set up a branch or something.

This has caused Simferopol's airport to become busy, and a new large international airport has also been put on the agenda...

All in all, the current development of Crimea has basically met Wang Ye's expectations, or even better than his initial expectations!

On the day Ajielina took office as speaker, Wang Ye also went to the scene to congratulate her.

In the Crimean political arena, there should be many people who are vaguely aware of the relationship between Wang Ye and Ajielina.

After all these years, everyone has watched Ajielina rise from an ignorant little girl all the way to the sky, and slowly control the "military, political and legal" power of the entire Crimea!

During this process, not only did the current President Meshkov have no objections, but he even took the initiative to cooperate and hand over the power in his own hands.

Even on Kiefu's side, no one jumped out to make irresponsible remarks. There seemed to be a tacit understanding from top to bottom, and they were pushing to hand over the entire Crimea to Ajielina's hands!

Without the support of real big shots behind this, it is obviously impossible!

In addition, Wang Ye came to Simferopol many times, and lived in Ajielina's apartment every time, and he didn't deliberately avoid it.

So, gradually everyone knew that the man behind Ajielina was Speaker Mikhail from Moscow!

Although Crimea is a small place, far away from the political center, of course the politicians here also care about politics, and they are no strangers to this dark horse that has emerged in Moscow's political arena in the past few years.

Of course, everyone knows how Mikhail has been in full swing recently. Then look at Ajielina, and there is no objection to her controlling Crimea.

Because Ajielina is there, it means that Crimee can get support from Mikhail!

Don't underestimate this point, look at the respective investments that Crimea has received over the years, various infrastructures, and even the respective easing policies from Kiefer...

If someone else is in charge, then all these may be gone!

There is no need to question this point, as long as you compare the years before Ajielina entered the parliament with the years before, it will be clear...

In the hall of the parliament, there was a crowd of people, and all the members of the new parliament gathered here to take the oath of office.

As "special guests", Wang Ye and Meshkov sat side by side in the middle of the first row.

When Ajielina led the congressmen to take the oath collectively, Wang Ye and Meshkov stood up and applauded with smiles on their faces.

"Seeing you and Ajielina, I really feel old and it's time to retire."

After sitting down, Meshkov sighed in a low voice.

He and Wang Ye have already reached a tacit agreement, that is, Meshkov will gradually transfer the power in his hands to the parliament, then Wang Ye will guarantee the safety of his personal property, let him spend a peaceful and happy old age, and take proper care of his children and future generations.

Meshkov also readily accepted.

He is not stupid, he understands that if he does not agree, then he may not be able to sit in this position for long, and the so-called power will soon disappear.

In this case, why didn't I agree.

It is cost-effective to use power that may not exist in the first place in exchange for one's own safety and the happy life of future generations.

So with his full cooperation, all the power on Crimea was concentrated in the parliament. Now that Ajielina has officially served as the speaker, she is the veritable No. 1 person in Crimea!

Ajielina looks extraordinarily beautiful today.

She was wearing an off-white cashmere dress with a small diamond flower ornament on her chest. On her wrist was a Patek Philippe platinum complex model given to her by Wang Ye, and she had no other accessories.

The long blond hair was rolled up in a bun, exposing her slender neck, her skin was still as fair and delicate as when Wang Ye saw her for the first time, and the years did not leave any traces.

Of course, she is actually not very old now...

Speaking of which, Ajielina is only 27 years old, more than two years older than Wang Ye.

Standing on the rostrum, Ajielina's eyes passed over Wang Ye's side from time to time, and a sweet smile appeared on her face every time.

Ajielina was not too excited about becoming the speaker, because the matter had been settled long ago. It was just to save face for the old speaker and for the sake of procedural justice, so she waited until the parliament changed.

She is happiest because Wang Ye can come here in person to attend her inauguration ceremony!

Of course, in addition to Wang Ye, Ajielina's sister Nova, best friend Natalia, and her parents all came to Simferopol to attend her inauguration ceremony and congratulate her.

Nova has been with Wang Ye for a few years, and she is used to seeing the big world, so she doesn't feel much about her sister being elected as the new speaker, she is just happy for her sister.

But Ajielina's parents were different. The two of them smiled with tears in their eyes, obviously in a more agitated mood.

The two of them are one of the few people who know Wang Ye's true identity...

When Wang Ye decided to run for parliament, Ajielina made a special trip back to Yalta and had a deep talk with her parents.

What we are talking about is of course about Wang Ye's identity change.

From that day on, when Ajielina's parents talked about Wang Ye, they always only called him "Mikhail", and it seemed that they had never seen "Wang Ye". Speaking of Mikhail, he was of Russian Chinese...

For a while, Nova was nervous, because she remembered that when Wang Ye came to the house for the first time, her sister introduced him as an international student from China.

Could it be that I remembered wrongly...

However, no matter in front of their parents or sister Ajielina, when talking about Wang Ye, all three of them said in unison that there was no such thing, and Nova remembered it wrong!

Slowly, Nova really thought that she had made a mistake. Maybe she was preparing for the college entrance examination during that time, and she was too nervous to study, didn't have a good rest, and was she neurasthenic?

Natalia stood under the stage, looking at the dazzlingly beautiful good friend on the stage, she was filled with emotion.

At the beginning, when I learned that my good friend Ajielina had found a "foreign" boyfriend, I was quite dissatisfied, and even embarrassed Wang Ye face to face.

Because she is a great Tsarist!

But Ajielina is very firm, saying that the relationship between her and Wang Ye is very pure, so Natalia can't say anything.

With the increase in contact later, Wang Ye brought her too many surprises and shocks, and her feelings towards Wang Ye have completely changed, and she even feels that only such a man is worthy of her...

Of course, she later "got her wish" and broke through that relationship with Wang Ye.

And she was very open-minded, and didn't care about the fact that Wang Ye could not marry her, and she didn't even talk about it with Wang Ye.

All of her time and energy are now devoted to work. The area and population of Uzbekistan are much larger than that of Crimea. As the Attorney General, she has a high position and is also very busy with work.

Maybe after a few years, when the work becomes easier, she will consider having a child, and then bring up the child by herself.

Although it is impossible to give the child a complete family and tell the child who his father is too early, Natalia believes that when the child grows up and knows who his father is, he will be proud of it!

Meshkov finally took the stage to give a speech, perhaps because he was about to retire, so there was less hypocrisy and more sincerity in his words.

Mishkov praised the development of Crimea in recent years, saying that this is the result of the joint efforts of all the people of Crimea, and he is full of hope for the future. Under the leadership of the parliament, Crimea will inevitably go to glory...

After a busy day, everyone dispersed, and Wang Ye, Ajielina and others also returned to the residence.

Ajielina's parents have already driven back to Yalta, and they didn't stay overnight. The two of them have to go to work tomorrow, and they asked for leave today.

So Wang Ye, Ajielina, Natalia, and Nova returned to the residence together.

The butler has already prepared the dinner party. Although everyone also participated in the banquet at the parliament, it is obviously not a place to eat. They are only busy drinking and chatting, and everyone is still a little hungry.

Back home, several people relaxed, washed and changed into loose and comfortable clothes, and went to the restaurant to sit down and have dinner.

Wang Ye took the lead in raising the goblet, and said with a smile: "Come on, let us congratulate Ajielina on her promotion to the speaker, and wish the Crimea Peninsula more and more beautiful and prosperous under the leadership of Ajielina!"

Natalia and Nova also quickly raised their glasses and looked at Ajielina with a smile.

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Ajielina was a little embarrassed, and a blush appeared on her fair face.

She gave Wang Ye an angry look, and said angrily, "Misha, you are also laughing at me, right? Isn't it because of you that I became the speaker? If I had to choose, I would just be the chairman of the Crimea Investment Company. I am not interested in any positions like the speaker."

This is Ajielina's innermost thoughts.

The purpose of her entering politics is not really to become an official or anything, but because Wang Ye wants her to enter politics.

Walking step by step, it was Wang Ye who pushed her behind. Of course, since Wang Ye needed it, Ajielina would not resist entering politics.

Hearing what Ajielina said, before Wang Ye said anything, Natalia sighed next to her:

"You, you really don't know the blessings in the blessings!

This is the speaker!

Although it is only the chairman of Crimea, it is still a position that most people dare not even think about.

To be honest, five years ago, I really never thought that one day you would be the speaker of Crimea, and of course, I never thought that I would be the Attorney General of Uzbekistan..."

Wang Ye laughed and said, "Why don't you dare to think about it? I just think you two are very good. You are fully qualified for your current position, and you may even be qualified for a higher position."

Ajielina shook her head hastily, "Farewell, I feel that it is not easy to do the things at hand well. Although Crimea has a small territory, the economy is growing very fast and the development is also very fast, which will bring a series of problems, so I will be very busy later.

In addition, the affairs of the Crimei Investment Company are also complicated, so I really don't have the energy to do anything else. "

She was really worried that Wang Ye would "push" herself up again, but in Krimi...

Although Natalia is doing well there, Ajielina is not interested in Kiefu at all.

Krimi is her hometown after all, and she is happy to do more for her hometown, so it is not easy to complain about being busy.

But what is going to Kifutu, she is not really interested in the so-called power...

Wang Ye nodded. He understood what Ajielina meant, and of course he would not force her to do work that she was not interested in.

But Natalia's personality is completely different from Ajielina's. She has even greater ambitions, and she can look forward to her future development...