Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Because Marina, who was wearing a gorgeous palace robe and a crown, seemed to be a different person from her just now!

Lips pursed, eyes cold, chin raised slightly, holding a scepter symbolizing power in his hand, wearing a gorgeous gown, with a glittering crown inlaid with diamonds on his head, just standing there simply, but has already become the focus of attention of the audience!

Now Marina is like the queen who came out of the oil painting!

"This is the Empress Ekaterina in my mind..." Gangchalovski stood up suddenly, his voice trembling, his chest heaving a little, obviously very emotional.

At this moment, he has already left his star friend out of the sky, because the girl standing at the door perfectly fits all his imagination of Empress Catherine!

Gangchalovsky felt that he couldn't imagine who could be more suitable than Marina to play Ekaterina, because no one could be more suitable than her!

Selev was also very shocked in his heart. He rubbed his eyes, looked at Marina seriously again, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The boss is the boss!

This gaze is really vicious...

This Marina, without makeup and clothes, still looks ordinary, nothing amazing.

But now after simple makeup and changing clothes, I feel that the whole person has "transformed"!

Actually, Serev and Goncharovsky had asked several female stars to audition, and they also had the same clothes and makeup, but both of them felt that there was something missing, so the choice of female lead has not been determined.

Marina's audition today caught Serev and Goncharovsky's eyes, and they both thought that she was the most suitable candidate.

Needless to say, Serev, since Marina is the candidate handpicked by the boss, he will never object.

And just now that Chalovsky arrived here, he didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart. Compared with human feelings, he obviously hopes that as a director, he can make a big drama that is widely circulated!

With a budget of 500 million US dollars, plus such a heroine who is simply the reincarnation of Emperor Ye, he is more confident about this drama!

Selev and Goncharovsky looked at Marina so hotly that they frightened Marina...

Seeing the two of them staring at her up and down without saying a word, she felt a little nervous, and asked timidly, "That...Mr. Serev, Mr. Goncharovsky, do you think I... can do it?"

Serev nodded sharply, and said unabashedly: "It's so suitable! This role belongs to you!"

Gangchalovsky also quickly echoed: "That's right! It's perfect, this is Ekaterina in my mind..."

The agent beside her was surprised and delighted. She didn't expect Marina's audition to go so smoothly. She hadn't even shown off her acting skills yet. She just changed her clothes and put on some makeup. As a result, these two big shots were so shocked that they lost their composure!

Indeed, in the eyes of the agent, Serev and Goncharovsky are out-and-out big shots...

Since both Serev and Goncharovsky are satisfied with Marina's audition, the next thing will be easy.

Gang Chalovsky simply asked Marina to perform a few episodes of the plot, and he also recognized her acting skills very much. In fact, even if Marina's acting skills were not good, then Gang Chalovsky would not make things difficult for her.

After all, acting skills can be adjusted and improved, but the image and temperament are innate. Besides Marina, it is too difficult to find an actress who is so suitable for Ekaterina!

Serev even directly ordered his assistant to bring the contract and sign a contract with Marina on the spot.

But what he signed was not an ordinary performance contract, but to sign Marina directly!

Picking up the contract from his assistant, Serev said kindly to Marina: "I just talked with your agent, and I heard that you are only affiliated with an entertainment company, but you haven't signed a fixed contract. That means you are still free, right?"

It's not that Marina is so special, but because Da Mao's economy is relatively poor these years, and the entertainment industry is even more difficult. Most of the actors do not have fixed contracts, which is the so-called free agency.

Because if a brokerage company wants to sign an actor's long-term or even lifetime contract, it will also need to pay a lot of price, such as guaranteed income, resources in the circle, etc.

But most actors lose money when they sign, so naturally no agency is willing to sign, so there is a way of relying on Marina.

That is, when she has an acting opportunity, the agency she is attached to will hire a professional agent to help her negotiate and sign the contract, and if she succeeds, she will get a part of the commission. If there is no acting opportunity, then the agency usually does not care about your life...

In short, Marina is free to come and go without any restrictions.

So, upon hearing Serev's question, Marina nodded, "Yes, I'm just affiliated with this brokerage company. According to the contract, both parties have the right to terminate the contract at any time, and there is no need to pay any compensation."

Serev showed a smile on his face, "That's easy to handle. Our NTV TV station has just established our own agency, which is responsible for signing some big-name artists or artists with potential. In the future, the resources of the TV tower will also be tilted towards our contracted artists, and they will be given enough opportunities to appear on camera. I wonder if you would like to sign it?"

For the filming of "Queen Ekaterina" this time, all the protagonists and important supporting roles must try their best to sign with this agency in Taiwan.

Because Serev had a premonition that when the show was filmed, the actors in the play might become popular!

Of course he doesn't want to use the TV station's money and big dramas to make other artists famous...

Besides, in the future, NTV TV station will have major dramas cast every year, and their own high-quality programs will also be produced one after another, which will require a large number of celebrity artists, so the establishment of their own management company is also a matter of course.

Marina is the first artist that Taili's agency will sign!

As for Dongia, he will also send someone to ask. Of course, no matter what Dongia chooses, it will not affect her joining the crew. After all, her identity is different...

Marina did not hesitate, and immediately nodded her head. She is not stupid. Of course, she knows that the benefits of signing up for NTV station definitely outweigh the disadvantages, or even only advantages but no disadvantages!

There is no hesitation!

The contract given by Serev is still very generous. The salary for the first season is as high as two million dollars. In addition, the standard of accommodation during the group period is also given according to the first-line stars.

In addition, the contract also specifically stated that if the response of the first season is good, then the second season will be filmed soon, the heroine is still Marina, and the salary will go up to a certain extent!

The salary of two million dollars is definitely the treatment of the most popular star in Damao, although it seems a bit insignificant compared to the overall investment of five hundred million dollars...

But Marina is very, very satisfied!

Since she entered the entertainment industry, she has never received such a high salary. In fact, the highest salary she ever received was less than two hundred thousand dollars...

Wang Ye's acquisition of NTV and the casting of "Empress Ekaterina", Rosiana naturally received the news very quickly.

She also specially came over to chat with Wang Ye about this matter.

"Misha, how did you come up with the idea to make such a TV series and invest so much!" Rosiana asked enthusiastically.

Wang Ye smiled slightly, and said gently: "Because you are the Grand Duke Romanov, and now you are in politics, I hope that through this TV series, everyone will remember you. It is best to combine your image with Ekaterina in the play. This will also be of great benefit to your future development."

It's really not that Wang Ye is fooling Rosiana, because if this show is really popular, it can really play such a role!

Seriously speaking, Rosiana represents the inheritance of the Romanov family, and Ekaterina is a very famous one in the history of the Romanov family. Both of them are women.

After the TV series is broadcast, some viewers will naturally regard Rosiana as Ekaterina in the play, and don't forget that the backbone of Rosiana's faction is the so-called "royalists"...

It can only be said that the drama Wang Ye chose is too suitable, it really serves multiple purposes.

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Rosiana burst into a smile. It turned out that Misha really invested a huge amount of money for his own sake, first buying NTV and then filming historical dramas.

All of this is done for myself...

In comparison, Rosiana felt a little ashamed, because she didn't do many things for Misha, far inferior to what he did for herself.

Impulsive, she blurted out: "Misha, no matter what happens in the future, I will stand by your side and never betray you!"

Wang Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "There is no need to talk about this between us. What I do is what I can do."

Rosiana became serious, and she said seriously:

"I understand that it is naturally within your ability for you, but it has indeed benefited me and our family a lot. In fact, if you want me to say, there is no need for the Romanov family to rise again.

Except for a very small number of ignorant people, the vast majority of people probably would not want the Romanov family to regain control of the country.

It's a pity that my grandfather is still a little obsessed with his obsession. He only wants to restore the glory of the family, and he has done a lot of things in private for this.

do you know"

Wang Ye raised his palm and interrupted Rosiana's words, "Grandpa's thoughts are understandable, after all, it is his responsibility as the patriarch, and it must be done.

And he has no selfishness towards you and me. As long as we need help, he will do his best to help. "

Rosiana sighed and didn't continue this topic, but she was smiling wryly in her heart, thinking that Wang Ye was a little naive!

Of course I know what my grandfather wants, so Wang Ye said that he has no selfish intentions, which is definitely not correct...

But there are some things I can't say, after all, he is my own grandfather, so it's rare that I want to speak ill of him in front of Wang Ye?

Wang Ye really didn't know what Rosiana was thinking, but Wang Ye knew what Constantine did!

Of course he understands what Constantine wants, and also understands that the old fox has selfish motives for helping him all the time.

But so what...

Don't you have selfishness?

Except for your own parents, no one in this world can be completely selfless towards you.

Whether it's Khovchenko, Abramovich, Kremlin, Constantine, including Rosiana!

These people are naturally very close to me, and they are all helping themselves. Even people like Hovchenko, Abramovich, and Kremlin have provided considerable help to themselves without asking for anything.

But is that really the case?

If Wang Ye is just an ordinary student with no ability and can't help them solve some problems, will they still provide Wang Ye with any help?

Obviously not.

Wang Ye will not feel dissatisfied because of this, because he himself has selfish intentions...

It's okay to have selfishness, as long as you don't do things that harm others and benefit yourself, so Wang Ye tries his best to do win-win or even win-win things. Even if there are inevitably "losers", then the losers are also his enemies.

Konstantin wanted to revive the actions of the Romanov family. Wang Ye had already seen it, but not only did he not mind, he was even willing to help when the time was right.

It can make Rosiana's "Royalists" stronger, and it will also have potential benefits for the royal industry.

With the demise of the Moscow faction, only the Hilavik Group and the Wangye faction are the strongest in the political arena. Then, on some matters, there will inevitably be some conflicts between the two factions.

Wang Ye thinks this is not good. With the emergence of small frictions, sooner or later the two factions will stand on opposite sides.

Even though he and the Kremlin are trying their best to avoid this from happening, the two factions now have a large number of people, and Kremlin and Wangye cannot control everything.

Especially when it comes to the interests of faction members...

Wang Ye is keenly aware of this phenomenon, so it is best to have another force in the political arena, so that a tripartite confrontation can be formed.

After all, the triangle is the most stable.

The royalists headed by Rosiana are obviously the best choice.

Because of Rosiana's relationship, neither the Kremlin nor Wangye will intentionally suppress the growth of Rosiana's faction, but will provide some assistance to make this faction grow as soon as possible.

At that time, the royalists will be sandwiched between the Kravico Group and the Wangye faction, and they can still play a buffer role. (end of this chapter)