Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 783

Chapter 783

The reason why the charter king was so anxious was because he thought that the high-level officials of Kyoto had called him and asked him why. I feel that China has not been sorry for the ship king in the past few years. It's okay to make money from China and invest in it, and even smear the investment environment of Pudong New Area and mainland China in the newspapers.

Combined with Wu Guangzheng's attitude of going to Shanghai, Kyoto executives believe that Bao Yugang may also be involved in this matter. After all, he and Zheng Yutong have been very close recently, otherwise it would be impossible for the two to go to Shanghai together.

Originally, Kyoto did not plan to make this call, but considering that the charter king family has made a lot of contributions to the country. Moreover, he also donated to build a tourist hotel. Based on the principle of not wronging a good person, he decided to make a phone call and ask about the situation.

In fact, I had already seen the reports on the media in the morning, and I was still thinking about who is so boring to do this kind of thing again. You must know that the first time you do this is a genius, and the second time is no different from a fool.

In the heart of the charter king, he felt that he was British for the first time. After all, the United Kingdom could not see the Chinese mainland as good. Bao Zixuan went to the Chinese mainland to do something in the Pudong New Area this time, but it seriously harmed the interests of the British.

Huo Yingdong's visit made the charter king feel very strange. Since the split of Bao Huodong Mining Company, Mr. Huo has not contacted him for a long time. Today's newspapers began to report on the investment environment in mainland China. Could it be that Huo Yingdong came to discuss with him?

But Huo Yingdong's words made the charter king a little unsure of what to say; according to Huo Yingdong, he couldn't wash himself after jumping into the Yellow River.

Huo Yingdong: "Bao Sheng, what personal grievances you have with Bao Zixuan is your own business. But this time it has risen to the national level. Shadantong has smeared Bao Zixuan, Shanghai Pudong New Area and China's investment environment in the newspapers, you know? Everyone at the top knows about this, so you can imagine the mood."

"You are arguing and arguing, but you can't let people attack the country's investment environment and policies in the newspapers. Now I really regret that I didn't stop the Baohuodong Mining Company from splitting up. You two are getting more and more excessive. I believe in Bao Sheng's character. This should not be your original intention. Don't be fooled or misunderstood. If you did it, treat it like I haven't been here, and don't have any contact in the future. "

Huo Yingdong's sources of information are quite extensive, and he can get the news at the first time if there is any trouble in Xiangjiang. Moreover, Zheng Jiaxiang was quite high-profile that night. At this time, everyone in Xiangjiang knew that he was a little bit well-connected. The charter king didn't pay attention to it. Now that he heard Huo Yingdong say this, of course he understood what he meant.

The charter king quickly explained: "I really don't know about this matter. The Bao family will never do anything wrong to their ancestors; at the same time, I will give an explanation to the Kyoto side."

Huo Yingdong still understands the character of the charter king. He is very relieved to hear this. As long as Bao Yugang is not involved in this matter, it is fine, as for Zheng Yutong, let him go.

Zheng Jiaxiang recruited the head and editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Did Zheng Yutong instruct him to do so. Therefore, Huo Yingdong doesn't believe that Shaqiantong is not involved at all, and such people should not continue to communicate in the future.

As for the charter king, it depends on how he explains it himself. He must know that it is his own choice to cooperate with the Zheng family.

After some investigation, I received a call from a high-level executive in Kyoto. After feeling the seriousness of the matter, the charter king did not dare to delay. Instead, he ordered the chartered flight directly, and at the same time asked the old man to come forward and go with him. In fact, the old man just wanted to express an attitude. The Bao family definitely hopes that Xiangjiang will return, and only hopes that things can be salvaged. There is also to ease the relationship with the old man, so that the old man feels that he is still the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Bao family.

After all, when I cooperated with Zheng Yutong to deal with Bao Zixuan, the old man said that HSBC and Zheng Yutong were both unreliable. Now it's time to verify the old man's thoughts and let the old man know that what he said is right.

Being able to come forward when the Bao family is in crisis is also a kind of recognition. In fact, everyone knows that the charter king can represent the entire family. He and his second son-in-law used to be an attitude. The old man dragged his not so good body to Kyoto. There are many factors!

This made the second son-in-law ignore anything and go directly to Huaxia Capital to explain things clearly.

Zheng Yutong felt good before, although others would doubt him. But the body is not afraid of the shadow, and there is nothing to worry about.

Zheng Yutong's phone call made Zheng Yutong a little confused, but he wasn't stupid either. From the inside and outside of the words, it seems that the things in the newspaper are related to him. Isn't this wrong!

The charter king is not a person without a target, so there must be evidence that things have something to do with him. So Shaqdantong began to investigate the matter, and there must be special channels for these super tycoons. When he learned that it was a media reporter contacted by Zheng Jiaxiang, Zheng Yutong was a little flustered.

Everyone knows that Zheng Jiaxiang is from the Zheng family and works under him. He used to contact media reporters to report on the investment policies of Bao Zixuan, Shanghu New District, and China Mainland. It was not clear that he had instructed him!

Now I can't wash myself out of jumping into the Yellow River, although I don't understand why Zheng Jiaxiang did this. But it is no longer important, everyone will definitely think that he did it. Even if Zheng Jiaxiang said it was his personal idea, it is estimated that no one would believe it.

Zheng Yutong was a little panicked, but fortunately he reacted quickly. In any case, he is also a tycoon-level character, and his psychological quality is still very good.

Quickly let someone find Zheng Jiaxiang, at least ask the situation clearly, not so unclear.

As for Zheng Yutong calling himself over, of course Zheng Jiaxiang knew what it was for. Fortunately, the money has been transferred. The big deal is to go to Australia. Buying a small farm there is also a good choice.

Zheng Jiaxiang knew that Zheng Yutong would not do anything to him. After all, his father helped him back then, and there was still some incense.

Seeing Zheng Jiaxiang entering the office, Zheng Yutong asked directly, "Why did you do this, and who ordered it. If I can ask you this, it means that evidence has been found, whether it has anything to do with Shen Bi."

I heard that Zheng Yutong had found evidence, and also guessed that he had something to do with Shen Bi. Zheng Jiaxiang felt that there was nothing to hide, and he didn't want to hide it from Zheng Yutong at all.

Zheng Jiaxiang knelt directly in front of Zheng Yutong and said, "Fourth Uncle, Shen Bi found me the day before yesterday. He told me to introduce me to an errand, and let me contact Heung Kong Media to smear Bao Zixuan's investment in the mainland, and then give me a certain amount of remuneration."

"I think last time you didn't let me do this too, so you didn't think too much about it. Shen Bi promised to give me 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. The money didn't move at all, it's all at home."

"I only felt the seriousness of the problem when I heard the discussion today. Did it cause you trouble?"

Zheng Jiaxiang is also a smart man who speaks half-truths. But he didn't dare to say that Shen Bi had a handle on him; he leaked many things about the company. Don't say it's a distant relative, even your own son Shaqiantong will take care of Hearing that Zheng Jiaxiang did it, Shaqiantong is really scared. Openly slandering a country's investment policy is not courting death! Now that Shen Bi did it, who would believe it.

But seeing the appearance of Zheng Jiaxiang in front of him, it is estimated that he was also used by Shen Bi. In his heart, Zheng Jiaxiang was easily fooled by Shen Bi. I thought something was wrong before, and things didn't get done; how could Shen Bi leave so easily, so he was waiting for him here!

This is forcing himself to death, no wonder the charter king will call, it seems that he wants to draw a clear line with himself.

There is still a tough question in front of him, what should Zheng Jiaxiang do. After all, they are their own relatives, and it is really hard to clean up or let them disappear. But the company can't stay, so he said: "I'm giving you 300,000, go abroad! Don't let me see you in the future, if you see it, it won't be what it is today."

There is no way for Shaqiantong. Zheng Jiaxiang has helped him with many things over the years. A lot of things don't want people to know, and sending them away is the best way to deal with them. You can't really kill your relatives righteously, and Shaqiantong is not so ruthless yet.

Now I can only ask Huo Yingdong to think of a way, and I need to use Mr. Huo's influence and connections to explain it to the mainland. Otherwise, don't talk about investing in the mainland in the future, it will be difficult for you to enter.

Shen Bi is too insidious, so beware. This time we can't just let it go, we must find an opportunity to take revenge. Now that he is a HSBC executive, there may be no good way. But sooner or later he will retire; then he will be a toothless tiger, and he must be treated well.

The priority is to get yourself out first, and although it is difficult, try it anyway. With a decision, Shaqiantong hurriedly called someone to prepare a car and drove towards Huo Yingdong's house.