Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 784

Chapter 784

After contacting the chartered flight, the charter king went straight to Huaxia Kyoto with the doctor and his entourage. Although Mr. Bao has not spoken to his son for a long time, how can father and son have an overnight feud. At this time, the Bao family was in crisis, and of course they had to come forward to save it. Bao Yugang's idea is right, the old man thinks that he is still useful to the family, and he is more energetic.

After all, I am old, and my health was not good before. It's not too far from Xiangjiang to Huaxia Kyoto. The old man started to rest as soon as he got on the plane. The charter king began to sort out his thoughts. Tomorrow, he would meet with the high-level officials in Kyoto, and how to explain it to others. This is the key to whether the Bao family can gain a foothold in China.

He has done well before, and China mainland also recognizes him very much. There has been nothing good since cooperating with Shark Gallop. It seems that choosing an ally is very important.

Wu Guangzheng went directly to Huaxia Kyoto with only one assistant, while the rest continued to inspect the Shanghai market. Although it is of little use, it is still not possible to go back like this.

From Shanghai to Kyoto, not only the distance is closer, but the procedures are more convenient. And there is no flow control in this era. When Wu Guangzheng arrived in Kyoto, Bao Yugang had not arrived. The staff of the Bao family in Huaxia have been arranged before. After all, it must be more grand for the old man to come in person.

After Bao Zixuan built a high gate compound in Huaxia Kyoto, other families in Xiangjiang began to follow suit. The boat king's family is also the owner of the money, so they bought two sets of yards next to Bao Zixuan, which have been renovated and can be moved in at any time. Moreover, in order to facilitate contact with mainland China, the Bao family has two staff members who have been stationed in Kyoto for a long time, and they are all used today.

After waiting for less than 2 hours, the chartered flight of the charter king arrived in Huaxia Kyoto. You must know that for this flight, not only a huge amount of money is spent, but a lot of relationships are also used. But all of this is very worthwhile, otherwise, if you want to fly in the future, you may not have such an opportunity.

Seeing the father-in-law and the old man coming, Wu Guangzheng hurried forward. Although he also came from a wealthy family, the daughter of the charter king who married him was still married. Many things still have to rely on the father-in-law and the Bao family, otherwise Zheng Ershao would not call him the second uncle.

Seeing that the old man is a little tired, and the charter king is not very good. After all, he is also a person in his 60s, so the toss is enough.

There are not many cars at Kyoto Airport in this era, and there is no traffic jam. After a few people got into the car, they didn't say anything. After all, some things should not be known to the people below.

After getting off the car, I saw the old man of Baofu and wanted to go in. But he was held back by the charter king, because it was not their family.

The charter king: "Father, this is not our house; the one next to me is."

Following the charter king's hand to look at a house next to him, the old man's mood was very complicated. Because he knew that since it wasn't their Bao family, it must be Xiangjiang Baozi Xuan who could build such a big house in Kyoto. In this era, people in Kyoto had no money, and even if they had money, they would not dare to build houses like this.

Glancing at Bao Zixuan's mansion, he said with a wry smile: "Let's go! Let's go back to our own house. This mansion should be chosen by Baozi!"

I remember talking to the old man about the Baozixuan mansion in Kyoto at that time, because it should be remembered.

The chartered boat king: "It belongs to Bao Zixuan. It's very big inside. It's bought a few mansions of princes and nobles and rebuilt them on the basis of the original ones. The inside is very big. The last time we settled in a few hundred people, it was not crowded. Now It seems that Bao Zixuan intends to stay permanently in the mainland."

The old man didn't say much, but followed the staff to Bao Yugang's mansion in Kyoto. The ship king family is also a famous family, and the family has a large population. The mansion in Kyoto is really not small, with more than 15 rooms alone. Just compared with the house next to the richest man, the difference is still too far.

After the staff all retired, the old man sat at the top and said, "Tell me about the situation, is it really that serious this time!"

The old man understands his son's character better, and it is impossible for him to follow him to Kyoto unless he has to. You must know that when Bao Zixuan suppressed him last time, he offered to go to Huaxia Deep Sea with them. Being so proactive this time proves that things must be much more serious than last time.

Bao Yugang said with a wry smile: "I'll tell you about Xiangjiang first, and let Guangzheng tell you about Shanghai, and then everyone will discuss the countermeasures together."

"It started to appear in the newspapers yesterday that the Heiyun Group invested 5 billion US dollars to help Shanghai Shanghai establish Pudong New Area. Today's news is fermenting very quickly, and all the reports say that the investment of Heiyun Group is doomed to fail. Criticizing the failure of Pudong New Area and the poor investment environment in China."

"There was a similar report in the newspaper last time, but it was only for the Heiyun Town project. Many depositors of Heiyun Bank went to withdraw money and cancel their accounts, which was done by Zheng Yutong, of course I also know."

"After the report, the Heiyun Bank suffered a run on the bank, but in the end, it subsided after Bao Zixuan returned to Xiangjiang. This is also the main reason for the split of Bao Huodong Mining Company. It can be said that the Bao family still got some benefits."

"This incident is not only about the Heiyun Group, but also criticized Huaxia's investment policy. And this time, it is Zheng Yutong's subordinate. The media contacted by Zheng Jiaxiang heard that it took a lot of money to get the media coverage."

"Before I came to Kyoto, I called Zheng Yutong. He also had a black eye, and he didn't seem to know it. But these are no longer important. Zheng Jiaxiang is his relative and subordinate. Without Shaqiantong's inspiration and support, how could he Have the money and the guts to do this kind of thing."

"Now Huaxia executives think that our Bao family is also involved in this matter, and they have called to ask this morning. If it wasn't for the fact that we have made a lot of contributions to the country before and contributed to the country, it is estimated that the Bao family would have already been denied. already."

When he was at the airport just now, Wu Guangzheng called home. I heard some inside stories from my wife, but there is no detailed introduction from the charter king. Now that my father-in-law has finished speaking, I understand why the Shanghai side's attitude towards them has undergone a 180-degree change. It turns out that the root cause is here. If it is really done by the Zheng family, they will not treat you too much.

When he thought about what Zheng Ershao had done in Shanghai, Wu Guangzheng felt bad. To make things so difficult, it is clear that they do not want to invest in Shanghai. Now they are still deliberately smearing China's investment policy in the Hong Kong newspapers. Isn't the Zheng family a show of cheating!

Seeing that his father-in-law was looking at himself, Wu Guangzheng had to sort out his thoughts and said: "When we first arrived in Shanghai, it was relatively normal, but as time passed, Zheng Ershao's true face leaked out. When he began to molest the service staff of the hotel, you can It is said that they often take advantage of others. Due to various reasons, the service staff are silent. "

"Negotiations didn't start until a week later, but Zheng Ershao insisted on the land that Bao Zixuan and Hu Yingxiang bought. And even though the two companies had already paid for it, not only that, they didn't want to pay. You know that Hu Yingxiang and Bao Zixuan both The land was purchased with real money, of course Shanghai Shanghai disagrees.

"Shanghai kept making concessions, and even decided to give us the land previously planned for the district government. But Zheng Ershao was still not satisfied, and finally reluctantly accepted it, but he was only willing to pay $1 to buy 200 acres of land."

"How could Shanghu agree? Today, Secretary Wang of Shanghu personally arrived at the negotiation The two sides still did not reach an agreement. Zheng Ershao was very arrogant and his tone was extremely bad. The final result was that we were expelled. Negotiation venue, and then go back to the hotel to pack up."

Hearing that they had taken out all the land originally planned for the district government, they were not satisfied, and they had to buy 200 mu of land for $1. What's the difference between this and Ming grabbing? Cooperating with the Zheng family is the most wrong decision of the Bao family so far.

The old man was very angry, didn't this put all the bags in it! Their hometown is in Zhejiang Province, and they have deep roots in Shanghai. Isn't it blocking the way home?

Mr. Bao: "Since the incident has happened, our Bao family must make a statement. The things in the newspaper have nothing to do with our family, and we must have a clear attitude when we meet the senior leaders of Kyoto tomorrow. The Bao family will never do anything that is sorry for our ancestors. Yes, not now, and not in the future.

"Don't have any connection with the Zheng family, so as not to be implicated by them. As for the mining company, it is better to divide it up as soon as possible, and each company has several mines. In short, don't have any economic dealings with the Zheng family."

The old man's attitude is very clear, but the charter king is very embarrassed. People say that if there is an old man, if there is a treasure, it is true.