Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 782

Chapter 782

Zheng Ershao still doesn't know what happened in Xiangjiang, where is he still showing off his power. Ready to show the so-called superiority of Xiangjiang people, it can be said to be majestic and beautiful.

Secretary Wang was very angry after hanging up the phone. It felt wrong when Zheng Yutong sent such a second king. It turned out that people didn't want to cooperate at all, they just came to play in Shanghai. This is taking the Chinese people seriously and making fun of the people of Shanghai. Since you're not a friend, and people still play you as a fool, then you don't need to continue being polite.

There is a Chinese proverb, when a friend comes, there is wine, and when a fortune wolf comes, there is a shotgun. The more he thought about it on the way back to the conference room, the more angry it seemed that some people couldn't be nice to him.

After entering the conference room, the Shanghai Stock Exchange staff said: "Mr. Zheng's conditions are too harsh. If you agree to it, there is no way to explain it to other investors. Therefore, Shanghai Shanghai can not agree, I hope you can understand."

Zheng Ershao, who wanted to prove himself wholeheartedly, could give up easily. When I came to Shanghai, apart from feeling that the waiters here are very beautiful, I really didn't feel any good! Pudong is even more desolate. With an investment of US$5 billion here, Bao Zixuan also has a hole in his head.

Now the Shanghai side actually dares to refuse, are these mainlanders taking themselves too seriously?

Zheng Ershao said rudely: "What do you have in this so-called Pudong New Area? It's a desolate scene. The Zheng family can come and invest because they can look up to you. Don't be too big."

"If it wasn't for the sake of being Chinese at the same time, don't say investing here; even if you asked me to come, I wouldn't come here. The path is yours to choose; don't regret it at that time. The investment was corrupted by you!"

This remark made the public officials of Shanghai Stock Exchange very angry, and they all said that the Zheng family was a famous family in Xiangjiang. Whether the second world lord in front of him was born to Zheng Yutong himself, how could he speak so out of his mind. With such descendants in the Zheng family, it is really hard to say whether they can keep the family business.

At this time, Secretary Wang came over and said: "Since Mr. Zheng doesn't want to come to Shanghai to invest, then we are not reluctant. If the two of you have nothing to do, go back to Hong Kong as soon as possible! The conditions for going to Shanghai are limited, in case there is a place where the reception is not good Not good to explain."

At the same time, he said to the official: "Suspend all negotiations with the Zheng family and the Bao family in Xiangjiang; without specific instructions from the Kyoto side, no one is allowed to contact these two families in private."

Wu Guang was stunned for a moment, why did he suspend all negotiations all of a sudden. What the **** is going on here, and we still need to wait for instructions from Kyoto. Could it be that the father-in-law took the high-level route of Kyoto, but the expression of this secretary Wang in front of him didn't look like it!

The public servants of Shanghai Stock Exchange have long been very unhappy with this Second World Lord. Otherwise, they would not want to listen to this kid's nonsense here at all because of their work relationship. Now that Secretary Wang has a clear definition of things, there is nothing to say. Hurry up and let them leave Shanghai, or else I'm really worried about making mistakes.

Secretary Wang gave a look, and the staff immediately understood what it meant. He quickly stepped forward and said, "You two, the negotiation is over. The conditions for going to Shanghai are limited, so please leave."

When did Zheng Ershao suffer from such anger, he stood up and said: "Old man, you really take yourself as a person. Tell you that the Zheng family is not willing to invest in this poor place, don't regret it."

Hearing Zheng Ershao's name, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded. You must know that Secretary Wang is the secretary of Shanghai and a national leader. Now a second world lord directly calls the old man, what is the situation.

Unlike Zheng Ershao who came to China for the first time, Wu Guangzheng had been there many times. I had seen Secretary Wang in Kyoto before and knew the identity of the other party. I thought that this time I was really killed by the second world lord of the Zheng family, and I would not come out with him in the future.

Wu Guangzheng said apologetically: "Secretary Wang, don't be angry, this kid is ignorant. You have a lot, please don't bother with him. You can come according to the conditions of the Shanghai stock market, and the Bao family is willing to come and invest."

Unexpectedly, Secretary Wang has not spoken yet, but Zheng Ershao is unwilling. After all, the Zheng family was the mainstay before he came here. How could he back off when he saw this old man say a few cruel words? Wouldn't that make others laugh out loud. When I go back to Hong Kong, what kind of capital is there to talk about the negotiation of going to Shanghai? It will be very faceless at that time.

Zheng Ershao: "What did the second uncle say! You must know that the Zheng family is in charge this time, and I hope you will correct your identity and position. If you invest according to what I said, you have to think carefully about it, old man. Rejecting the Zheng family means What, there is nothing in Pudong New Area right now."

Secretary Wang suddenly laughed, and everyone who knew his character knew it. This is really angry, it seems there must be other things. As a national leader, it would be too unrestrained to be angry because of a young man's name.

Secretary Wang: "You should go back to Xiangjiang! There is no room for your two giant Buddhas here in Shanghu. You don't need to worry about whether the Pudong New Area can be built. Shanghu is a city with a population of more than 10 million. Let's work together. I think something can still be done.

"We welcome entrepreneurs who are optimistic about us. But for businessmen who are not optimistic about the Pudong New Area project and feel that investing in it is a kind of charity, we don't need it either."

A gesture staff quickly took the two out of the venue, but before leaving, Wu Guangzheng said: "Why is this, please ask Secretary Wang to make it clear."

Secretary Wang still had some good feelings for the second son-in-law of the ship king. Or decide to reply to the other party, at least it is a polite question.

Secretary Wang: "You should ask the charter king. I think he should know what's going on."

When he left, Wu Guangzheng didn't want to have any interaction with this Second World Lord at all. The title just now is inherently insulting, and it seems that people don't take themselves seriously at all. I will never pay attention to this kind of person in the future, this is a piece of shit.

Zheng Ershao was still a little unconvinced, and said to Wu Guangzheng: "What kind of secretary is this old man, and he doesn't take our Zheng family seriously. Don't let me meet him in the future, or you will definitely make him look good."

Wu Guangzheng didn't say anything, because he felt it was a waste to talk to this guy.

After seeing Zheng Ershao and Wu Guangzheng leave, Secretary Wang said to the civil servants in Shanghai: "These days, you have been wronged. Our modesty and tolerance did not show the other party's sincerity, but turned Bengali. It's even more demanding. It's not coming to invest at all, it's coming to make trouble."

"Actually, we can endure all of these, but what cannot be forgiven is that these two families actually smeared Pudong New Area on the Hong Kong media, and said nothing here. I couldn't believe it at first, but I heard what the representative of the Zheng family just said. , I have already fully believed it. People don't even look at us, and we need to be **** ourselves; it seems that our strength is not strong enough, I hope you will continue to work hard.

"Shanghai is the most economically developed city in the country, and it is still like this. You can imagine what other cities will be like. I hope everyone can lead the people of Shanghai to build the Pudong New Area together. This is the best for those who have seen us all over the place. It is also the greatest reward for those who trust us.

It can be said that Secretary Wang came to work on-site, because he felt that it could play a very good role in spurring. Civil servants have suffered a lot these days, which can be regarded as a comfort to them.

Shanghai public officials finally know why Secretary Wang is angry; the same is true for himself. It turned out that these two families not only made things difficult for their work, but also went to the newspapers to slander Pudong New Area. It's okay to have no sincerity, and now this behavior is playing tricks on them.

In the future, don't pay attention to the Zheng family and the Bao family. Since they look down on Shanghai, there is no need to be polite to them.

In fact, the Bao family is really a little wronged, and it is completely inadvertent to make friends. However, the people who come here today are the backbone of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so that neither the chartering Wang family nor the Zheng Yutong family will have the opportunity to enter the Shanghai Stock Exchange for development in the next few decades. You can't even buy shares, and no company dares to do business with these two partnerships in Shanghai.

It's not that the Shanghai staff were stingy, but that Zheng Ershao's actions back then were really bad.

After returning to the hotel, Wu Guangzheng called the charter king directly, and reported the matter here to his father-in-law in detail. Including Zheng Ershao's various vices in the Shanghai stock market, when he heard molesting the waiter, and there were more than one; deliberately made things difficult for the Shanghai staff, made excessive conditions and requirements, directly called Secretary Wang an old man, and made rude remarks.

The charter king almost didn't faint from But he also knew that he had to distance himself from the Zheng family now. So he said directly: "I know the situation. You are leaving Shanghai and going directly to Kyoto. Where will we meet, the old man and I have already booked a charter flight, and we will be able to arrive at Huaxia Kyoto tonight."

"There is also a problem here in Xiangjiang. No matter what method you use, you must rush over tonight. I will sort out the matter. I will make an appointment tomorrow morning, and this time I will explain it clearly. As for the second king of the Zheng family, don't want it. Take care of him and stay away from such people in the future; don't let him implicate you."

The charter king didn't explain too much because he was going to the airport. However, I believe that the second son-in-law will understand what he means. It means that there is a big problem in going to Kyoto in such a hurry, otherwise the old man will not go with him.

Hearing that his father-in-law said he couldn't let Zheng Ershao get himself involved, Wu Guangzheng smiled bitterly. It has been implicated now, or else it will not be expelled from the negotiating venue.

Wu Guangzheng ignored Zheng Ershao and asked someone to pack his luggage. Hurry up and book a flight ticket; at the same time, explain that no matter how expensive it is, you will arrive in Kyoto tonight. Fortunately, there are not many people traveling by plane in this era, and I really got 2 tickets. Traveling by plane is not only about the price, but also requires the unit to issue a letter of introduction, which is very troublesome.