Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 462

Chapter 462

After leaving home, we drove directly towards the Black Cloud Kwun Tong production base. Where will Hashimoto Hiroshi hold the wedding tonight, and now many Heiyun employees will hold weddings in the company. We don't accept molecular money, mainly because the wedding expenses are very low. You only need to buy some cigarettes and alcohol yourself, and the rest are provided by the company for free.

Bao Zixuan didn't know how to manage the company, after all, he was just an engineer in his previous life. Without experience, he can only cross the river by feeling the stones, and making employees feel more belonging is the first thing he has to do.

It was the first time for Rachel Morgan to come to such a huge industrial area. No one would have thought that Bao Zixuan could build such a huge industrial area in a place without industrial soil in Xiangjiang. This is simply a miracle. Not only Rachel Morgan thought so, but also the well-informed Leon was very emotional.

This is the foundation that this young man has built in five years, which is truly incredible. Now we have to re-evaluate the strategic value of Heiyun Group. I heard that their industrial park is also very large on the other side of Heung River.

Only these places can function once a state of emergency is in place and can be quickly converted into any factory. Produce whatever the country needs, and that is the war potential of a country.

In the past, Xiangjiang gave people the feeling that it was very rich, and the financial and shipping industries were very developed. However, since the rise of the black cloud, industry has become another economic growth point in Hong Kong. The per capita GDP can already be ranked among the top ten in the world, and the upward trend is very obvious. It can be said that Bao Zixuan has contributed greatly here. This is also the reason why all countries welcome his investment in the past. It is a company that can greatly promote the development of the local economy.

Rachel Morgan: "This is your property."

Bao Zixuan: "Yes, so far Heiyun is the only shareholder of me. That's where I started, when I just took over an ordinary small factory. And it's still mainly OEM. Fortunately, I developed the game myself. It has been recognized by the market. This is why it has the scale it is now. At that time, the development of the game was all worth betting. If you fail, you can only honestly finish university and go to the factory to become an ordinary engineer. "

In order to motivate himself, Bao Zixuan did not demolish the old factory building. He not only wants to spur himself, but also to educate his descendants, although not yet. However, we must plan ahead so that future generations cannot forget the difficulties of his past.

Leon suddenly said at this time: "Mr. Bao, can I visit!"

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, take Mr. Leon to take a good tour. Heiyun Group has no secrets from him."

This is a secret phrase from Bao Zixuan and Gu Gujirou. If you say: "There is no secret place for anyone here, then you can really go wherever you want." But now it is said that "Heiyun Group has no secret place for anyone, so it can only take him to visit the public area with weak confidentiality". Of course these Mr. Leon did not know. Hearing Bao Zixuan say this, he really thought that he was at ease for the sake of the young lady!

Leon: "Thank you very much Baosheng. To be honest, I have never seen how technology products are produced. I must study it this time."

Gu Gujiro took Leon on a battery car and started to tour the factory, while Bao Zixuan brought Rachel Morgan to his office.

He has to accompany Rachel Morgan these days, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come to the company for a few days. Now you can take advantage of the time to deal with the company's affairs, otherwise it will never be a problem to have too much backlog.

When I came to Bao Zixuan's office, I saw that the decoration was very simple, not like the office of a billionaire.

Rachel Morgan: "You usually work here, it's normal!"

Bao Zixuan: "This is the first time this year, and the office has not been used a few times since it was built. I have been studying in the United States before, and when I came back, I was mostly in Tianshuiwei, and where will the future headquarters be. So here I didn't arrange it properly, mainly because it would be too wasteful to not have to arrange it.

Rachel Morgan: "And why don't you even have a secretary here, so wouldn't it be very troublesome to sort and handle the work."

Bao Zixuan: "I'm just in charge of formulating a general direction, and the rest are left to professional managers. Also, it was a waste not to come here to work, and now it's time to think about it."

Rachel Morgan really wants to take back what she just said, isn't this making trouble for herself! But thinking about a secretary is not a threat to him, not to mention that the relationship between the two has not been fully settled yet, whether he cares too much. If this is the case, it will be very tiring in the future, and it will be very hard to become Bao Zixuan's girlfriend who is not willing to move.

Bao Zixuan: "Sit down first, I'll take care of the work. What you want to drink will be poured out by yourself. I have accumulated too many things to deal with these days, otherwise it will delay the progress of production and research and development.

In this way, Rachel Morgan watched Bao Zixuan at work, but what made her strange was that Bao Zixuan could describe the document in one glance and ten lines, and he signed after reading it. If there are any problems, it will be marked on the side, whether you have read it seriously or not.

Bao Zixuan didn't notice that Rachel Morgan was looking at the documents he had reviewed. When Rachel Morgan saw the first page, she was stunned by the data in front of her.

This is a financial statement of a computer company. Before that, Bao Zixuan was also the general manager of the computer company. Now Yokoi Junpei is still handing over work and has not taken office, so anything about the computer company needs to be handled by Bao Zixuan himself.

When you see that computer companies can achieve sales of more than 20 billion US dollars, the profits are also billions of dollars. She is really in a trance, is the computer industry really so profitable.

No wonder Apple created so many billionaires as soon as it went public. It turns out that the large-scale production of high-tech products is really profitable. It seems that there will be a transition to this aspect in the future. The Morgan family's industry is too traditional. It seems that the benefits are stable, but it can't keep up with the market trend at all.

The more you look, the more Rachel Morgan feels that it is incredible that the Black Cloud Group is not a listed company. There is no obligation to disclose the financial situation to the outside world, and what I see today is absolutely the core confidential information of the company. If you publish it, the outside world may not believe it to be true, and many people will think that you are deceiving the public.

But this is what really exists. To be precise, Bao Zixuan really achieved this result. To reposition the man in front of him, to be able to achieve such achievements without publicizing it, this quality is very rare. It is everyone's dream to master high-tech products in their hands. Now their family members are very simple. If they marry, will they be able to create a new family that is not weaker than the Morgan family.

After giving Bao Zixuan a period of development, even his father did not dare to object. Rachel - Morgan is very excited, this is an opportunity that can go down in history forever, it seems that he has to fight for it.

In less than two hours, Bao Zixuan finally finished processing all the documents. Rachel Morgan saw that the mountain of documents had been processed before, and said, "You don't have to worry, anyway, you have to attend the wedding tonight. I can wait for you here for a while, and the company's affairs can't be neglected."

Bao Zixuan: "It has been dealt with."

Rachel Morgan: "So soon, I don't believe it."

Bao Zixuan: "You can take out a copy at will, I guess you can memorize it."

Rachel Morgan, who did not believe in evil, began to test Bao Zixuan's memory ability to see if he had been working seriously just now. But what surprised her was that no matter which document she took out, the man in front of her could really recite the contents. The memory is really terrifying, she has never seen someone with such a good memory.

The Morgan family recruits a large number of talents every year, and there are many people with excellent memory. But compared to Bao Zixuan, it's not even a single star. It makes sense for them to be She finally understands what this sentence means.

It took Bao Zixuan to test the documents for more than ten minutes before he realized that the other party was not a company executive, let alone himself. Some information cannot be released to the public. The good guy has been seen by everyone now. How this matter will end now is a very troublesome question.

Bao Zixuan: "Let's come here today, let's see what Mr. Leon and the others are doing; by the way, I'll show you the Heiyun production base."

After learning about Bao Zixuan's concerns, Rachel Morgan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a big mouth person. I won't tell anyone what I see, including my father."

After hearing this, Bao Zixuan felt a lot more relieved. Seeing Rachel Morgan standing in front of him, he went to hug him without hesitation.

Rachel Morgan, who hadn't reacted yet, had some resistance at first, but quickly began to respond. The two hugged each other like this, and waited until someone knocked on the door before separating.

Bao Zixuan was a little embarrassed for a while, but Rachel Morgan said generously: "Now we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, you can't do anything that's sorry for me."