Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 463

Chapter 463

The people who knocked on the door were officially Gucheng Jiro and Leon. Originally, Leon proposed to visit the workshop because he wanted Bao Zixuan to take him and the young lady with him. But what he didn't expect was that Bao Zixuan directly asked the person in charge of the production base to show him around. It can be said that this treatment is not low. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady left with this boy, which made him absent-minded during the visit.

After visiting a few places, I directly suggested to Gujo Jiro that the rest did not need to be seen. Go to Miss and the others first, and worry about the danger after a long time.

Leon came in and saw that the two people were neatly dressed and his heart was finally put down. He had been worried about this matter just after separating from them.

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Leon finished so quickly. It seems that our factory is not big enough."

Leon: "Mr. Bao is joking. I just watched a brief overview out of curiosity. I'm talking about too much detail. In case other companies develop the same product, I'm also suspicious. I'm just watching a lively event."

What a smart man Leon is, though a little absent-minded while watching. But as the big housekeeper of the Morgan family, what kind of person has never been seen before. After Gujojiro deliberately avoided some places, he saw the problem. It must be that the company deliberately avoided confidential information. This is the most normal and understandable thing. If you know that you can't see the core things, it's better to go to the eldest lady, in case Bao Zixuan takes advantage of it, that's fine.

Leon: "I don't know when we will be able to see the ground effect aircraft. This time, I came here to accompany the eldest lady to see the performance of the ground effect aircraft. It is not only for express transportation, but airlines will also purchase a batch of aircraft if possible. to carry out the manned transportation business.

The Morgan family's industry involves various fields, and air transportation is no exception. When you see ground effect aircraft, you have to start with the performance first. If it can meet the practical requirements, it can really be promoted and popularized in a large area.

Bao Zixuan: "The ground-effect aircraft is produced in the Tianshuiwei factory. We can go over and take a look the day after tomorrow. Just to feel the effect of the test flight, what do you think?"

A few people came again, and seeing that the time was about the same, Gujojiro led a few people to the wedding scene. The weddings of the employees of Heiyun Group will be arranged in the cafeteria, and the rooftop has been arranged as a venue for celebrations at the construction site. It can be said that this is a very suitable place for weddings in the whole of Xiangjiang.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming, Hashimoto Hiroshi quickly brought the bride to greet him. Although they knew that the boss hugged the woman at the airport yesterday, no one would have thought that they would actually bring people over to attend the subordinate's wedding, so wouldn't the relationship be equivalent to a change of direction!

Hashimoto Hiroshi's wife, Miki Yanako, is a high school classmate and belongs to a middle-class family in Japan. The girl's father had always looked down on Hashimoto Hiroshi before, but he didn't think that this inconspicuous boy had now become an executive of a multinational company, and his daughter had always been obsessed with him. Although his daughter will leave Japan after marriage, he is still a qualified father, at least knowing that his daughter's happiness is the most important thing; as long as his daughter and son-in-law can live happily, let him go!

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Thank you, President, for being able to attend my wedding. It's such an honor today."

Bao Zixuan: "I have seen your work performance in the past few years. It can be said that you are one of the hardest working employees of the group. Now you are married, and I will come here."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Yanako, this is Mr. Bao Zixuan, the chairman of our Heiyun Group, who I have often mentioned to you. This is my wife, Miki Yanako."

After listening to the introduction, Bao Zixuan took a closer look at Hashimoto Hiroshi's wife. The appearance is at most average. With Hashimoto Hiroshi's income at this time, being able to marry her shows that he has not forgotten his roots. It seems that it is rare to be able to maintain his original intention.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Mrs. Hashimoto; I will leave you to take care of Hashimoto-kun's daily life in the future. If you want to work in Heiyun, you can find a more relaxed position at Hashimoto-kun's place of work. If you don't work in a group You will be paid $1,000 a month as your salary, which is your salary for taking care of Hashimoto-kun.

Bao Zixuan's words surprised Miki Yanako, and they all said that the Black Cloud Group was treated well. Unexpectedly, it is so good that even family members have subsidies.

In fact, the wife subsidy is only for executives, Bao Zixuan wants them to be able to devote themselves to their work. In this way, nothing will happen, and the wife thinks that taking care of the husband's company to pay you wages is more fulfilling, and feels that this is also the income of labor.

Miki Yanako: "Thank you very much for your concern, President, I am a teacher; I will discuss with Hashimoto after the semester is over, but I can think of granting subsidies to our wives to prove that Hashimoto's chosen company is not wrong."

Bao Zixuan looked at the Hashimotos looking at Rachel Morgan, so he said, "This is my girlfriend Rachel Morgan. Today I know you are getting married, so I will come together to send a blessing."

Hearing Bao Zixuan introduce that Rachel Morgan is his girlfriend, everyone around him exploded. After all, it's the first one I've ever admitted, and the Morgan surname speaks volumes.

It made Leon, who had been following behind, very unhappy. It seemed that the matter that the master explained was not done by himself. How can I explain it when I go back? Seeing the happy appearance of the young lady, it is estimated that it will be difficult to separate the two for a while, and the more I think about it, the more headaches.

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Thank you Miss Morgan for coming to my wedding. It's a great honor."

Rachel Morgan: "Happy wedding to you, and lots of guests, don't worry about us too much."

Along the way, Rachel Morgan held Bao Zixuan's arm, and immediately became the focus wherever he went. Everyone will stand up and say hello to them. At present, it seems that the employees of Heiyun Group are still very united and friendly.

This wedding adopts the process of combining China and Japan. Fortunately, many processes and rules are similar. Otherwise, it is really difficult to integrate into one piece, and it can be regarded as a precedent for Heiyun Group employees to hold weddings.

Japanese traditional wedding refers to the traditional Japanese style wedding. Although Japanese weddings are heavy, they are also elegant and quiet

Japanese wedding process 1. Entrance, 2. Opening speech, 3. The ritual of purification, 4. The ritual of offering meals, 5. The congratulatory speech, 6. The ritual of the oath, 7. The exchange of wedding rings, 8. The oath , 9, worship the sacred wood, 10, the ceremony of the cup of relatives, 11, the officiating speech.

Although the wedding was held in Hong Kong, both husband and wife were Japanese. Moreover, the parents also strongly demand that the wedding should be held in Japanese style, and at most some Hong Kong factors can be added.

No matter in past or present life, Bao Zixuan is the first time to participate in a Japanese Now, getting married anywhere is very hard for newlyweds. It's tiring even after a set of procedures, not to mention entertaining guests.

After the process, the host invited Bao Zixuan to speak on stage. Originally, there was no link, but if you hold a wedding in the company, you have to say a few words as the boss.

After Bao Zixuan took the microphone, he said, "Today is a happy day. An employee of our Heiyun Group has found his other half. I feel relieved. If Hashimoto-kun is taken care of, he will be able to work better for the company. This is every day. A boss will be happy, so I hope you can also work hard."

"Do you know why there is a piece of undeveloped land next to it! It is to build our own school in Heiyun. Although Heiyun Group has a large number of factories in Kwun Tong, there are very few children. Most of them are bachelors who are not married. , when this school can be built and when it can be used, you will need to work hard."

"What I want to do is to allow every Heiyun employee to devote themselves to their work. You don't have to worry about salary, benefits, treatment, medical treatment, education and other issues. The group will help you with everything."

After listening to the boss, the employees started booing, after all, the speech was too informal. But this is the kind of atmosphere that is needed at this time. If you still talk about it in a straight-forward manner, it is estimated that the subordinate employees will not let go, and they will not know what to do when they drink for a while!

After speaking, the banquet began. It can be said that Hashimoto Hiroshi still invested some money this time, and shipped a lot of sake from Japan. Today, more than 1,000 people came to the scene to attend the wedding; and the boss is also very good at drinking, so he needs to prepare more, and the price of wine alone is not a small amount.

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