Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 461

Chapter 461

When Bao Zixuan returned home, he saw that his mother was still waiting for her in the living room. I am relieved that there is finally a smile on my mother's face, which is something I haven't seen in many days.

Bao Zixuan looked at his mother and said, "Is there anything happy today! Why are you so happy, you still bought the item you like."

Li Yulin: "My son is finally enlightened, can I be unhappy! Who is the girl who hugged you at the airport! Tell me now."

Bao Zixuan: "You know Rachel Morgan you met in the United States. She happened to come to Xiangjiang today. No matter what, she must show the friendship of the landlord! It's just a courtesy gesture when people meet. Don't think about it too much. And people will come to visit you tomorrow, so you can eat at home at noon."

Hearing that it was the eldest lady of the Morgan family, Li Yulin's expression changed slightly. After all, the identity of the other party is destined to have a very slim chance for the two of them to be together. If Rachel Morgan can't give up some things in the family, the two of them cannot be together at all.

Seeing that Li Yulin didn't speak, Bao Zixuan took out the company's financial statements. At the same time, he said: "This is the company's financial statement last year, you can help me look at it. See if there is anything wrong. I get a big head when I see these things."

The richest man in Bao also knows that he can't let his mother be too leisurely, or he will definitely stare at his life-long events. Then find something for her to do. Checking the company's financial statements is the best job. After all, Li Yulin is an accountant herself.

Bao Zixuan didn't know that his actions kept his mother up all night, and Li Yulin was frightened by Heiyun's financial data. So much so that he didn't get up in the morning, and the richest man had breakfast at home alone.

On the way back to the hotel from the airport yesterday, Bao Zixuan knew that tomorrow's headlines in Hong Kong would definitely be booked by him. As expected, the next day all the media in Hong Kong reported the news that the richest man Bao and the mysterious woman were hugging at the airport.

Almost every newspaper used the headline "Bao Zixuan, chairman of the Black Cloud Group, hugs a mysterious woman," and the report also said that Bao Zixuan was waiting at the airport early in the morning. The woman was wearing a **** leather jacket, and the two hugged when they met. It can be basically concluded that it is a couple relationship, but the parties have not yet responded.

Fortunately, everyone has also seen that the identity of the girl who came here is definitely not ordinary. After all, she can take a private jet and is equipped with a butler and bodyguard. From the airport, I didn't ask all the information about the girl, so if the relationship between Bao's richest man and Swire Pacific, if the other party had no background and strength, it would have been exposed to you.

That proves that the identity of the other party cannot even be offended by Swire Pacific, and she is definitely the eldest lady of the top European and American families. In fact, everyone's thinking is a bit complicated. Even if Swire Pacific is holding a grudge against Bao Zixuan, it will not retaliate by revealing the identity of the passengers. It is not only a problem of corporate credit, but it must bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

The news hasn't reached the U.S. yet, and no photos have been taken. Otherwise, the news of Miss Morgan and Bao Zixuan's hug may stimulate the US stock market. After all, this time it is not just as simple as a school graduation photo. It can be interpreted as a search for a husband in a thousand miles. Who would believe it if they say that there is no relationship between the two.

It was nine in the morning when Rachel Morgan was picked up from the hotel, and Leon was still following. He didn't dare to slack off, for fear that two people would do something wrong behind his back.

After Bao Zixuan left, someone had already arranged for his mother to wake up at 8 o'clock. He didn't know that because Li Yulin hadn't rested much all night because of the financial statement, the dark circles under his eyes were very obvious when Rachel Morgan came over.

Since getting to know Bao Zixuan, Rachel-Morgan has been familiar with Chinese culture and has a basic understanding of some of the etiquette that Huaxia uses when visiting his home. Seeing Rachel Morgan coming over, Li Yulin said happily: "Hello! Rachel, welcome to Xiangjiang, you can stay here for a few more days, I will let Ah Xuan accompany you for a good stroll. "

Rachel Morgan: "Auntie, hello! I wanted to visit you yesterday, but the image just got off the plane was not very good, so I chose to come today for fear of being rude; I hope you don't take offense. This is a gift for you, I hope You can like it."

Li Yulin: "I'm very happy that you can come here. You don't need to care about the etiquette. Come and do it.u0010"

Li Yulin hurriedly arranged for a servant to prepare lunch, although it was still early. However, many dishes in Cantonese cuisine need to be prepared in advance, so that there is never a shortage of ingredients at home.

Rachel Morgan didn't expect Bao Zixuan's home to be so small, after all, it shouldn't be because of the other party's ability to make money!

After seeing Rachel Morgan's doubts, Li Yulin said with a smile: "I usually live alone here, the room is too big and it will look too deserted. If you don't dislike you, you live here, so that we can have a good chat. chat."

Rachel Morgan wanted to agree, but after seeing Leon's eyes, he said, "I live at the Peninsula Hotel, and it's very convenient to come here. You can call me anytime you need, and I'll be there as soon as possible. Come here. And I have a lot of followers, so it's not very convenient to live here."

Seeing that he had no chance to speak, Bao Zixuan went back to his room to do his own work. Li Yulin and Rachel Morgan chatted at home.

Just about to complete the technical data of the Black Cloud Ground Effect Aircraft, Bao Zixuan received a call.

I only heard Huo Yingdong's voice from the other end, wanting to ask what happened to Bao Zixuan. He wanted to invite Bao Zixuan and his girlfriend over for dinner. The main purpose was to see who the girl was hugging by Bao Zixuan.

Huo Lao basically doesn't read these gossips, and he doesn't even care about them. But this matter involves Bao Zixuan, so the nature is completely different. Bao Zixuan's current wealth is guest status everywhere, and he is also engaged in high-tech manufacturing. It can be said that in any country in the world will become the most liked entrepreneur.

There is no country in the world that does not need industry, after all, employment is involved. And high-tech manufacturing is the dream of all countries, Bao Zixuan is still a high-tech manufacturing banner.

If this kid really finds a European and American girl and doesn't come back by then, then it must be a loss to the country, or even the entire Chinese nation. Huo Yingdong wanted to make a sound, so he called in person and asked him and his girlfriend to come over for dinner.

To be able to bring the relationship closer, and at the same time, I also want to know Bao Zixuan's true thoughts as soon as possible. And this matter has attracted the attention of Kyoto, and he has to reply there.

Although Bao Zixuan didn't understand what Mr. Huo meant, he also knew that the other party might just want to invite him and his so-called girlfriend to dinner, and the matter also involved Rachel-Morgan, and it was impossible for him to make a decision alone.

I had no choice but to discuss with the woman before replying, which made Huo Yingdong on the other end of the phone Zixuan is one of the best people in Xiangjiang in terms of wealth and status. Now I have to communicate with the woman when I go to dinner. a bit. That proves that the woman's identity is definitely not simple, and it has reached the level where Bao Zixuan dare not make decisions for others.

Huo Lao didn't ask more, if the woman agrees, she will know when the time comes. But it also made him worry in disguise. Bao Zixuan's girlfriend really has such an identity, and if she can stay in Xiangjiang, everything will be unknown.

Hearing that they were invited to dinner, Rachel Morgan readily agreed. She understands that the person who can invite Bao Zixuan to dinner alone will never be an ordinary person, and she can prove his identity in disguise in the past.

In the end, Bao Zixuan and Mr. Huo made an appointment to go to the house for dinner tomorrow at noon, so that the other party finally felt relieved. At least being able to know who the woman is, can be considered to have some initiative in advance.

At noon, the three of them had lunch together. I dare not say that it is particularly rich, but it is also simple and exquisite. Seeing that Li Yulin couldn't hold on, Bao Zixuan asked her to go back to her room to rest.

Rachel-Morgan had long discovered that Li Yulin's mental state was a bit wrong, and the information showed that the other party was also seriously ill. In addition to getting older, but can not disturb the elderly to rest. It's a matter of etiquette when you come to see it, and excessive interruption means you are ignorant.