Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 392

Chapter 392

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When the computer engineer of Yulin Institute of Technology was still in joy, it was very difficult as an admissions teacher at the same school. However, they were not worried about wages and treatment, but because the tasks given by Bao Zixuan were difficult to complete.

According to the plan, for the first phase of enrollment of Yulin Institute of Technology, a total of 6 majors including the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Machinery, the Department of Electronics and the School of Computer were established. Among them, computer majors are the main ones, and it is expected to recruit 1,500 students, accounting for about 30% of the overall enrollment.

Moreover, there is no subdivision of several majors, and they all do basic learning together in the first year. However, Yulin Institute of Technology is a newly established university after all, and it is not well-known internationally. Although there have been detailed introductions and presentations to the children of Heiyun, Sony, and Panasonic, the children cannot be forced to report. After all, many children think that they have better choices.

The person in charge of admissions is Hu Jiazhi, who has worked at New York University for 15 years and is the director of admissions at New York University. When Yulin Institute of Technology was in preparation, I met Bao Zixuan through an acquaintance. Mainly because he wanted to go back to work in Hong Kong and take care of his elderly mother.

After learning about the situation, Bao Zixuan was appointed as the vice president of Yulin Institute of Technology, specializing in daily management and enrollment. This is his old line of business, but New York University is also a well-known institution founded in 1831. It has always been ranked among the top 50 universities in the world, and has the reputation of the new Ivy League school in the United States.

Yulin Institute of Technology is just a school that has just been established and is still in Xiangjiang, a land without scientific and technological soil. The only advantage is that Bao Zixuan's fame may lead some students to sign up, but Bao Zixuan is only a young man who has just graduated from college, and he may not be convinced by the parents of the students.

It can be said that now Hu Jiazhi is facing a severe test, and he is meeting with outstanding young people in Xiangjiang every day. However, some people ignored him at all, and some even hoped that he could help him to go to New York University to study.

Today, our admissions officer came to Wu Aigang's house. He wanted to persuade Wu Aigang's daughter, Wu Xin, to study at Yulin Institute of Technology. In fact, this is also what Wu Aigang meant. He felt that whatever the boss wanted to do would be successful, so he did not hesitate to fly back to Hong Kong from Australia to persuade his daughter and wife to change their minds. At this time, Wu Xin had already been admitted to Hong Kong University. Get the notice.

Wu Xin is the best student in this batch of Heiyun's children, and is the first in the total score of this class of graduates. After all, Heiyun has many young employees, and the older workers are basically ordinary workers recruited in the early days, and they are not very concerned about the education of their children.

If Wu Xin can be persuaded to study at Yulin Institute of Technology, it will be much easier for other Heiyun children. Heiyun's employees who have children who graduated this year are all concerned about where Wu Xin goes to study. If she doesn't choose to go to Yulin Institute of Technology, then she can refuse for the sake of her children's future.

Wu Aigang is also very embarrassed at this time. This time, the parents of the students who graduated from Heiyun's high school have the highest position, and his daughter's academic performance is the best. Everyone regards him as an early bird and is watching their family's final decision .

Hu Jiazhi looked at the Wu family and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, Mrs. Wu and Wu Xin are three good friends. You must already know my purpose. Everyone hopes that Wu Xin can choose Yulin Institute of Technology. After all, this is our own school. .You can get a better education in it, you can get a bigger promotion.'

Wu Xin is a very assertive girl and said confidently: "I have already received the admission letter from Xiangjiang University. I don't think Yulin Institute of Technology, a newly established school, can compare to Xiangjiang University."

"I know Bao Sheng wants all Heiyun children to go to study, but if I finish studying in Hong Kong University. Working in Heiyun Group can bring more help to the company. Yulin Institute of Technology is not suitable for me."

Hu Jiazhi: "You think coming out of Heung Kong University can bring more help to the company. I don't know where your confidence comes from. But I can tell you responsibly that students from Heung Kong University have no advantage in the group. "

"The most successful person in the group after graduating from Heung Kong University is Zhao Tingting, the vice president. She has been working in the company since Bao Sheng started. She is an absolute veteran; that's why she doesn't care about the academic qualifications and the disadvantages of the school she graduated from."

Hearing that people who graduated from Heung Kong University are at a disadvantage in the company's work school and educational background, Wu Xin disagreed. This guy must be talking big.

Seeing that he needed to speak for himself at this time, Wu Aigang said: "Principal Hu is right. Except for Zhao Tingting, the executives of Heiyun Group are all graduates from famous schools. The school may be a little bit Japanese executives, but Japan The overall teaching level is definitely the first in Asia, especially the professional colleges are recognized by the world.

"The remaining few are graduates from world-class universities, Jack Ma graduated from Caltech; Wu Feng, like his boss, is a graduate of MIT, and executives from mobile phone and computer companies are top-notch in terms of graduate school and academic achievement. The existence of the industry is an authority figure in the industry.

Hearing what his father said, Wu Xin fell into deep thought. Although she has good academic performance, she is still a little girl with her own opinions. However, Mrs. Wu did have a different opinion.

Mrs. Wu: "Old Wu, you can't say that. Xinxin is a girl, and I didn't want her to study science and engineering. Yulin Institute of Technology has not established any social subject, and the Philosophy Department of Heung Kong University has agreed to her daughter's admission. The opportunity that many Xiangjiang children dream of, you know that my daughter has liked philosophy since she was a child, and now it is just right for her."

Hearing her mother's analysis, Wu Xin was shaken again, yes! Isn't philosophy my dream since I was a child? Yulin Institute of Technology could not offer her the opportunity to study philosophy.

Hu Jiazhi knew that if he didn't convince this little girl today. Then it will be too late when people go to Hong Kong University to study. And it will also bring about a linkage effect, which will make many Heiyun children have the idea of going to other universities to study. It will be more difficult to recruit other Xiangjiang teenagers. After all, people will think that a school that no one believes in can be any better. However, hearing the other party say that philosophy gave him new ideas, after all, this is his old line of work.

Hu Jiazhi: "Mrs. Wu and Wu Xin; Philosophy is good. But if you want to change the world, you need not only philosophy, but also science and engineering majors. Science and engineering majors are the basic disciplines that promote human progress; what is lacking.

Seeing the disdainful eyes of the two, Hu Jiazhi continued: "I graduated from the Department of Philosophy at New York University. If you come to Yulin Institute of Technology, you can discuss philosophy with me. It can be regarded as a hobby and enrich your knowledge reserve. ."

Wu Xin: "You really graduated from the philosophy department of New York University; this school's philosophy major is very famous all over the world."

Wu Aigang: "Wu Xin, isn't it too unreasonable, Hu Sheng is a well-known scholar hired by the boss to be the vice president of Yulin Institute of Technology, how could he lie to you."

Hu Jiazhi: "It's okay, student Wu Xin. I also studied philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin for two years, and many of my classmates became professors of philosophy. If you are interested, you can use your vacation time to communicate with them, and I can help you introduce them."

Wu Xin was even more excited to hear that President Hu was actually a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin. This is Hegel's alma mater, and it exists like a temple in the hearts of philosophers all over the world.

Wu Xin thought for a while and said, "I still think Hong Kong University is more suitable for me."

Hu Jiazhi: "If you think that Yulin Institute of Technology is inferior to Hong Kong University, then you are very wrong. Whether it is in terms of campus the campus environment, as well as the teaching staff, Yulin Institute of Technology is all Can beat Heung Kong University. Even NYU, where I have studied and worked for more than 10 years, is better than Yulin Institute of Technology in these respects.

"You don't have to rush to answer me first, and you don't have to decide what to do now. Tomorrow your family can go to school and take a good look; you will know whether what I said is true."

Hu Jiazhi knew that he couldn't push people too hard now, otherwise it would be counterproductive. But I was very depressed. When I was the dean of admissions at New York University, students and parents took the initiative to ask him to see if they could come to study. It's better now, in order to get students, I have to teach others philosophy, but the other party has not let go.

In the past few days, except for the female workers in the deep-sea factory arranged by the boss to be able to report, none of the young people from Xiangjiang actively wanted to study at Yulin Institute of Technology; the tasks arranged by the boss were not easy to complete.

Shaking his head, he said to himself, "You can't waste time, let's go to another house and do some work!"

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