Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Not only are the children of Heiyun rejecting Yulin Institute of Technology, but everyone in Japan is not optimistic about this school. Now the sons of Sony and the sons of Matsushita do not want to come to Hong Kong to study, thinking that the education here is not much better.

Some things have to be admitted, the Japanese are a very good at learning people. In the Tang Dynasty, envoys were sent to learn from China, and they also invited experts from the Tang Dynasty to teach and preach in Japan; in the 18th and 19th centuries, they studied in Europe, and many international students were sent to Europe to learn advanced technology and cultural knowledge; in the 20th century, they began to turn to the United States. Study and communicate more with the United States.

In the eyes of the Japanese, what good universities can there be in Hong Kong. Bao Zixuan is very good and only achieved results after graduating from universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. Then why do I go to the distance to learn from my apprentices, and I might as well go to the master in one step.

Takakura Jiro is the second son of Sony electronics engineer Takakura Thirty-three. He has been very good in his studies since he was a child. In Japan, they are all students at the top level. In the second year of high school, they got the admission notice of Waseda University. However, he didn't report to Waseda University, which was mainly Takakura Sansan's idea.

Takakura Thirty-three is an employee who joined Sony at the age of 18. It can be said that Sony gave him everything. He worked and studied at Sony. He was admitted to the University of Tokyo by virtue of his extraordinary perseverance and his own ingenuity, which had a great impact on Sony.

Akio Morita was also moved by his perseverance, mainly because of the rare talent. During the study period, wages are paid as usual, and certain subsidies are also given. In order not to waste corporate resources, Takakura Thirty-three just completed four years of schooling in two and a half years.

But from this process, he knew the importance of the foundation, in order to be able to lay a good foundation for his son. Instead of agreeing to go to college after his second year of high school, he decided to let his son finish the final year of high school. In his opinion, his son's foundation has not been laid well, and he has not mastered many basic knowledge thoroughly enough.

After a year of careful training, Takakura Jiro's performance has improved more than the previous year. It can be said that when he graduated from high school, all universities in Japan sent him invitation letters, hoping to bring Takakura Jiro to his own university. Not only that, but even Stanford in the United States has issued an invitation to Takakura Jiro.

But now that his son is so good, it has become a burden for him, because Mr. Akio Morita, the president he respects very much, let his son go to Yulin Institute of Technology to study. This newly established school with no reputation, even a university that has not been registered with the Japanese education department.

Akio Morita worked hard to get the information of Heiyun. He was someone who knew Bao Zixuan's character well. With Bao Zixuan's character, either he doesn't do it, and if he does, he must do his best. The most important thing is the scientific and technological achievements of the Black Cloud Group. Now Black Cloud has surpassed Sony in the high-tech field. Whether you admit it or not, this is a fact.

Akio Morita looked at the father and son Takakura and said, "Jiro Takakura, congratulations on your achievement. You deserve to be the best among my sons of Sony. This time you go to the university reading company to fully support you."

Hearing Akio Morita's words, Takakura Jiro stood up and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, it is my dream to serve Sony like you and my father. I will repay you and the company's cultivation when I return from my studies."

Akio Morita did not expect that this kid is not only smart, but also has a low emotional intelligence. The most important thing is to be able to speak, it seems that I can cultivate it well in the future.

Akio Morita: "Which university is Takakura going to study at?"

Takakura Jiro: "Your Excellency the report, I am going to study at Stanford University. I think the future of computer science will be very promising. After I finish my studies and return to China, I will help Sony develop the most advanced computer in the world."

Akio Morita: "It's good that Takakurkun has such an ambition, but I hope you change to another university."

Takakura Jiro: "Your Excellency President, one of the best computer schools in the world is Stanford and the other is MIT. You want me to study at MIT."

Akio Morita: "No, I want you to study at Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology."

Although he had known for a long time that this would be the case, it still made Takakura Thirty-three unwilling. The son should have a better future, so is it because of the president's personal preference that delays his son's future?

Before Takakura Thirty-Three could speak, Takakura Jiro thought for a moment and said, "Everything is arranged by Your Excellency the President."

Hearing that this kid was so sensible, made Akio Morita impressed. After all, when he told his father about this yesterday, Takakura Thirty-Three was not so happy, but now he is much more decisive than his father.

Akio Morita smiled and said, "Why don't you ask me why!"

Takakura Jiro: "Your Excellency President can tell a family member of one of my employees these things because of your consideration and reason. What I have to do is to implement it. As for right or wrong, it doesn't matter. I only know that it is the President's request What I did, is to work hard to complete it.

Hearing such an answer, Takakura Thirty-Three was shocked. Is this still his own son? Why is he so mature, it seems that he underestimated him before.

Akio Morita didn't expect this kid to be so good at it. It seems that he really needs to be trained well when he returns from his studies. Who taught him, or figured it out by himself. The latter would be terrifying, but with his father's character, he couldn't teach such a sensible and talkative son. It seems that there are still many talents among the sons of Sony, and it can be blamed for not digging well before.

Akio Morita: "That is, since you have agreed, then I will make it clear. After you arrive in Xiangjiang, try to get in touch with Heiyun's students and famous professors as much as possible; learn more from them, and see what Heiyun is going to do. R&D in that direction, I think you understand what I'm talking about!"

Takakura Jiro: "If I follow the order of the president, I need to apply for a fund. After all, sometimes I need to treat guests to dinner and some research expenses."

Akio Morita said with a smile: "Very good, it seems that Takakurkun already understands what he wants to do and how to do it. Sony will pay your father's salary to your account every month."

Takakura Thirty-Three: "Your Excellency President, isn't this too much, please don't listen to this kid."

Akio Morita immediately said seriously: "Are you teaching me to do things!"

Takakura Thirty-three hurriedly said, "Don't dare."

Akio Morita: "I don't want to say anything to you in front of your son. Sometimes you really can't keep up with your son's work. He knows why he is going, but you can't understand it."

In fact, Takakura Jiro's emotional intelligence is not so high at all, but when the results came out, someone had already analyzed a lot of things for him. Even Akio Morita had to talk to him. When he left the president's office, Jiro Takakura's back was wet. However, he also realized that the people who analyzed everything with him were absolutely masters. In the future, I must thank you very much, and at the same time, I will ask again when I have the opportunity.

It can be said that if the question asked by Akio Morita was not exactly the same as the person's analysis, he would not have gone to Yulin Institute of Technology to study. But now that Akio Morita has decided, and the small arm can't twist the thigh, it is better to take a gamble according to that person's analysis. I just didn't expect the bet to be won. It can be said that it has won a big is not only staged in Sony, but also in Panasonic. However, Konosuke Matsushita was too old and did not come forward in person, but asked Panasonic employees to persuade their children to study at Yulin University of Technology.

The more this is done, the more Japanese students reject Yulin Institute of Technology. This is a school that asks the company to force the children of its employees to study.

It can be said that both Panasonic and Sony hope to dig something from Heiyun, while Bao Zixuan hopes to be a standard. If the Japanese use Black Cloud's software, hardware, and even learn the characteristics of their work during their student days. Then they will spread it out when they return to Japan. This is one of the purposes of Bao Zixuan to recruit Japanese students.

There is also the hope that by recruiting Japanese students to promote people on their side, so that they can understand some of the characteristics of their opponents and a serious and responsible attitude towards work. After all, the sons of Sony and Panasonic are not allowed to come to study, and their engineers will never come to the school to give lectures. This is also one of the purposes.

The recruitment of Yulin Institute of Technology in Japan has not changed because of Cao Cangjiro. Now Japanese young people have become very rejecting Yulin Institute of Technology because of the company's oppression. The staff in charge of Japanese admissions have also become more difficult. Except for those who are forced to go to school, no one is willing to go to Hong Kong University.