Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 391

Chapter 391

"Rebirth of Hong Kong: Tycoon Growth Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Viscount Maggie-Nelson left Yulin Institute of Technology very reluctantly. She couldn't understand why the Governor's wife called her at a critical time. Today is a good time to get closer to Bao Zixuan, and it is very confusing to be called away now.

Bao Zixuan honored his promise and really toasted every engineer. Let the engineers who are not familiar with the boss style be impressed again, but this time because of the amount of alcohol.

Just as Bao Zixuan was celebrating with the engineer, there was another scene in the Governor's Palace. There were a total of three noble girls who came here this time, and now they sit there without speaking as if they were angry.

Qian Ante looked at the three of them and said, "I know that you are a little puzzled about why I called you back. Especially when Lord Nelson is still chatting with Bao Zixuan, you shouldn't be called back, right?"

"But do you know! On Madam's birthday party, after Bao Zixuan left with your gifts, he went directly to Huo Yingdong's house."

Looking at the blank expressions on the faces of several girls, Joante continued: "You may know some of the rich and powerful in Xiangjiang, yes; Huo Yingdong is indeed the richest person in Xiangjiang. And he has a good relationship with Bao Zixuan. , it is understandable for two people to communicate. But do you know! Huo Yingdong has always been the representative of the Xiangjiang businessmen who is closest to the Chinese mainland. Every time the Xiangjiang Chinese businessmen go to the mainland, he is the matchmaker. It can be said that we can continue to rule Xiangjiang. The greatest threat, if there is no Huo Yingdong Many Xiangjiang businessmen will never have such close contacts with the mainland."

"Huo Yingdong is definitely the number one stumbling block for the British Empire to continue to rule Xiangjiang, and this person has a very strong personality. Even how we dealt with him and made trouble with him, he did not yield to him."

"Why did Bao Zixuan go to this person's house after delivering His Excellency Nelson's gift, and he was the first to wait for Huo Yingdong to come back. I think Bao Zixuan just wanted to show an attitude or send a signal to Huo Yingdong. For the empire, it is not very powerful."

"You may not know that Bao Zixuan's threat is definitely at a strategic level. Not to mention the global sales volume of Heiyun and the tax payment in Hong Kong! Heiyun Group is ahead of the world's major companies in many high-tech fields. Some of these core technologies are not very mature in the British Empire."

"It seems that it is almost impossible for the other party to immigrate to the UK. After all, it was already explained the problem when we went to find Huo Yingdong that night. This time our strategy needs to be changed. If we want to clear the cooperation of the three, it is mainly the cooperation of Lord Nelson."

After listening to Joante's analysis, he was no longer so angry and repulsive about calling them back. If people know everything about you and you are still rushing to get up, it will be too disrespectful to face. After all, they are also nobles, and they must have the dignity they should have.

At this time, a girl said, "Mr. Joante, can't we directly send troops to **** the technological achievements of Heiyun!"

Qian Ante: "Our British have only a few troops in Hong Kong. If we dare to do this, the Chinese mainland will definitely not ignore it. At some point, the treaty will really be useless, and Bao Zixuan has a huge international influence. The British Empire will be very passive. Which company will dare to invest in our jurisdiction in the future is even more terrifying than killing the chicken to get the egg."

Maggie Nelson: "What Mr. Joanne wants me to do."

Joante: "I hope Your Excellency Nelson can stay in Hong Kong to work, preferably in Heiyun. If you can't work in Heiyun, you can work in the Hong Kong Governor's Office, but it's not convenient for many things like this."

"Although Bao Zixuan has taken precautions, many things are beyond her control. Moreover, this person has a fatal weakness, that is, he doesn't know how to refuse. Almost all requests for beautiful women are met. I think you have seen it today!"

Hearing this, Maggie Nelson knew that there must be someone sent by Joante in Heiyun's engineer team, and this is also Xiangjiang. As the assistant to the governor, Joante can mobilize a lot of resources, and it is very simple to buy and threaten a few people for his use.

Maggie-Nelson: "It seems that Mr. Joanne knows everything, but Bao Zixuan is not stupid. And I am not a science and engineering major. Today, Bao Zixuan seems to have completed a very important research. But let me see I can't understand it, and I don't know if the confidential information is important or not."

Joante: "It's because of your performance today that you decided to start this plan. Bao Zixuan knows that you don't understand. If you are by his side, you won't be looking for information behind your back; we can find well-known professors in various fields to help you make up lessons. He may know that the purpose of your approach to him is not pure, but as a super rich, the purpose of having that woman approach him is pure."

Hearing Joante finish speaking, Maggie Nelson knew that the person Joante sent was by Bao Zixuan's side, and he was a core engineer. Otherwise it is impossible to have a clear picture of the whole process.

At the same time, Huo Yingdong was also thinking about it at home. Today, President Li of Xinhua News Agency came to be a guest at home. President Li, who was born as a scout, soon discovered that there were many eyeliners hidden around Huo Mansion, and it goes without saying that he knew who sent it.

And looking at the scale and coordination, it is not a day or two here for him, but Bao Zixuan had been here a week ago. Huo Yingdong knew that when Bao Zixuan came to his house to look for him, he would definitely be found.

Thinking of the situation that day, the British would have guessed what purpose Bao Zixuan had. In this way, Bao Zixuan's life will not be as nourishing as it is now. After all, once the road of immigration is blocked, the future will be the enemy.

At this time, it is not possible to meet Bao Zixuan, after all, President Li has just left; isn't that the obvious lice on the bald head!

Seeing the phone, Huo Yingdong suddenly had an idea. He picked up the phone and dialed Bao Zixuan's number. But today Bao Zixuan didn't bring anything, and Huo Yingdong dialed a private number again. Only a few close people in this world know about it. I don't usually use it, and I just called my family to report that they are safe.

After Huo Yingdong called twice and no one answered, he became a little worried. But at this time, Bao Zixuan was drinking with the engineers, so it was normal that he didn't receive it.

Huo Yingdong asked someone to call Zhao Tingting of the Black Cloud Group. The other party only knew that the boss was at the university recently. Zhao Tingting didn't know what was going on; she just thought that Huo Yingdong must have something important to do to find the boss, so she asked the driver to drive in the direction of Yulin Institute of Technology.

After coming to the school cafeteria, I saw Bao Zixuan fighting with others. So Shang whispered: "Mr. Huo Yingdong is looking for you, but no one answers your call."

The cafeteria was a bit noisy at this time, and Bao Zixuan said loudly, "What did you say?"

At this time, the alcohol has started to work, which has nothing to do with the amount of alcohol. Although Bao Zixuan is very sober, his reaction is still a little slow due to drinking too much alcohol!

Zhao Tingting said a little loudly: "Mr. Huo Yingdong is looking for you, but no one answers your call."

After Zhao Tingting finished speaking, Bao Zixuan was not talking. After saying sorry to everyone, I walked to my place. Huo Yingdong must have something to do with him, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to come over to inform him.

After Bao Zixuan left, someone in the cafeteria glanced in the direction he left. As if thinking about something in my heart, I said hello to my colleagues and left the cafeteria.

At this time, Qian'ante's mobile phone received a message with only a few simple words: "Huo called someone to find the bag, the content is unknown."

In fact, Zhao Tingting misunderstood Huo Yingdong's meaning, he was just a little worried about Bao Zixuan. It's enough to know where it is. It doesn't matter if you can't explain it today, tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow; after all, it's not an important and urgent matter.

But it's strange, because Bao Zixuan usually said it during the meeting. Huo Yingdong must report to him as soon as possible, even if he is in a meeting, he must stop immediately. This made Huo Yingdong repeatedly explain that he didn't need to go to Bao Zixuan now, but Zhao Tingting still rushed over if it was possible tomorrow. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, or it may be a good thing.

After dialing Huo Yingdong's phone number, I saw a familiar voice coming from there: "Xiaobao, the news that you came to my house that night may have been known to the Governor's Office, but today I found out that there are many young people near my house, and you didn't find anything around you, right? !"

After listening to Huo Yingdong's speech, Bao Zixuan thought about it carefully and said: "I have a lot of security guards I also bring bodyguards. I didn't find anything, but these people are getting more and more courageous, and they are actually Dare to play tricks in front of your old people, it's time for them to suffer."

In fact, after Huo Yingdong said that Bao Zixuan really had doubts, what did Maggie Nelson mean by coming here today. Did he deliberately test what he had guessed, or did he want to get close to him. Anything can happen at this time, so be careful.

Joante knew that Huo Yingdong was talking to Bao Zixuan, and he was so anxious. There must be something big going on, but watch it carefully. He is very satisfied with the dark chess work ability placed next to Bao Zixuan, and he is also satisfied with his decision.

In the future, would you like to visit other rich people in Xiangjiang to know their true thoughts? At present, both sides basically know each other's cards, and it depends on who can hold their breath. Both sides are fighting wits and courage, and both want to have the last laugh.

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