Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Motorola, formerly known as Calvin Manufacturing Company, was founded in 1928. In 1947, the name was changed, and it was used as a trademark from the 1930s.

Motorola is headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, on the outskirts of Chicago. One of the Fortune 100 companies in the world, and a global leader in chip manufacturing and electronic communications.

In 1928, Joseph Calvin and Paul Calvin founded the Calvin Manufacturing Company in the United States.

In 1930, Motorola produced the first radio equipment, the meaning of Motorola's brand in English is sound in operation.

In 1941, led by Daniel Noble and formally established a company responsible for sales - Motorola Communications and Electronics Company.

In 1946, Motorola began to be involved in the mobile phone industry, and in January realized the first car call.

Motorola's formatted "M" logo was first introduced in 1955. In the same year, the Semiconductor Development Department produced germanium transistors for car radios, and at the same time built a number of factories for mass production of RF transistors and silicon rectifiers. A new type of wireless communication product was developed that could transmit radio information to a designated person. A small wireless receiver called a pager. Many hospitals became the original users of Motorola pagers. This pager replaces the original broadcast system. Motorola was the first to use transistors in commercial car radios, making them smaller, more durable and less power-hungry than previous models. Motorola became a commercial manufacturer and supplier of semiconductor devices to various manufacturers. The semiconductor product headquarters was officially established.

In 1956, Motorola introduced its first pager, which Motorola called "the new standard in personal communications."

In 1960, technology was developed to produce silicon rectifiers at low cost. This rectifier can be used in automotive alternators and is an economical alternative to less durable DC alternators. Motorola's automotive product division, known as a supplier of under-the-hood electronics, was also formally established.

In 1964, the Mariner 4 spacecraft used similar equipment to transmit images of Mars back to Earth. Motorola also supplies similar equipment to the Gemini manned spacecraft.

In 1970, Motorola introduced its first MC6800 microprocessor.

In 1973, Motorola launched the DynaTAC, and the modern mobile phone began to develop.

In 1974, Motorola withdrew from the television industry.

In 1980, the electronic components needed by the automotive industry became the first major market for Motorola's microprocessors. Motorola supplies a large number of electronic engine control modules to companies such as Ford, General Motors and Chrysler to improve fuel efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions.

Bao Zixuan, a telecommunications giant, is not fully sure to convince the other party. After all, Motorola is not bad for money. This company that can transmit human voices from the moon back to the earth is already very powerful, and if people will ignore you around 2000; this may be an opportunity when mobile phones are not commercially available.

Now Black Cloud is cooperating with Motorola instead of car companies. Jeep and Dodge use Motorola's in-vehicle electronic equipment.

After the Black Cloud negotiator team came to Motorola, they were warmly welcomed. After all, Heiyun is also a big company now. But the annual sales are more than Motorola, and there are still basic politeness issues.

First, I visited the Motorola Museum, which has become the norm for these big companies. After each partner comes, go to the museum and let them know how awesome we used to be.

But when he saw the photo of Armstrong landing on the moon, Bao Zixuan was a little dazed. At that time, Armstrong's "one small step for me, one giant leap for human astronautics" was transmitted back to the ground through Motorola equipment. It can be said to be a highlight moment in Motorola's history and an unsurpassed classic.

Robert Calvin said with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Bao and all Heiyun employees to Motorola. You are welcome to visit here. Today, all parts of our company are open to Heiyun employees."

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you, Mr. Calvin, for your hospitality. Motorola is a great company. Heiyun still has a lot to learn from you. This is a lively learning course for us."

Robert Calvin: "Mr. Bao has won the prize. We still have a lot to do. It took only 2 years for the black cloud to develop into the current scale. This is something that many people dare not think about. It did. It's an amazing achievement and something Motorola can learn from."

Bao Zixuan: "You are very kind. You must have known that we are here today. Heiyun wants to obtain mobile phone technology and patent authorization. I know that Motorola intends to enter many of Heiyun's products, so cooperation is the best way to solve the problem. "

Robert Calvin: "The future of the mobile phone market must be very broad. Motorola can't dominate the market alone, it won't be able to eat it, and it may be investigated by anti-monopoly. It's not impossible for Heiyun to enter, the key is what to take. something in exchange."

When Larry Brown saw Bao Zixuan's wink, he knew that he was about to go out and said: "Mr. Calvin, according to Motorola's financial statements, your company has invested about 45-50 million US dollars in research and development funds in the entire mobile phone project. Heiyun Group can use this money to obtain technology and patent authorization."

Motorola is a listed company and its annual financial report is released to the public. These materials are simply undefended in front of the golden lawyers, which is also the disadvantage of listed companies. Something is too transparent, and some secret projects are not easy to do.

After Larry Brown spoke, Robert Calvin didn't say anything, and Martin Cooper next to him would answer the question. Identity issues exist in all walks of life, and bosses and employees lose their identities in dialogue at this time.

Martin Cooper: "You only see the economic cost we pay, which does not include the time cost of joining the engineering team day and So Motorola will not recognize Heiyun's valuation of mobile phone research and development, many hidden Sexual costs are not added to it."

Larry Brown: "Then may I ask Mr. Cooper what you, as the inventor of the cell phone, value it."

Martin Cooper and Robert Calvin have long valued cell phones, as well as Black Cloud's existing patents. They have already listed the products they want and made notes. Motorola is not a very cash-strapped company, and they also want to obtain the patent authorization of Heiyun.

Martin Cooper: "We don't need cash, Motorola doesn't really have money. We hope Black Cloud can take out patents for laptops, digital cameras, and flash memory cards in exchange."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan feels that Motorola is really greedy. If this is the case after the exchange, the media might write about the Black Cloud Group and how to arrange Bao Zixuan!

Larry Brown: "This condition is unacceptable. But you can choose one of them to exchange. After all, some products are not Motorola's strengths, and Motorola does not seem to have technical reserves in optical lenses. We proposed another deal. Maybe Motorola would be interested!"

After speaking, he handed over the prepared documents to the Motorola negotiator. After seeing the documents, Martin Cooper didn't feel anything. He just thought that Heiyun was going to buy some products from Motorola, but Robert Calvin was happy when he saw it. Immediately revealed.

The number of products purchased by Heiyun Group every year is too amazing. If the contract is signed according to this purchase amount, the company's stock price will definitely fly to the sky. In fact, this is also what Bao Zixuan wanted. The rise in Motorola's share price is also of great benefit to him. The Blackstone Fund holds a lot of Motorola shares.