Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Because the scientific research value of the thesis is too high, MIT is worried that once the defense is public, it will provide the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries with the opportunity to steal. Therefore, Bao Zixuan was not required to publicly defend himself, but he was given excellent grades after simply asking a few questions.

So far, Bao Zixuan has obtained all the credits from Oxford and MIT, and now he has a double bachelor's degree from Oxford and MIT. This diploma will be recognized no matter where it goes, after all, the two schools have a huge influence around the world.

Bao Zixuan extended his study period in the United States, which is also impossible. A lot of work and layout have not been fully formed, and now we can only seize all the time to improve the scientific research system of Heiyun Group. There are still too few talents in Heung Kong Polytechnic University. I believe that after the university is built, it should be able to meet some of the needs.

Originally, I only planned to study for a Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science, but when I thought about the future prospects of the communication market. Bao Zixuan also majored in communications, but luckily, he was proficient in this major in his previous life. At the same time, he is preparing to conduct research and development on mobile phones. After all, this is a trillion-level market.

Big Brother was first invented by the American corporate giant Motorola. On April 3, 1973, the world's first mobile phone was born in Motorola's lab in Manhattan, New York, led by Martin Cooper. The birth of this phone means the beginning of a new era.

People go from being closed to open. Passion and ideas are definitely not enough, and tools must be used. In 1987, Big Brother entered China, and it has undoubtedly become an important tool to accelerate people's information communication and social interaction. When mobile phones first entered the mainland, they had a strange name called "Big Brother". This is actually a homonym for the gang leader in the area of Hong Kong and Guangdong. Gangs generally call the little leader Big Brother, while the old leader of the gang is called "Big Brother". It is said that the mobile phone got this name because the movie star Sammo Hung was the first person to have a mobile phone in Hong Kong. When he was a director on the set, he never left his mobile phone and used it to issue orders. Sammo Hung was originally a big brother in the Hong Kong film industry, and others called him the big brother. Because there were many photos of him holding his mobile phone in the newspapers, the Hong Kong media simply called the mobile phone "big brother", and called him out. Regardless of whether this source is true or not, the message carried by the three words "Big Brother" is clear. In that era, it was a symbol of status, status and wealth. For the Chinese who thought that "upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones" was communism not long ago, the shock it brought was inevitable. Not only because it's expensive, but also because of the high-tech magic it exhibits.

According to the historical development trajectory, it was not until 1983 that Motorola mobile phones would be brought to the market. And Martin-Cooper is still competing with other groups, and this is an object that can be won.

If Bao Zixuan wanted to make layout on his mobile phone, it would definitely be very effective to dig Martin Cooper into the black cloud; but it should not be that easy. And with Bao Zixuan's understanding of the mobile phone market, he can avoid many detours in the future. Even entering the age of intelligence will not fall behind.

It's just Bao Zixuan's character to do what he says. Since he decides to make a mobile phone, he must execute it. Bao Zixuan decided to go to Chicago and Motorola's headquarters. He wanted all the technical information about the mobile phone. Motorola was not as powerful as in his previous life. You must know that at the peak of his previous life, he planned the "Iridium Star Project". plan.

After receiving Heiyun Group's request for business negotiation on mobile phones, Motorola responded quickly. After all, Heiyun Group is now a popular fried chicken company, and many companies may not be able to answer if they want to find someone. Now actually can take the initiative to contact Motorola, this is the recognition of Motorola.

Robert Calvin is the current leader of Motorola, the son of Paul Calvin. It can be said to be a veritable second-generation rich, different from other second-generation rich. Robert Calvin has shown a shrewd business leader temperament since he was a child, and it was in his hands that Motorola reached its peak in his previous life.

Now the other party of the mobile phone will definitely pay special attention to it, and it is not realistic to want to buy it. However, I believe that Motorola will not refuse if they exchange patents with each other. After all, Heiyun has many jealous patents in his hands.

Robert Calvin called on Martin Cooper, the father of cell phones, to find out how far the cell phone is going. When will it be commercially available, he is full of confidence in this promising product. However, he is also very interested in many patents in Heiyun's hands. At this time, it depends on everyone's own conditions.

Robert Calvin said to Martin Cooper: "Martin, how far the mobile phone research and development has progressed, and when will it be commercially available? I am very confident in this product. Now Heiyun Baozixuan wants to talk to us about the mobile phone issue. Negotiations, so I want to hear from you."

"After all, Bao Zixuan's vision is very accurate. The success of digital cameras, notebook computers, game consoles and other products is the best compliment for him. Now that he is interested in mobile phones, it proves that mobile phones have a bright future. Even better than Motorola expected, Otherwise, the Black Cloud Group can't come to negotiate with such a big fanfare."

Martin Cooper: "Boss, it can only be used around the laboratory. It will take some time before commercial use. I think it will take about three years to overcome the technical difficulties. At present, the operation of the equipment is very unstable and the signal coverage is very poor."

Hearing Martin Cooper say this, Robert Calvin was thinking about how to maximize Motorola's interests in this negotiation.

After a while, Robert Calvin said, "Martin, what effect will it have on us if the Black Cloud joins in. UU Reading"

Martin Cooper: "In fact, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have black clouds in. To achieve the effect of mobile phones, you need to build a large number of base stations, which is a very expensive project. In a city like Chicago alone, we need to build more than 10 base stations. , so that the signal can be fully covered.

"The cost of a base station is about 300,000 US dollars, which is not counting the cost of land use. If the total cost of a base station is about 500,000 US dollars, and the number of base stations is expanded to the whole world, then our financial resources cannot support it at all. Get up. I thought about cooperating with a telephone operating company before, but if the Black Cloud Group joins in, it will greatly improve the entire project.

"Although they have not been established for a long time, their financial strength is stronger than Motorola. Although it is not like an admission, it is a recognized fact."

After hearing Martin Cooper's introduction, Robert Calvin had an idea and a decision in his heart. It is not impossible to let Heiyun enter the mobile phone market. Now it is the key to think about how much benefit from Heiyun in this negotiation.

Before going to Motorola, Bao Zixuan discussed with Larry Brown's legal team about the maximum price that Heiyun could pay in order to obtain mobile phone technology and patent licensing. After all, if the price is too high, it will be worth the loss, and it is not impossible to develop it yourself, but many patent barriers are not so easy to break.

Both sides are figuring out how to get the best interests, and it can be said that both sides need each other. Bao Zixuan needs mobile phone technology and patent authorization, and Motorola hopes to scrape more oil from the fat meat of Heiyun Group.

Although the goals of both parties are not pure, the starting point is to hope to promote this cooperation. This is a precondition and a necessary condition for reaching cooperation, and it is at least unified on this point.