Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 200

Chapter 200

It's no wonder that Robert Calvin, a veteran of the market, showed his true expression in front of the negotiating target. It is really that the Black Cloud Group's procurement is too large and tempting.

The purchase order from Black Cloud Group to Motorola includes 1 million electronic engine control modules per year, as well as 1 million Motorola mc68000 chips and subsequent upgraded products. At the same time, the motherboards and chips of the first batch of mobile phones will be purchased from Motorola.

Although Heiyun Group is developing rapidly, it is still very slow in the field of high-end chips. After all, in the United States, only a few companies with superior technological strength can play the game. Now Black Cloud can only produce low-end game console chips and memory chips.

Just a simple preliminary statistics, Black Cloud purchases Motorola's products of more than 500 million US dollars every year. And this is a long-term plan that can bring Motorola more than $100 million in revenue every year. How can you be Robert Calvin?

Bao Zixuan also knows that even if he suffers a little loss now, he will make it back sooner or later. Bijie originally planned to buy these from Motorola, but now it is just taken out at once.

Robert Calvin: "Mr. Bao, do you use so many products! After all, your car hasn't been produced yet, and your laptop uses Intel chips."

Bao Zixuan: "I have absolute confidence in Heiyun Automobile. In addition, Heiyun is preparing to enter the field of large-scale computers. We will use a lot of chips in the future, and Motorola is a good choice. We want to build the world's largest server portfolio, and Heiyun every year. is very computationally intensive.

Robert-Calvin: "Yes, we exchange the technology and patent authorization of mobile phone and base station construction in exchange for the black cloud notebook computer, flash memory card technology and patent authorization. But these orders."

Bao Zixuan: "You can sign the contract right away. The first $200 million deposit will be remitted to Motorola's account within a week."

Robert Calvin said: "I heard that it was very refreshing to work with Mr. Bao, and today I saw it. We are happy to work together." After speaking, the two held their hands together.

Although Bao Zixuan has obtained mobile phone patents and technologies, he still has a long way to go. In fact, he also gave this patent transaction a tail. Black cloud can be said to be the strongest in the world in lithium battery technology, and it has not been taken out yet. I believe Motorola will find him in the future.

At present, we need to find a big player who can play a leading role in the mobile phone project. Originally, Martin Cooper was a good candidate, but just after signing the contract with Motorola, it feels a little unkind to dig into the opponent's corner.

After thinking for a while, Bao Zixuan already had a candidate in mind. He was going to New Jersey to go to one of the most important scientific research institutions in the world, Bell Labs.

Bell Labs in the United States is a major invention of transistors, lasers, solar cells, light-emitting diodes, digital switches, communication satellites, electronic digital computers, cellular mobile communication equipment, long-distance television transmission, analog language, sound movies, stereo recording, and communication networks. 's birthplace. Since 1925, Bell Labs has been awarded more than 25,000 patents, and now, on average, more than three patents per working day. Bell Labs' mission is to create, produce and provide customers with innovative technologies that enable Lucent Technologies, a global leader in communications systems, products, components and networking software. He has won a total of 8 Nobel Prizes (7 in Physics and 1 in Chemistry).

Bao Zixuan has long admired this laboratory, which has an important position in the world, and visited him once in a previous life. I came here as a student to listen and sit, and I came here today to poach people.

On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper stood on Manhattan Street, holding a newly developed cordless phone, and pressed a series of phone numbers under the curious gaze of the people around him.

To the surprise of the people around, the phone went through. A man's voice came: "This is Yul Engel."

In an almost trembling voice, Cooper said excitedly, "Yul, I'm talking to you on a real mobile phone, a real mobile phone!"

The other end of the phone was silent.

It was none other than Cooper's longtime competitor, Yul Engel, a scientist at Bell Labs.

This is a landmark event, marking the beginning of mobile communication to challenge wired communication. At the same time, Yule Engel became a laughing stock.

Maybe Martin Cooper was originally just a joke, but it brought great changes to the life and work of Yule Engel. The genius scientist who was previously in Bell Labs was gradually marginalized. In the field of technology, the public will only remember the first One person, who will pay attention to the rest other than family members!

Bao Zixuan quickly met Yule Engel through Larry Brown's contacts, and now he is no longer as high-spirited as before. Become an ordinary R & D staff living in Bell Labs. But Bao Zixuan knew that there was absolutely no problem with his ability and level.

Yul-Engel didn't expect that the owner of the most popular company in the world was looking for him. He was also a little curious about what this young man who caused a huge sensation in the world was looking for himself.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Mr. Engel, I am Heiyun Bao Zixuan. This time I came to find you for one purpose. I hope you can join my company and become the general manager of mobile phone research and development."

Yule Engel: "Young man, you seem to be looking for the wrong person. Now that the patent for mobile phone technology is in the hands of Motorola, you should go to Martin Cooper."

Bao Zixuan: "Black Cloud has already purchased the relevant technical patents and authorizations from Motorola. I'm looking for you and hope you can join in and improve it. After all, the mobile phone has not yet met the commercial requirements."

Hearing this, Yule Engel was very shocked. He knew too much how much Motorola took the mobile phone project. It is now possible to sell technology and patent licensing to Heiyun. This is how much it will cost to complete it.

Juer-Engel: "I don't like to study other people's patents, I like to develop new products myself. So sorry I can't agree to your request."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Engel, I understand your strength. I also know your talent. The reason why Bell Labs didn't take the lead in developing a mobile phone is because Bell Labs didn't support you It's not that your strength and ability are poor. . At least not worse than Martin Cooper."

Hearing this, Yul-Engel was in a much better mood, but he still didn't know if the other party really thought that, or if he was complimenting himself.

Yule-Engel: "You are not complimenting me! Why do I feel so fake!"

Bao Zixuan: "If you don't even believe in your own strength, then I really invite you in vain. In my heart, Yule Engel's talent is to be written into elementary school textbooks, so that all children know that he is a Great inventor. But now I don't see that."

This sentence touched Yule Engel a lot. Isn't this the dream of every scientific researcher? It's okay to write it into university textbooks, as long as a theoretical study is enough, but there are very few scientists who can write it into elementary school textbooks.

Juer-Engel: "What rights and treatment can I get when I go to Black Cloud?"

Bao Zixuan: "The annual salary is 1 million US dollars, and the R&D results are 3% of the profit. There will be option incentives in the future, and the R&D funds will not be less than 20 million US dollars per year. At the same time, the Black Cloud Group will set up the Engel Laboratory."

This is a condition that people can't refuse, so I don't believe that this old guy won't be tempted. He also has a family, a wife and children.

Juer-Engel: "I still have some assistants who have been with me for a long time. They are not reused now. I have to discuss with them."

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, your assistants come to Heiyun, and Heiyun can pay twice their current salary. And they still work under you, if they want to go to other positions with the same conditions; I very much believe that you are always watching people. eyes."

Bao Zixuan had already made a sacrifice in order to invite this technical master, and even at a high price, he had to let the other party follow him back to Boston.