Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1942

Chapter 1942

If the Soviets can get the news, the United States will naturally not go there! In the early stage of aerospace, the Soviet Union relied on Korolev, a great genius engineer, and huge national investment; the first to send artificial satellites into space, and then the first to send humans into space; achieved great advantages.

But the Americans who reacted finally realized clearly; some things are not just about money, talent is the primary productive force. So decisively use von Braun, who has a German background. With the help of powerful technology and investment regardless of cost, humans finally landed on the moon and overtook the Soviet Union!

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony in all directions, and no one wanted to lose this war without gunpowder; the United States, relying on its strong economic strength, has gradually left the Soviet Union behind in the space field. The most obvious manifestation is the number of satellites in the sky, and the two sides are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

The reason why the United Kingdom can not fall behind in the waters of the Falkland Islands is due to the US intelligence support. Otherwise, I don't know how many times it has been wiped out. The Argentine Air Force is basically under satellite surveillance; the British expeditionary fleet can respond immediately.

You have to face planes on the top, and guard against submarines on the bottom; plus the British Empire, which is far away from the mainland and is on the decline, how can it be resisted.

There was a large-scale demonstration in Scotland, which turned into a riot; the United States is very clear. I am very worried about problems in Britain at this moment; although it is going to war with Argentina; it makes him very upset. But after so many years of planning, the Soviet Union seems to be unable to hold on; at this time, there is a problem in the UK, and it is likely to fall short!

The British Empire is in decline. After all, it has been in Europe for more than 200 years. Compared with it, the United States obviously lacks foundation. In any case, Britain must be kept, even if it is divided, it cannot be now.

Immediately after seeing the satellite images, the CIA staff became restless; even extremely angry. The staff in front of the computer are descendants of Scotland; the comrades died tragically; there are many old people and children among them; how can the heart be at peace!

Although he is a civil servant, he has received formal training after all; his restless heart quickly calmed down. Even if you want to do something for your compatriots, you can't do it at work.

While other people weren't paying attention, I copied a few pictures; if found out, I might face jail, but I don't care so much at this time!

The method is not clever, and it cannot be fooled by professionals at all; but I think this risk is very worthwhile. At the same time, I wanted to find an impartial media to report it, otherwise it would be very likely to be suppressed! As a staff member of the CIA, of course I know the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom; most media will not report negative news about the Anglo-Saxons.

No one would be reconciled to the death of a comrade without knowing why; once the seeds of revenge are planted, they are difficult to remove.

Robert Gates, the director of the CIA, came to hear the news, and there was a riot in Scotland; of course he knew that an agent had sent back the news. As for satellite reconnaissance, it is not deliberately targeting the United Kingdom; to be precise, the United States is the same for the whole world, including the mainland.

Even though he was used to seeing blood and rain, he still couldn't calm down after seeing such a tragic scene. Although it wasn't an American who died, I still don't understand what the British want to do. In such a sensitive period, they dared to send troops to suppress the demonstrators in their own country; if such serious consequences are caused, it depends on how the British end up.

As the director of the CIA, of course I know that there must be no problems in the UK at this moment; let alone let the media know. Otherwise, the Soviet Union will be fine, and Britain will be the first to collapse!

Robert Gates said with a serious expression: "You all understand the regulations, there is no order from me; no one is allowed to leak the news. No one can afford the consequences. I hope everyone can understand!"

After speaking, he didn't make any stops, and rushed directly to the White House!

Some things have to be reported to the president to get instructions on what to do next.

For the arrival of the old subordinates, George Bush was very happy; Robert Gates was single-handedly promoted by him, and he was an absolute confidant.

Where is the relationship between the two of them, there is no need for any politeness.

Robert Gates said directly: "Mr. President; there was a riot in Scotland, and the British side dispatched the Seventh Armored Brigade to suppress it. At present, the British have cut off all external communications, but satellite photos show that fierce conflict broke out in Edinburgh, and the Seventh Armored Brigade fired directly at civilians!"

After speaking, I handed over the satellite data, and the photos are obviously going to be more vivid!

George Bush once served as the director of the CIA, and he is familiar with the work process; he took a photo and looked at it carefully. Even though she thought that the Iron Lady might be ruthless, she never expected to shoot the people of her own country.

If this incident happened in any country, it would be defined as a crime against humanity; at this moment, there must be no problems in the UK. Even if they scold the British over and over again as pig teammates, they still have to take care of the things that should be taken care of; otherwise the so-called British Empire will have to be split.

As soon as his hand was put on the phone, Robert Gates immediately put his hand on it; the meaning was obvious, and he didn't want the other party to use the phone.

The United States and Britain are strategic partners, so the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom have a dedicated line of communication. In other words, at any time, the two can contact that kind.

As the director of the CIA, he is naturally aware of the existence of this communication line.

That is to say, the relationship between the two is very close, otherwise there will be a misunderstanding!

Robert Gates said very seriously: "Mr. President; you should want to call the British Prime Minister, but I don't think it's appropriate now!"

Although George Bush is conceited, he has one advantage; that is, he can listen to the opinions of his subordinates. I was a little anxious just now, and now is really not the best time to call Iron Maiden. But I still want to hear the reason of this subordinate, which can be regarded as a kind of investigation!

A gesture signaled the other party to continue, and Robert Gates continued: "The British Seventh Armored Brigade has imposed military control on Edinburgh and cut off all external communications."

"That is to say, at this moment, except for the British themselves, it is impossible for any country to know; at least the British think so. This is just a unilateral idea of the British, even if the communication system is cut off; the agents do not send any information to the outside for safety. But there is no way to hide it from the reconnaissance satellites in the sky. That is to say, not only we know it; the Soviets should also know it."

"It is easy to misunderstand the British by directly asking them about the situation; using satellites to monitor allies is not a glorious thing after all!"

In fact, after Robert Gates pressed the phone, George Bush also thought of this; even if the relationship is close, it is still two different countries. The interests of the general direction are the same, but there are still big differences.

For example, regarding the Malvinas Islands, the United States means to deal with the Soviet Union wholeheartedly; other things can be put aside, as for Argentina; the White House will give a warning!

But Britain is worried about damage to its own interests, and even more worried about the United States intervening; the Falkland Islands may not be named British. So I didn't agree, and I wanted to solve it by force!

George Bush: "What can you do!"

I still appreciate the ability of my subordinates; finding problems is a skill, but solving problems has to rise to another dimension! I want to continue to test the other party, if it can exceed expectations; I don't mind letting him take up a more important position.

Robert Gates is such a smart person, he immediately understood what the other party meant; so he said directly: "Deliberate concealment is impossible, the matter is too big, and there are too many witnesses now. And the Soviet satellite must have taken relevant photos, and it will only be covered up!"

"But it can't be our report~ It will definitely make the British feel uncomfortable; although the United States has never been afraid, the rift between allies will still affect many future plans!"

"The Soviets will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and then they can put the **** pot on their heads."

"Among the parade people; the vast majority are Soviet spies; everything is controlled by Kerberg behind the scenes. Even if the Soviets come forward to clarify, other countries may not believe it; after all, the old man is in this regard; but he has a lot of criminal records!"

It can not only explain why the British Seventh Armored Brigade shot at the Scottish people; it can also make the Soviets blamed; it is of great benefit to the United States!

I didn't realize before that Robert Gates is still an all-rounder; it seems that he can be well trained. This is George Bush's real idea!

I think the plan is feasible, just wait for the Soviets to take the lead; as for the dead and injured Scottish civilians, they have never been the focus of the White House!

(end of this chapter)