Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1943

Chapter 1943

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is one of the five most influential newspapers in the Federal Republic of Germany; it was founded in 1949 and published in Frankfurt; formerly known as "Mainz Allgemeine Zeitung". Publish the situation of the 100 largest industrial enterprises in West Germany and dozens of the largest commercial, transportation, tourism, finance, insurance, and enterprises in West Germany every year or two years; become an authoritative newspaper for understanding the industrial and commercial conditions in West Germany. The newspaper has foreign correspondents in more than 20 countries, and is the one with the largest number of foreign correspondents among West German newspapers; in 1990, the newspaper acquired a 50% stake in an East German publishing company.

The opinion given by Bao Zixuan is to let the Germans report the incident, and it must not be the Soviet Union; otherwise, the European media will definitely frame Lao Maozi with ulterior motives. After all, the whole world is aware of the conflict between the two parties; it is normal to be suspected.

As for the choice of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, it is also after careful consideration; the relationship between Germany and the United Kingdom is not very good, at best it can be regarded as superficial harmony; it is just that they have a common enemy at the moment.

At present, Germany and Germany have been merged, and all the British garrisons have withdrawn; when the 7th Armored Brigade was stationed in Germany, it did a lot of harm to the local people; now it can make them embarrassing; the opportunity must not be missed!

In addition, there are Germans at this time who really want to divert domestic conflicts; even though the two Germanys were of the same family before, they have been separated for nearly half a century after all; the cultural differences caused by different systems are difficult to change in a short time. Conflicts are inevitable, but there is still no good way to solve this matter.

When I was dozing off, someone happened to bring a pillow; the British still wanted to hide it, how could it be possible.

The editor-in-chief of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung felt incredible after seeing the pictures; he did not expect the British, who have always been gentlemen, to be so mad; it is a shame to civilized society. Not only can it increase newspaper sales, but it can also divert internal conflicts in Germany.

Although it is risky, it can even be said to completely offend the British; but so what. As a reporter, of course I know the situation on the front line of the Falklands; if the backyard of the British Empire is on fire at this time, it is not impossible to become a third-rate country.

Since mankind entered the age of great exploration, Britain has become the hegemony of the world; it has suppressed Germany for hundreds of years. At most, it was suppressed by Germany at the beginning of World War II, but the end result was that Germany split.

It is to let Britain taste what it is like to divide the country; even if the editor-in-chief quits, the report must be published.

Just when people all over the world were still confused, an article on the front page of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung instantly woke people up.

The Holocaust, a three-word title; takes the reader straight to World War II. In fact, if the German media reports it, it will also cause a certain amount of disgust; after all, what they did to the Jews during World War II is really tragic.

Fortunately, the Germans' reflections on the war can still be recognized by the whole world; if it is other countries that launched the war, readers may not be convinced.

The photo shows the old man and the child lying on the ground, and next to them are soldiers with live ammunition;

In the past, the Soviet satellites were only inferior in chips, but because of the cooperation with the Black Cloud Group; it has been perfectly solved. As for optical lenses, Carl Zeiss of East Germany became a supplier to the Soviet military after the end of World War II; the clarity of the photos is definitely not bad.

Readers denied the possibility of old photos at the first time, because the clothes of the people are too modern; it is impossible to be from World War II. Direct exclusion is to commemorate what event! Coupled with the bustling streets, it is even more impossible to be in some parts of Africa.

The bustling streets, the well-dressed inhabitants; everything augurs well of civilization, and certainly some modern developed country! I have never heard of the invasion of Europe and the United States, what is going on!

Once curiosity is aroused, there is an idea of digging deeper; even endlessly!

Of course, there are not just one picture, but many pictures; only in this way can things be made real, even if the British want to deny it. Sure enough, after seeing the flag and badge of the British Seventh Armored Brigade, readers immediately understood what was going on. It's definitely happening in the UK, as the British ace unit; it's no secret where it's deployed!

Especially the Germans, of course know that this force has returned to the British mainland at this moment! The Germans were very impressed with this unit that has been stationed in Germany since the end of World War II!

The shocking photos make people feel unspeakably uncomfortable! In modern society, all countries are reflecting on war. The previous massacre was a crime against the entire human race; it belongs to the red line that cannot be touched. Anyone who dares to attack ordinary people will be labeled as anti-humanity.

Is the British 7th Armored Brigade crazy, dare to shoot at its own people; even if the opponent is not Anglo-Saxon, the two regions belong to the same country; it has a history of hundreds of years. The relationship inside is constantly cutting, and the reasoning is still chaotic, which is really incomprehensible.

As for the Scottish staff of the CIA, they were not idle; they just risked their lives to bring out the photos. That is to say, the popularity is good at ordinary times, and this time is still in the age of computers; the inspectors don't understand it very well. If we enter the 21st century and want to bring pictures out by storing floppy disks; it is simply unrealistic!

Working in the CIA, he had much more information than others; therefore, he did not hesitate to come to a newspaper that he thought would not favor the English!

In 1981, Michael Bloomberg started his second venture with a compensation of $10 million from the company. He positioned the new company as a company that uses new technologies to provide financial institutions with information services, and named it: Innovative Market System Company. This company was later the predecessor of Bloomberg News.

1982: Innovative Market Systems was favored by a large company, Merrill Lynch, due to its success in selling data terminals. Merrill Lynch bought a 30% stake in Innovative Market Systems for $30 million. In the following 10 years, the company has grown at an astonishing 40% annual growth rate.

As a new media, if you want to maintain rapid growth; if you don't take some measures, or report some valuable news; it is simply unrealistic.

Of course, there is another key point, that is, Michael Bloomberg, the founder of Bloomberg, is an out-and-out Jew; and he has a close cooperative relationship with the Rothschild family, which belongs to the younger brother category to be exact!

The established media will definitely have a lot of scruples, involving the British; they are also worried about being warned by the government. The so-called freedom of the press in Europe and the United States is premised on obeying the will of the country; undermining the relationship between the United States and its allies is likely to be targeted.

Bloomberg doesn't have to worry about these things, it wants to survive in the cracks of the established tycoons; naturally it can't take the usual path. Step by step, will only be submerged in the long river of history! Therefore, they have always been known for their boldness, and there is no news that they dare not report!

The intelligence personnel of the CIA are very clear that the Rothschild family has long wanted to completely separate from the United Kingdom; it is just that the conflict has not been made public. Now there was an opportunity to embarrass the British, or to fear persecution; leaving made perfect sense.

Michael Blomberg studied at Johns Hopkins and Harvard University successively, and his IQ is definitely not bad; it can even be said to belong to the category of dragon and phoenix among people. Without excellent skills, even with the support of noble people, it is impossible to achieve the achievements of later generations!

After seeing the photo, he was obviously taken aback; even if the other party didn't explain the source of the photo, he knew it was a satellite photo at a glance. It is not an angle that ordinary cameras can capture, and it is basically possible to determine the identity of the visitor!

Michael Blomberg thought for a moment and said, "How much money do you want!"

The well-informed Bloomberg has already guessed that the other party is of Scottish descent, otherwise UU Reading would not have taken such a big risk; raising money is more about long-term cooperation.

People who couldn't be found with a lantern before, now take the initiative to deliver it to your door; you must not miss it. You can't expose the other party's identity, otherwise there will be no next time! For some intelligence and news, even if there are many reporters, it may not be possible; but for those who have the perspective of God, they only need to adjust the angle of the satellite; no matter what, he will take advantage of it!

The CIA staff didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, and immediately understood what it meant; so they said directly: "100,000 US dollars!"

It looks very high, but compared with the news value; it is no different from giving away for free, and it is more authentic.

Michael Bloomberg didn't even notify the finances, and took out a stack of dollars directly from the office safe; and said: "This is the first cooperation, and you can't let you suffer."

"There are only 240,000 US dollars in the office, all of which are old banknotes without consecutive numbers; you can use them with confidence, and I will make up for you next time we cooperate!"

(end of this chapter)

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