Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1941

Chapter 1941

10 Downing Street, inside the Prime Minister's Office; the Iron Lady has been feeling unwell since the morning. I thought it was because I didn't have a good rest recently, but I found out after receiving a call from the office director; it turns out that women's sixth sense is really accurate!

Preliminary statistics; the current death toll is already thousands, many of them are old people and children. Even during World War II, so many civilians were not killed or injured at one time. Go into the modern world and shoot your own people; you will be condemned by the whole world for sure.

At this time, Iron Lady also has one head and two big heads; she must be handled properly, otherwise it will not be as simple as resigning. If it doesn't work out, she will be held accountable. She doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in prison!

After all, he is a ruthless character, so he quickly realized it; he said to the office director: "Seal the scene; don't let anyone approach. At the same time, order the 7th Armored Brigade to impose military control and curfew on Edinburgh, and I will come and deal with it myself!"

Several important members of the cabinet came to No. 10 Downing Street again; many of them have already received the news, and personnel from the Ministry of Defense and the intelligence department are on the scene; they also reported immediately!

Seeing everyone's expressions, the Iron Lady knew what was going on; so she said directly: "The incident has already happened, and it must be handled properly; now is not the time to pursue responsibility, the first thing to do is to appease the people. At the same time, block the news and never report it; otherwise, the British Empire will face a serious crisis."

"I think you know the state of the country better than anyone else; I don't want to talk nonsense. We must abandon all contradictions and unite to the outside world!"

It can only be said that the Iron Lady was able to become the first female Prime Minister of the British Empire, which is indeed outstanding; she will never be bearish at critical moments, and she can try her best to maintain reason and make clear arrangements.

Several British cabinet ministers certainly know what kind of crisis the country is facing, and if they don't handle it well, they will all suffer together. And it is easy and difficult to solve, for whatever reason, if the Scots cannot be given a satisfactory answer; it is only a matter of time before the country is divided.

Seeing that no one objected, the Iron Lady continued: "The Minister of Finance took out 1 billion pounds from the national emergency budget to calm the matter. If it is not enough, I will find a way from other places."

Being able to come up with one billion pounds is already very rare for the British Empire at this moment. The Falklands front is a bottomless pit, consuming huge sums of money every day; and there is no hope in the short term. But if it is withdrawn at this point, centuries of hard work will be in vain, and the British will definitely not be willing!

In fact, deep down in his heart, Iron Lady has already figured out where to get money; but he doesn't want to do that unless it is absolutely necessary! Even if it subsides temporarily, it is likely to be found in the future; it is bound to become the object of the people's disdain!

Except for the chancellor who stayed in London, all the other cabinet members went to Edinburgh, Scotland; only after seeing the real scene can the most appropriate decision be made.

The KGB headquarters of the Soviet Union, after seeing the satellite pictures; the staff did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately reported to their superiors. As for the actions of KGB agents in Scotland, Kryuchkov, as the chairman of the Kerberg, is naturally clear. It wasn't his instigation, and the people below would not dare to make such a big deal.

In fact, all of this was done through Ustinov Jr., and the Arabs have no direct communication channels with the KGB. However, as the head of the General Armament Department of the Soviet Union, he was in charge of military sales; in recent years, he had very frequent contacts with Arabs!

In addition, there was Bao Zixuan gesturing from behind, causing trouble for the British again; little Ustinov didn't hesitate at all, and didn't even ask for any favors. It can be regarded as expressing a kind of sincerity, besides, not all money has to be made; that will only make people look down upon!

The photos are shocking, and no one would have imagined that the British dared to shoot at their own people. How come these self-proclaimed gentlemen are not gentlemen at all when they do things!

In the past, the media in European countries have always criticized the Soviet Union for its badness and badness; it will even rise to the system. Such a good opportunity must be used; thinking that Ustinov Jr. will definitely be interested, Kryuchkov also has a sense of flattery in it.

Although the two are similar in rank, even to a certain extent; his position is more important. In history, the chairman of the Soviet Kerberg has a great chance to directly enter the Kremlin.

But Kryuchkov knew very well that the late old superior Andropov was an absolute strongman; his qualifications and prestige were much stronger than him. Ustinov Jr. was born in a famous family and he is young; the most important thing is that the Soviet Union's finances have not completely collapsed, and the other party has contributed a lot. Future achievements are limitless, even if you reach the top; it is not impossible!

This Scottish operation is also a matchmaking; if you want to be reasonable, you should invite him to come and have a look; at the same time, you can discuss the next action plan! The British gave such a big gift, so naturally they had to make good use of it; if this could be let go, it would be an insult to the profession of an agent.

Little Ustinov did not expect that the British dared to risk the disgrace of the world by shooting directly at civilians. Even during the Great Purges of the Soviet Union, it was only for military officers.

Kryuchkov asked bluntly: "What to do next!"

Hearing this, little Uskinov was very happy; asking his opinion showed that many things had already been acquiesced in his heart. As a powerful institution, if the KGB can get their support, everything it does next will go much smoother.

It stands to reason that it should be reported to the Kremlin first; such an important matter; it is likely to affect the international pattern and direction. Knowing the whole story, the Kremlin can make a judgment; and then make corresponding deployments!

But asking his opinion directly now, the meaning is already very clear; Chairman Kerberg chose to stand in line, how can he be unhappy in his heart!

Little Ustinov said with a smile: "I'll make a phone call first, I believe that kid must have a better way!"

Since everyone chose to stand in line, he had to show his sincerity; little Ustinov didn't hold anything back, and directly dialed Bao Zixuan's phone number!

It is no secret that the two have a good relationship, and some things cannot be hidden from the KGB at all; it is better to face it calmly! I also want Kryuchkov to know and follow him; the money will definitely not be less. The richest man in the world is a friend, and a partner; you don't have to worry about suffering and poverty for a few lifetimes!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Is there any good news, let me have fun together!"

In fact, Bao Shoufu knew about the British Seventh Armored Brigade stationed in Edinburgh, Scotland; there were not only Soviet Kberger agents on the scene, but also many Heiyun intelligence personnel. But it's more about observation than participation. Some things must not be glued, otherwise the consequences will be difficult to bear.

The United Kingdom is in decline, and it is also the five permanent members of the United Nations; its strength should not be underestimated. Even if the British know that the Soviet Union is stumbling him, there is nothing they can do about it. The most important thing is that the strength of the old man is much stronger than that of the British Empire. Stabbing each other in the back at most, absolutely not daring to face hard steel.

If you know that the Black Cloud Group is involved, then I'm sorry; I will definitely try my best to deal with you. Xiangjiang has not yet returned, and Fujairah's strength is still too weak after all; it will not end well at that time.

Besides, having a group of professionals like Kerberg take action is much better than Agent Heiyun doing it himself; things that can be done with money, why bother. And he didn't spend the money, wouldn't it be nice to watch the fun with a small bench!

Little Ustinov didn't hide anything; he directly told Bao Zixuan about the content of the photos taken by the satellite and the attack on Brigadier General Winter, commander of the British Seventh Armored Brigade. UU Reading www. and sent it directly; seeing is believing, more effective than any words!

At this time, the British have blocked the scene and shut down the communication system throughout Scotland! If you send a message at this time, you are asking for trouble for yourself.

Therefore, the black cloud intelligence personnel have not made a follow-up report; the main reason is that they dare not! In the secret code, unless it is absolutely necessary, it must not be exposed. That would not only lead to death, but it might also bring disaster to the country and the organization!

Although the Black Cloud Group also sends satellites into the sky, they can all be used for communication; countries are very strict in inspection of reconnaissance satellites, and it is not easy to take advantage of loopholes!

We can only wait until the disintegration of the Soviet Union, otherwise we really can't find a suitable opportunity!

It's just that I didn't expect the British to be so extreme. It seems that the Iron Lady is cruel; when dealing with people in the future, I really need to pay attention to one or two things! A woman who doesn't care, but can do anything!