Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1938

Chapter 1938

Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is located on the south bank of the Firth of Forth in the central lowlands of Scotland; it covers an area of about 260 square kilometers. Founded in 1329, it was the capital of Scotland from 1437 to 1707. Papermaking and printing and publishing have a long history, and industries such as shipbuilding, chemicals, nuclear energy, electronics, cables, glass and food are also important. With the development of the North Sea oil field, a series of related industries and service industries have been established; an important transportation hub and an airport.

Edinburgh has a long history, and many historic buildings are well preserved. Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Palace, St. Giles Cathedral and other places of interest are located here.

But it is almost impossible to see these famous buildings now; they are all occupied by marchers. The people's intention is very simple, they must give them an explanation from No. 10 Downing Street, and even the royal family. Why are the Scots inherently at a disadvantage, and need to recalculate the North Sea oilfield revenue; at the same time reduce the taxation of the Scottish region.

In fact, these requirements are very reasonable, but the British Empire is in a precarious state at the moment; it is already difficult to obtain more funds from the outside, and can only continue to squeeze the domestic. England belongs to the basic market and dare not move easily; besides, the economy of England has been sluggish in recent years, and people's lives have become problems. In order to increase taxes, we must rebel.

After all, Scotland has oil and gas resources, so it can only attack them; even though it is clear that this is not very kind, there is no good way. If it was just a parade, the Iron Maiden could still tolerate it; but now it affects the supply of frontline soldiers, and it must be eliminated; the fastest way to return to normal life.

Seeing armored vehicles approaching, the parade people felt incredible; parades in Europe are very normal, not to mention that they happen every month; but there must be several times a year. At most, the police are dispatched to maintain order, and now the army is directly dispatched; what does it mean.

Brigadier General Winter also didn't want to shoot at civilians. After the incident subsided, he could easily be pushed out as a scapegoat. In order to protect themselves, the top management will do anything.

The order received was to quell the riots, allow the people to return to work and restore social order. The army had come to Edinburgh, so they couldn't do nothing; if they went back in despair, then his brigade commander would be finished.

Although reluctant, he still ordered his subordinates to start shouting; let the people return to work, or go home directly; do not gather in the square, so as to give the enemy agents an opportunity.

The idea is very good, but the person who shouted it was not chosen; it can only be said that Brigadier General Winter does not fully understand his subordinates!

Leitner, a major staff officer of the British Seventh Armored Brigade; of course, he has another identity, a typical nationalist; at the same time, his grandmother is also a down-and-out nobleman. Anglo-Saxon victorious, always considered himself to be of noble blood; ancestors have served in the Royal Navy. Later, for various reasons, he had to enter the army.

You must know that in the UK, the first choice for aspiring young people is the Royal Navy; after all, the reason why the British Empire became an empire on which the sun never sets, the Royal Navy played an important role in it. As for the fact that even the army cannot be crowned with the royal name, you know how big the gap is.

In the development of the British Army, Cromwell was a very important node; in 1645, he established a new army, the New Model Army. At this point, the United Kingdom began to have an army supported by finances, that is, the standing regular army.

Before that, the British Army was still in a state of fragmentation and patchwork; the simple understanding is that the soldiers basically belonged to the local lords, and the king also paid for some of them; they were gathered together before the war. This makes the combat effectiveness of the British army very mediocre; after all, the soldiers belong to the lords, and whether they work for the king or not, and how much they contribute depends on the lord's face. Even if there is money to earn, he is still reluctant to leave his hometown to fight for others.

The 22,000-strong New Model Army directly became the prototype of the modern British standing army; an infantry regiment of 1,200 was the predecessor of the modern British Army.

But the target of this standing army at that time was the King of England; and it directly defeated the army of King Charles I, forcing the British monarch to abdicate. Scholars believe that this is the reason why the British Army does not have a royal title!

This is indeed the case; the British Army does not have a royal title, and it does have a lot to do with Cromwell; it is also because of Cromwell that after the restoration of the Stuart dynasty; the British Army no longer belongs to the king. Since the army does not belong to the king, there is no need to use the royal title!

It makes the British traditional aristocrats, as well as young people from military families, very repulsive to enter the army. As an aristocrat or a traditional military family, their life would be easier if the royal family existed; without the royal family, they would be no different from ordinary people.

The stubborn pride in his bones is easy to change. Serving in the army was already very uncomfortable, otherwise I would have gone to the front line of the Falkland Islands; as a young officer, I still want to go to the war to prove myself.

Now seeing that the Scots didn't know what to do, I became even more upset; I wish I could kill all the Scots in front of me, so as not to stab a knife in the back!

Leitner said loudly into the loudspeaker: "This is the Seventh Armored Brigade of the British Imperial Army. We have received orders from enemy agents to carry out sabotage activities in the Scottish area. Now please return to work or go home directly; otherwise Coercive measures will be taken in ten minutes."

The scene was very noisy, and Brigadier General Winter was discussing with the chief of staff and others how to disperse the crowd for a while; the sound insulation of the command vehicle of the British armored vehicle was really good, so the specific content of the subordinate's shouting was not heard.

For ordinary people, we should try our best to appease them; give them ten minutes if something comes up. After all, before the Scots marched in the streets, the police were at most maintaining order by the side; it was just to avoid unrest.

Some people at the scene didn't know what was going on, and only heard that they had to leave after ten minutes; it was a clear act of power. Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, how can you be easily scared.

There were KGB agents hidden in the parade; I didn't expect the British to dare to dispatch troops, and they really underestimated them before; isn't this just an opportunity!

England and Scotland themselves have deep conflicts, and the media has continued to report various injustices in recent days; this has brought the public's anger to its peak; if it is adding fuel to the fire at this time, the UK will definitely not feel good.

To be able to serve in the KGB, the ability to adapt to changing situations is definitely not bad; at least it is much better than ordinary people.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "This is Scotland, get out of the English army."

As soon as the voice fell, it immediately resonated; at this time, all the Scottish people on the scene thought it was very reasonable. Why should the English army enter the land of Scotland; it is simply unreasonable to come here to frighten them!

Not only shouting to let the English army get out, but also the extreme masses; they picked up stones and attacked the 7th Armored Brigade of the British Army.

Major Leitner must stand at the highest point because of his propaganda; unfortunately, he became the first target to be attacked. I don't know what it is, and it flew directly towards the door.

If it was hit on the head, it would be fine; they all wore steel helmets before coming here. Even if you get hit by a stone, it's no big deal. But it was a coincidence that they came directly towards the door; plus standing on the armored vehicle, the area of movement was limited; it was too late to dodge!

I just felt my eyes go black, and blood flowed down instantly.

Major Leitner considers himself a handsome guy, and usually pays great attention to his personal image; now that he has been directly disfigured, one can imagine his mood. Not to say that the anger is extreme, but it is not far from there.

After all, he is a He didn't lose the chain at the critical moment; he wiped off the blood on his face with his hands, and his eyes can basically see the surrounding things clearly!

Since he was shameless and dared to take the initiative to attack him; Major Leitner decided to show the Scots a little color, blood debt must be paid in blood. Regardless of others, anyway, his blood cannot be shed in vain. It's okay to bleed a little, the most important thing is that she has been disfigured; how can she bear it.

Pulled out his gun and fired directly at the crowd throwing objects at him; there was no hesitation at all.

After all, he was still a young man, and he did not hold back at the critical moment; the sound of gunfire followed by people falling to the ground, and the scene fell silent instantly.

No one expected that the army would actually dare to shoot; ordinary people were at a loss for a while after seeing this. At critical moments, everyone is afraid of death!

But in the eyes of the KGB agents, this is indeed a once-in-lifetime opportunity; the British army dared to shoot at its own people, and I really admire the courage of the British army. If you don't use it, it's a serious dereliction of duty!

Immediately began to incite the people, under the slogan of revenge for the dead comrades; attack the army!