Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1939

Chapter 1939

Chapter 1924 Death of the General

The soldiers were attacked, and they instinctively fought back; there were too many people around, and they would have to account for their careless lives later. The demonstrators picked up objects that were available around them and began to attack the entire 7th Armored Brigade. At this time, the situation has seriously escalated, and it is difficult for anyone to lose control of the situation!

Brigadier General Winter also felt that something was wrong, and he was more aware of the seriousness of the matter; but he saw that his subordinates were attacked, and there were many objects such as stones and iron blocks; many soldiers had been beaten to death. If you don't stop it, you can't imagine the consequences; but it's useless to say anything now, it's still important to save your life.

There were many KGB members in the parade; the Arabs gave too much, so there had been no funds for the activities before; all the secret agents who had been hidden all became active. If you don't participate in it, how can you take the money; it can be seen from here. The old man is not bad, he really does things with money!

The general's uniform and insignia are clearly different from his officers and soldiers; there is only one general in the entire Seventh Armored Brigade. You don't need to ask; the person who just got out of the armored command vehicle must be Brigadier General Winter, the brigade commander. How could such a good opportunity be missed.

The KGB intelligence personnel sneaked up to Brigadier General Winter; while the other party was not paying attention, he lightly stabbed him in the waist. If it was a state of war, Brigadier General Winter, as a middle and senior commander, would definitely not be so advanced.

But this time I came to Scotland to suppress the riots; in my heart, I still think about appeasement, which is why I came forward so much; it can be regarded as a release of goodwill. Let the Scottish people take a good look at the demeanor of the imperial general; maybe they think in their hearts that they can shock the parade people!

If it is normal, maybe you can still feel it; but at the moment the scene is too noisy. Soldiers had already huddled together to protect the officers.

In less than 3 minutes, Brigadier General Winter felt something was wrong; he was still relatively confident in his physical condition. Keep exercising every day, plus regular check-ups; absolutely nothing wrong. But now the body began to get out of control, with obvious signs of poisoning.

Before coming here, the director of the Prime Minister's Office specifically emphasized that there were Soviet KGB agents involved. I used to think that exaggeration was just an excuse; now it seems that things are not that simple.

Combined with his physical condition, he immediately thought of the classic weapon of the KGB agentthe umbrella grab!

Although it is called an umbrella gun, it does not kill the target through bullets like conventional guns; it kills the target through toxins. If the target cannot get the timely antidote, the body will decay and die within a few days.

The reason why the KGB agents chose the camouflage shell of the umbrella is because the British have a tradition of carrying umbrellas when they go out; the natural environment of the British Empire has frequent rains, and gentlemen will carry an umbrella when they go out to prevent rain. The tradition spread; even Rolls-Royces carried umbrellas with them; so no one was surprised to see someone walking down the street with an umbrella on a sunny day.

The bullet of the umbrella gun is a sphere with a diameter of 1.7 mm. The inside of the sphere is hollow and has two holes; under normal circumstances, there is 0.4 microliters of ricin in the sphere, and the small holes are sealed with wax.

Umbrella guns do not use conventional gunpowder gas to launch, but use high-pressure gas; similar to air guns. When the shooter presses the camouflaged trigger, the gas cylinder hidden in the umbrella releases gas, which travels along the pipe to the top of the umbrella; the tiny bullet is fired there by the high-pressure gas, with a very small sound; it can only be used at close range or even close to the body.

When the bullet is successfully launched and enters the target body; because the size and power are too small; it will only enter a very shallow position of the body. Coupled with the use of platinum-iridium alloy, it will not produce redness and swelling as quickly as steel materials; the victim will only feel that he has been bumped and has a slight pain.

If it is not treated in time, the body temperature of the victim will melt the wax on the surface of the bullet; the ricin inside will flow out to attack the victim's body; symptoms similar to cold and fever will appear in about 6 to 8 hours. Only 0.7 mg of ricin can kill an adult. Symptoms of the poison include lassitude, nausea, vomiting, and fever, which are similar to a bad cold. The victim eventually suffers damage to the liver, kidneys and other detoxification organs, and dies of acidosis, uremia, or paralysis of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In 1969, a Bulgarian writer named Markov defected to England; he worked for a broadcasting company in London. Many of his remarks made the KGB and the Bulgarian authorities very dissatisfied, and they were determined to get rid of the traitor.

On September 7, 1978, Markov went to work as usual; while he was waiting for a bus by Waterloo Bridge. A youth attacked him from behind with an umbrella gun, and Markov felt a bump to his right thigh, like a bug bite. When he looked back, he saw the young man picking up the umbrella from the ground, and then took a taxi to leave; Markov thought it was just a flustered young man who was about to be late for work, and accidentally hit himself.

That evening, Markov developed a fever; doctors initially thought it was a cold, but quickly realized something was wrong. In view of Markov's special status, he was sent to St. James's Hospital; after four days of high fever, he died. Doctors dissected the body and found the metal ball that killed him, confirming the cause of death.

Because there was no conclusive evidence, the murderer could not be traced. It was not until the end of the 1980s that the Bulgarian side admitted that the operation was jointly planned by the intelligence service and the KGBcodenamed Piccadilly.

As a senior military officer, he is no stranger to the tricks of the Soviet KGB; in addition, he has been stationed in Germany before, and his country's intelligence personnel will regularly introduce relevant information to him.

I didn't expect that the KGB dared to attack senior military officers of the British Empire. Wouldn't it not only be retaliation; even international condemnation. But when I think that the other party is from the Soviet Union, it feels normal.

You must go to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to pay for your life.

Brigadier General Winter said to the chief of staff: "Hurry up and take me to the hospital. There are Kberg spies among the parade crowd; I don't feel right now, I should be poisoned."

"Hurry up, or it will be too late!"

Seeing the cold sweat on the brigade commander's head, he would never joke at this time; the chief of staff immediately took it seriously.

The scene was very chaotic just now, and it was easy for the parade people to come to the brigade commander; with the ability of KGB agents, it was easy to take the opportunity to poison.

Combined with Brigadier General Winter's state, the possibility of poisoning is very high; the chief of staff still knows the boss's physical condition very well.

The chief of staff called on two guards to help Brigadier General Winter back; and ordered the soldiers to withstand the impact of the parade crowd.

Walking to the last armored vehicle, the chief of staff said to the driver: "The brigade commander is under attack and must go to the hospital for treatment; hurry back to London immediately, without any mistakes!"

At this time, many medical staff in Scotland participated in the parade; in addition, it was to suppress them, and it was not easy to get proper treatment. It is more reliable to return to England!

Of course, just to be on the safe side, let the medical soldiers accompany them; in case of accidents along the way, emergency treatment also needs to be manned. As for the chief of staff, he dared not leave at all at this moment.

The brigade commander has been injured and cannot command the army; as the chief of staff, he must step up.

At the same time, the Chief of Staff of the Seventh Armored Brigade has already made up his mind, UU reading www.uukanshu. com really can't control the situation; it can only take tough measures.

The KGB of the Soviet Union was involved and wanted a peaceful solution; it was not that easy. The brigade commander was attacked by poison, and he didn't want to repeat the same mistake; if that happened, the entire 7th Armored Brigade would be very dangerous.

Shooting at civilians does not conform to the image of a soldier; especially shooting at the people of the country will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history. But there is really no other way to end the conflict as soon as possible; self-preservation is the primary goal!

Brigadier General Winter only felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he couldn't even speak; seeing such a scene, the medical soldiers immediately injected him with an antidote serum.

The poison used by the KGB agents, the UK certainly does not have a specific drug; even if there is, it is impossible to distribute it to field troops. Only detoxification serum can be used; a dead horse as a living horse doctor is better than nothing!

As a general, he did not die on the battlefield; instead, he was poisoned and murdered by agents, Brigadier General Winter was very unwilling. But I didn't see the other party holding an umbrella or carrying other large items; what was going on, I didn't figure it out until my death.

Although very unwilling, the armored vehicle has not yet driven to England; Brigadier General Winter has lost his sense of life! After World War II, the first general of the British Empire to "die in battle"!

(end of this chapter)