Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1937

Chapter 1937

Brigadier General Wendt, commander of the British 7th Armored Brigade, is on vacation, and finally returned to the mainland from Germany to garrison; maybe someday he will be sent to the front line of the Falklands. As a soldier; if you can't even understand this, you probably won't be able to become a general.

Soldiers spend most of their time in the barracks and rarely spend time with their families. It's hard to come back, maybe the next time we meet; it can be said to be very cherished.

The phone at home suddenly rang, which gave him a bad feeling; could it be that the Falkland Islands war was so urgent that he had to rush to help immediately, otherwise he shouldn't disturb his rest at this time.

Reluctantly, he answered the phone; he was informed that he needed to return to the army immediately. Knowing that what is coming can never be avoided, soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. Going into battle to kill the enemy is a duty, and there is nothing to complain about; if you retreat at this time, you are not worthy of being a soldier at all.

After arriving at the temporary station of the troops, they saw that all the officers on vacation had arrived; Brigadier General Winter was very relieved, at least the combat quality of the troops was commendable. As an elite unit of the British Army, it has been stationed in Germany before; it is necessary to guard against the Soviets at any time, and the vigilance of the whole brigade is not low.

Compared with the British mainland troops, it must be much stronger; this is one of the reasons why Iron Maiden insisted on sending this army. Of course, there are other ideas, that is, after suppressing the riots; going directly to the front line of the Falkland Islands, the pressure will naturally be much less.

To put it bluntly, it is to suppress riots. If it is deliberately interpreted by people with ulterior motives; it may be said to be the use of force against unarmed civilians in the country. The pressure that the Seventh Armored Brigade will have to bear by then can be imagined. Going directly to the front line, it is hard for others to say much; and there is no way to slander it, that is to help the enemy; it must be punished as it should be.

It can be said that everything was calculated by the Iron Lady, and it is not difficult to see from here; from a milkman to the Prime Minister of the British Empire is indeed extraordinary.

Brigadier General Winter had just arrived at the headquarters, and the head of the Prime Minister's Office was already waiting for him; this made him a little confused.

In fact, Iron Lady also thought about sending other people over, but in the end she found that there was no suitable candidate. The director of the prime minister's office is an absolute confidant; at the same time, he is very clear about the intention of dispatching the army this time. Being straightforward and saving the intermediate links, the riots can be quelled in the first place.

Of course, Brigadier General Winter would not believe the director of the Prime Minister's Office alone; the Ministry of Defense also sent a colonel-level officer to accompany him. Senior generals cherish their feathers very much and suppress domestic riots; it is not a glorious thing, so it is better not to participate. Of course, I was also worried about settling accounts after the fall and getting angry.

The adjutant passed the orders of Ten Downing Street and the Ministry of Defense directly to Brigadier General Winter, as the military director of the force; any orders would need to be given by him.

Seeing that the Seventh Armored Brigade was ordered to go to Scotland, Brigadier General Winter immediately understood what it meant; the news about the Scottish people's parade had spread all over the world; he naturally knew it.

Britain is relatively democratic, and the people have been treated unfairly. It is enough to march in the streets and dispatch the police to maintain order; but the army has never been dispatched before.

You must know that they are heavy armored units, one of the most effective units in the United Kingdom; during World War II, they fought from North Africa to Burma. It is exaggerated to hear that the enemy is frightening everywhere, but at least fight against any powerful enemy; There is no problem in going to the Falkland Islands; but it is really embarrassing to directly deal with the unarmed people of the country.

The director of the Prime Minister's Office naturally understood what Brigadier General Winter was worried about, so he said directly: "Your Excellency, the current situation is extremely critical, and the Scottish people have turned from marches to riots. And there are foreign intelligence organizations involved, and the KGB is behind it. few."

"Scottish heavy industry, as well as the oil industry; it is related to the supplies of frontline soldiers in the Falkland Islands. If the situation is allowed to develop; the British Empire is likely to lose control of the Falkland Islands; in serious cases, it may even lead to the annihilation of the entire expeditionary fleet."

"There is no time for us to think about it now, and Your Excellency the Prime Minister does not want to see bloodshed; but the British Empire has no choice at this moment. As a senior general of the Empire, I hope you can understand the nature of the mission."

When it came to the supplies of the frontline troops, Brigadier General Winter immediately paid attention to it; as a soldier, although he was not on the battlefield at the moment, he knew very well what it meant to lose supplies.

Brigadier General Winter has always been paying attention to the frontline battles in the Falkland Islands, and the 7th Armored Brigade may go there at any time; as a commander, he must be responsible for the lives of the entire brigade. According to the analysis of the news that came back in the recent period, the British Empire did not take advantage of it; the battlefield situation was developing in a direction that was not conducive to Britain. At such a critical moment, basic supplies cannot be guaranteed; then what awaits the British Empire will be a catastrophe.

The order has already been issued, and the battle on the front line is urgent; Brigadier General Winter did not hesitate at all; he directly said to the adjutant: "Order all the soldiers of the brigade to assemble urgently."

Hearing this, the head of the prime minister's office finally felt his heart sink; he was really worried that the other party would refuse to carry out the order. After all, it is not within the scope of the Seventh Armored Brigade's responsibility to deal with the people of the country.

After all, it took less than 3 minutes for the elite troops; they had already assembled and moved very quickly.

Brigadier General Winter came in front of the officers and soldiers of the brigade and said loudly: "Boys; upon receiving an emergency order, some enemy agents broke into the Scottish parade; it turned the parade into a riot."

"As a glorious imperial soldier, we have no choice; we must maintain the stability of the British Empire; and the safety of people's lives and property. All members of the Seventh Armored Brigade went to Scotland to suppress the riots; in case of obstruction and attack, All emergency measures can be taken."

Although he wanted to say shoot and kill, but after all, he was dealing with the people of his own country; he definitely couldn't say it directly, and he would have to bear a lot of responsibility. Besides, it's not something glorious in itself, it's just being in this position; there's no other choice.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the 7th Armored Brigade were also a little confused. They thought they were going to the front line of the Falkland Islands; they even prepared a suicide note. I didn't expect to go to Scotland to suppress the riots, which is really incomprehensible.

But the brigade commander has already spoken, just resolutely execute the order; as a soldier, it's best not to think too much.

The army marched out, and the brigade commander, Brigadier General Winter, and the chief of staff rode in a command armored vehicle; if it was a war, this situation would basically not happen. Apart from meeting and discussing the deployment of operations, the military director and the chief of staff seldom get together; let alone ride in the same armored vehicle. The enemy's artillery fire is short-sighted. Once a missile comes down, the troops will lose their command system in an instant. At that time, they can only fight on their own, and the final result can be imagined.

The chief of staff thought for a while and said, "Brigadier, what is the situation? Do we really want to attack civilians?"

Although both of them are from England, they are not very friendly to Scotland; but shooting at ordinary people is not in line with their own values. Most British military officers are of noble origin, although there are various rules; sometimes they are very dogmatic. But I have to admit that they will still follow the spirit of chivalry in their bones.

Brigadier General Winter is very clear about what this assistant wants to express; the two have worked together for more than ten years, UU Reading www. are already very familiar with each other; therefore, they did not hide it, but directly said: "The Scottish people have turned from a parade to a riot. If it cannot be stopped quickly, it will definitely affect the supply of frontline soldiers."

"Many heavy industries and the oil industry of the British Empire are located in Scotland; it is the most important part of the front-line supply of the Falkland Islands. You may not understand that the war is extremely detrimental to the British Empire; if there is a problem with the rear supply at this time, then The Falklands will inevitably be taken by the Argentines; then centuries of hard work will be in vain."

"Although I don't want to attack civilians, as a soldier, I can only obey orders. And there are KGB involved in it. I must not allow any enemy agents to destroy the stability and unity of the British Empire."

Although the difference between the brigadier general and the colonel is only one level, it is a gap that many soldiers cannot jump over in their entire lives. A brigadier general can be called a general, and belongs to the senior general of the army; the information he has is naturally more comprehensive. The Colonel is by comparison; it is much worse in every respect.

The chief of staff didn't say much, he only had the right to make suggestions; unless the brigade commander died in battle, he couldn't directly command the army.

Although it is a heavy armored force, the performance of the tanks and armored vehicles it is equipped with is superior enough; it can be said to be one of the most advanced models in the world. In addition, England is not far from Scotland; 3 hours later, the 7th Armored Brigade arrived in Edinburgh.