Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 148

Chapter 148

After distributing the construction of Tianshui Wai University, Bao Zixuan called two roommates who were far away in the United States. Let them come over to Xiangjiang and tell them about the construction of the university. When the two heard that such a big project was waiting, they said that they would pass immediately after New Year's Day.

On the last day of 1978, Bao Zixuan came to the Governor's Palace. Not only is he coming this time, but many well-known figures in Xiangjiang will come over, and everyone will gather and chat together. And will organize a charity auction party to let these rich people donate some money. At the same time, the Governor also wants to get in touch with these elites in Xiangjiang.

The dinner started at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, and Bao Zixuan arrived at the Governor's Palace at 6:45. This is the first time in his life that he has come here, and he always feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, and it is not clear what is going on.

The Government House of Hong Kong was changed to the Protocol Building after the handover. Located between Upper Albert Road and Lower Albert Road in the mid-levels of Central, it is the official residence of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the most important official reception venue for the government. The main building was built in 1851 and was officially completed in 1855. The Government House of Hong Kong has a garden of 24,000 square meters, and the main building covers an area of more than 7,000 square meters.

The architectural design of the Hong Kong Governor's Palace combines the essence of Eastern and Western cultures. The building has both the elegant style of neoclassical architecture and the tropical architectural style. The fourth governor of Hong Kong, Sir Paul Ning, became the first owner in 1855, and 25 of the successive governors have lived here. Various governors have renovated and altered the building according to their personal style and needs. During the RB occupation, extensive renovations were made, including the addition of the central tower.

In 1995, the Government House of Hong Kong was listed as a declared monument and protected by the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance.

After Bao Zixuan passed the invitation to the security guard, he came to the lobby on the first floor. At this time, he saw many people gathered in twos and threes to chat. He didn't know anyone, so he had to eat in the corner by himself.

Judging from the chat situation, it can be said that there is a clear sense of awe. The Chinese and British businessmen hardly ever communicated together. Since Fok Yingdong has been suppressed by the Hong Kong government many times, in order not to affect other people, he is alone.

Actually, the Hong Kong government didn't want to invite him, but after all, Mr. Huo's influence was too great. It is also very contradictory to have to invite him every time.

Seeing a young man eating in the corner, Huo Yingdong walked over with curiosity, and Bao Zixuan was also a little hungry, so he didn't have the same scruples as the others.

Huo Yingdong looked at Bao Zixuan and said, "Young man, why don't you go and talk to everyone. Instead, I started eating here."

Looking at this somewhat familiar face, Bao Zixuan didn't remember who it was for a while. After all, the tycoons of Hong Kong were relatively young in this era. And the media is not developed in later generations, and the photos are very blurry.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Old man, I didn't have dinner when I just came here. And it's the first time I've attended this kind of dinner. I basically don't know anyone and have nothing to communicate with."

Huo Yingdong didn't expect that this young man didn't know him. It seems that his fame is not as big as he imagined!

Huo Yingdong: "You young man has some appetite for me. What are you doing?"

Bao Zixuan: "I run a factory, what do you do, Mr.

Huo Yingdong: "What I do is more complicated, what to do to make money."

The two began to chat without a word. Fok Yingdong has a strong control over the political ecology, and Bao Zixuan has unique insights on world events and technological development. It didn't end until two people showed up.

The three ship kings of Xiangjiang are together again, and they will definitely talk about some shipping issues. After learning from Dong Haoyun that Bao Zixuan would also come to the Governor's Mansion, Bao Yugang began to pay attention.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan and Huo Yingdong were chatting happily, Bao Yugang was also shocked. Huo Yingdong's fame, strength, and especially patriotism are nothing to say. But here is the Governor's Palace, and few people chat with him so enthusiastically, after all, the environment here is not very suitable.

Dong Haoyun and Huo Yingdong have been friends for many years. After seeing the two, they walked towards them.

After seeing Bao Yugang and Dong Haoyun coming over, Bao Zixuan put down the food in his hand and said, "Dong Lao, Bao Sheng, how are you!"

Huo Yingdong did not expect that this young man still knew Bao Yugang and Dong Haoyun, and the name Dong Haoyun proved that the two should be quite familiar with each other.

Bao Yugang nodded and said, "What are Huo Sheng and Xiao Baosheng talking about! So happy."

Huo Yingdong heard that Bao Yugang called the young man who had just chatted with him as Xiao Baosheng. There is only one person in Xiangjiang who can call Bao Yugang this name at such an age. I soon had an answer in my mind.

Bao Zixuan heard Bao Yugang call the person chatting with him Huo Sheng, and immediately knew who the other person was based on his appearance and age. It turned out that the person who had just chatted with him for so long was actually Huo Yingdong, a famous patriotic businessman known as the Huo Tsar. No wonder it feels so familiar!

Huo Yingdong: "We also just met. I saw that he was eating in the corner alone and came over to take a look. How can he be born? This is your junior."

Bao Yugang: "This is Bao Zixuan, the boss of Heiyun Group. Huo Sheng, you have been chatting with others for so long, but you still don't know. The most important thing is that Xiao Baosheng didn't realize that Huo Sheng was you chatting with him. You two Really interesting people."

Dong Haoyun also smiled and said, "Huo Sheng, what are you busy with recently!"

Huo Yingdong: "I went to the north recently, and there are still many places worth seeing."

Dong Haoyun: "Yeah! I want to go back and have a look after hearing what you said. Let's make an appointment when we have time."

Huo Yingdong said with a smile, "Okay! Where are the two Baoshengs!"

Bao Yugang didn't expect to ask himself, but as a Chinese native, his patriotism is not lost to anyone, and he said without hesitation, "I have no problem, waiting for Huo Sheng's call at any time."

Bao Zixuan then said: "I have no problem. To be honest, I haven't been to the mainland since I grew up. I really want to go there. I heard that people there are not very good now. We are also children of Huaxia. Do your best to At the same time, I'm not going to build a university! I wonder if I can communicate more with the mainland about teachers."

Bao Yugang: "I heard Dong Sheng say, why Xiao Baosheng really wants to build a university by himself. This is good for Xiangjiang, so feel free to speak up if you need anything."

Huo Yingdong never thought that Bao Zixuan was still a businessman with patriotic feelings, so many things would be easier to handle. In fact, Xinhua News Agency President Li told him today that he had seen Bao Zixuan in Dong Haoyun's office. Moreover, he has always been curious about what kind of person Bao Zixuan, a young man at the lowest level, was like. He is indeed a young man with a lot of knowledge and ideas.

Huo Yingdong: "Xiao Baosheng is still preparing to build a university. He is really a hero. When I go to the mainland for a while, if you have time, you might as well take a look together."

"I'm going to organize a party at home in two days. I wonder if the three of you have time."

Dong Haoyun: "As long as it's not No. 4, it's fine. I have arrangements that day."

Huo Yingdong: "Knowing that it is your wife's 66th birthday, who would dare to collide with your Dong Sheng! It's No. 2, the day after tomorrow."

Dong Haoyun: "Then there is no problem!"

Bao Yugang: "I'll be there when the time comes!"

Bao Zixuan: "I'm fine."

MacLehose was not very happy to see Fok Yingdong chatting with these three people so enthusiastically, but this is a public place after all. And those who can come here are people who have a certain identity and status in Xiangjiang. I can't do it too much. I always think about how to suppress these businessmen who are close to China!