Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 147

Chapter 147

After sending all the outsiders away, the internal dinner of the Black Cloud Group is about to begin. Bao Zixuan once again entered the Dionysian mode, and those who came would not refuse to clink glasses frequently, but today is just to celebrate. The production capacity can be fully released next year, and the black cloud can be regarded as the real sailing.

Every canteen of the Black Cloud Group has entered the carnival mode, and the broadcast system has been connected within the Heiyun factory, and everyone in the canteen can hear what is said in the canteen.

Bao Zixuan said to all the employees: "Today is a day for our Heiyun Group to celebrate. After so long, our production workshop has finally been completed. The first phase of the design capacity can be released to the maximum extent. This is inseparable from the Heiyun Group. Everyone worked hard and thank you again.

"This year is coming to an end. The management held a meeting and decided to pay each person an extra 2 months' salary as your bonus in the last month."

After saying this, the whole factory suddenly boiled, this is a real benefit. Moreover, Bao Zixuan is really generous this time. After all, their wages are higher than many factories, and now they are more envious of other companies.

Bao Zixuan continued: "There are still many new products to be developed next year. I hope you can continue to work hard to make the black cloud even greater, and your income will become more."

"After I've finished speaking, it's time for everyone to have fun together. Everyone pick up your glass and let's have a toast together."

After speaking, he took the lead in draining the wine from the glass, and all the workers in the factory followed suit.

The entire Black Cloud Group has entered the carnival mode, those who know it and those who don't. As long as he clinks glasses with Bao Zixuan, he doesn't know how much he drank today. When I finally returned to the dormitory, I was not very sober, and the entire Black Cloud management team was destroyed. Not one of them returned to the hotel or dormitory by themselves.

After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, Bao Zixuan couldn't sleep. Today, MacLehose saw the strength of the Black Cloud Group. This has both advantages and disadvantages, let MacLehose see the important position of Heiyun Group in the manufacturing industry of Heungkong. However, MacLehose, who is also facing the problem of return, is playing a dark game. After the return of Xiangjiang, the advanced technology of the Black Cloud Group has nothing to do with the British. No one can imagine what kind of assistance such an enterprise with leading technology and superior production capacity will bring to the development of China.

Sometimes I think things are too simple. It seems that the Black Cloud Think Tank is going to be established. Help enterprises to do overall strategic planning, but also can deal with crisis public relations capabilities.

While Heiyun was rejoicing, MacLehose was thinking about how to solve the problem that Bao Zixuan raised today and his attitude towards Heiyun. As the Governor of Hong Kong, he hopes that Hong Kong will be strong, and it is a very happy thing to have such a benchmark enterprise. But at the same time, it is facing a return. Now it seems that the return of Xiangjiang to Huaxia is an inevitable result. Huaxia did not have advanced technology before. If the Heiyun Factory is obtained, Huaxia will even lead the UK in the field of high technology.

Especially after he had a phone call with some experts and scholars in London after he came back today, he was very conflicted. Lithography machine technology is now in a backward position throughout the UK, and large-scale CNC machine tools mainly rely on imports from Germany and RB. Both computer software and hardware technology lag far behind the United States. However, these black cloud groups are in a leading position in the world, which is a strategic enterprise.

He regretted his promise to Bao Zixuan to set up a university, and he used black cloud technology and financial resources to join a steady stream of talents. So who can stop his progress.

But now that he has promised, it is difficult to go back on it. If so, what will all the people of Xiangjiang think of him. Today we are both a Hong Kong government official and a reporter. A lot of things will be reported in the newspaper tomorrow, if in the end it is because of my own regret that I did not build a university. Even forcing Heiyun Group to leave Xiangjiang, then he will be very passive.

Just thinking about what to do, he saw his wife brought him a cup of coffee. Mrs. MacLehose knew her husband's character, and it must be difficult to see here.

Madam: "What's the matter, Your Excellency the Governor."

The MacLehose and his wife have been married for many years, and his wife is also a visionary in politics, so you can listen to her thoughts.

So MacLehose explained what he saw in the Black Cloud Group and what he was worried about, and also said he was worried about the problems after his return.

Madam: "My Excellency the Governor, your worry is superfluous. Your term of office is about to end. As for the future development, who knows! Establishing a university is a good thing for Hong Kong, even a century-old plan. If you can build a university during your tenure Schools around the world, so why not actively contribute to this!

"As for the future, don't think too much about it. The overall strength of the British Empire cannot be shaken by anyone. We must have confidence in the next generation."

"I have never met Bao Zixuan, but I want to be a student of Oxford University and MIT. He will have his own choices."

MacLehose: "It's still true what you said. It's just building a university. Moreover, Bao Zixuan has not clearly stated his attitude towards the return of Xiangjiang. We can still vigorously fight for it."

After making the decision, MacLehose quickly asked someone to start to argue the matter. Since the university was to be built without the Hong Kong government spending money, it would be the biggest and best one.

The next day, MacLehose convened some department heads in Heung Kong to discuss the idea of building a university in Heiyun. Many people knew the news. Yesterday, many executives went to Heiyun Group and heard Bao Zixuan's desire to build a world-class university.

There are still many local people in Hong Kong, and of course they agree with this kind of thing that is beneficial to the development of Hong Kong. After constant discussion, it was decided to sell the land reserved by the Hong Kong government in Tin Shui Wai to Heiyun Group. There, the Hong Kong government has more than 50,000 mu of land, and Heiyun can do as much as he wants, but it is stipulated that 50% of the land purchased must be used for the construction of schools.

As for the rest, the impact of real estate development on Xiangjiang Island in such remote places is not very big. The Hong Kong government can't wait for the Black Cloud Group to invest in development!

Bao Zixuan was also extremely shocked when he heard the news. After all, Tianshuiwei was still a little far from the factory, but he had enough tossed about such a large site, so he took all the 50,000 mu of land.

In the end, Heiyun Group has obtained 30,000 mu of land in the Tianshuiwei area at a nominal price of HK$10,000 per mu. Bao Zixuan knew that the Hong Kong government would also reserve some emergency land for backup, so he was not too entangled.

As for the efficiency of the Hong Kong government, no one thought about the decision to grant the land to Heiyun in two days, which was completely unimaginable before.

In fact, this is also related to the reputation of Heiyun Group and what it has to do. Heiyun has never asked the Hong Kong government to do anything, and the nature of the land is still educational land. This kind of thing related to the future development of Xiangjiang is more enthusiastic and friendly to everyone. pay attention to.

Looking at the land approval document in his hand, Bao Zixuan knew that it would be really difficult to establish a university in Tianshuiwei. It's too remote, but as promised, then I must build the largest and best university in the world.

Where can an airport be built in the future? After all, how can a polytechnic college not have an aerospace major! Huaxia's large aircraft project has been axed, and he can accept these talents and retain and cultivate enough aviation talents for Huaxia.

The aviation power layout can be advanced in advance, and after returning to MIT, the research and development of automobile power and aircraft power will be carried out. The top priority now is the planning and design of the university, and it seems that Martin Griff and Romansky still need to come to Hong Kong.