Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 149

Chapter 149

When I arrived at 7 o'clock in the evening, I saw that His Excellency the Governor had brought his wife to the lobby on the first floor. Everyone stopped talking and waited for the introduction of the emcee and the arrangement of the staff. After all, now the Governor is nominally the highest leader of Hong Kong, and the face that should be given is still to be given. Otherwise, everyone is not very good-looking.

The master of ceremonies said into the microphone, "Thank you for coming today. Next, I invite our esteemed Governor MacLehose to speak."

After MacLehose took the stage, he looked at the people below and said: "This year is the 8th year that I have come to this beautiful city of Hong Kong. During these 8 years, I have witnessed the rapid development of Hong Kong's economy; It is changing with each passing day; at the same time, it also witnesses the diligence and wisdom of the people of Hong Kong."

"However, everything in Xiangjiang is without your strong support. Here I am very grateful for your support and love for me and the Hong Kong government. I would like to thank you all here, and I hope you all have a pleasant night."

When Huo Yingdong heard MacLehose finish speaking, he suddenly said to Bao Zixuan, "Can you hear the smell! Bao Sheng?"

Bao Yugang had already gone to chat with the other partners. There is only one person named Bao Zixuan here. Knowing that he was talking to himself, Bao Zixuan returned to: "I have started to play emotional cards. After all, I am facing a return to negotiation. The British still don't want to let go, but this kind of thing is the general trend. And it can't be changed. The British are not like that. A good mouth. If you bite the Xiangjiang and don't put it to the end, you may be knocked out of your mouth."

At present, Bao Zixuan only dares to tell Huo Yingdong these words, if some people with ulterior motives listen to him. The unfortunate one is definitely him, although it won't hurt, but the British will always make you uncomfortable.

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bao Zixuan to have such a realization. It seems that all Chinese people in this area love their country the same.

Huo Yingdong: "Bao Sheng is not against returning to the mainland. What do you think of the north?"

Bao Zixuan: "I am a firm supporter of national unity, with only a strip of water. Without the support of a strong state, people like us will be regarded as second-class citizens or even third-class citizens anywhere in the world. Why bother! Some people say patriotism, However, the nationality has changed, and sooner or later these people will be unbearable by the public."

"Although I have more time in the United States, this is something I can't do. There are no technical talents in Xiangjiang. I chose to study engineering for this aspect. Going to the best polytechnic schools is also for this purpose.

"Huaxia is too far behind in science and technology. I will try my best to catch up and surpass it. Let me do my best to obey the destiny!"

Huo Yingdong: "I didn't expect Bao Sheng to be young enough to be able to see the situation clearly in the face of right and wrong. It's really rare."

Bao Zixuan: "It's nothing, as long as the country is strong, it's nothing for us people to sacrifice a little bit. The money we make is enough to spend a few lifetimes, but what's the use of China if it's not strong! It's easy for a person to be too strong and a country to be too weak. It's a loss. Huo Sheng has a deep understanding of this discovery!"

Huo Yingdong really has a deep understanding. For so many years, he has worked hard for the return of Xiangjiang. It was suppressed by the British and Hong Kong governments. It made it impossible to enter many projects, but it still couldn't suppress his patriotic heart.

Huo Yingdong: "Bao Sheng has read through the test, and there will be opportunities to communicate more in the future."

Bao Zixuan: "Huo Sheng is too polite. If the country needs anything in the future, you can say it directly. Others can't guarantee it. I, Bao Zixuan, will definitely have the money to contribute, and I will do my best."

At this time, seeing Bao Yugang walking over with an Englishman, Huo Yingdong and Bao Zixuan stopped chatting. Bao Yugang said to the British: "Shen Sheng, this is Bao Zixuan of Heiyun Group, Mr. Bao. Haven't you always wanted to get to know him!"

"Bao Sheng, this is Mr. Shen Bi from HSBC."

After seeing Shen Bi coming, Huo Yingdong said hello and left. He and Shen Bi should have no special friendship.

Shen Bi graduated from St Edward's College, Oxford University.

Served in the military in India, the Middle East and Libya in 1945. In 1982, the CCP negotiated with Margaret Thatcher on the issue of Hong Kong sovereignty. Shen Bi, the then chairman of HSBC Bank, proposed: "Britain must retain the right to govern, and handing over sovereignty is purely a facade." Shen Bi said " Sovereignty for governance was agreed by the British side. Mrs Thatcher herself also had reservations about China's proposal of "one country, two systems" and felt that the trip to Beijing was difficult.

In 1948, he was demobilized to Hong Kong and joined HSBC. He worked in Singapore and RB HSBC for several years. In 1971, he became the general manager. Then upgrade step by step.

In 1977, he was appointed chairman of HSBC until his retirement in 1987. During his tenure, HSBC's profits grew rapidly and its business development reached its peak.

He has a strong and bold style, and has close ties with Chinese business people. In 1979, he sold all the common shares of British-owned Hutchison Enterprises held by HSBC to Cheung Kong;

In 1980, another 2 billion Hong Kong dollars was used to support Bao Yugang to buy a controlling stake in Wharf, and successively recruited several Chinese members such as Li Chaoren and Deng Lianru to join the board of directors of HSBC.

In 1985, he also spent 5 billion yuan to build the HSBC Head Office Building, and another 3.1 billion US dollars to purchase a 51% stake in the American Ocean Milan Bank, which showed the strong strength of HSBC under his management, so Hong Kong people called him "The King of Taipan" .

Bao Zixuan, the most famous executive in HSBC's history, has also heard many stories about him, and there is no overlap. However, today I saw that there should be some politeness.

Bao Zixuan stretched out his hand and said, "Senior, hello! I have heard your name a long time ago, but I have never been able to see it."

When Bao Yugang was puzzled, Shen Bi also stretched out his hand to shake Bao Zixuan's hand and said, "Hello, junior brother!"

He also said to Bao Yugang: "Baosheng doesn't know! Xiao Baosheng and I are alumni."

Bao Yugang: "I remember, you are all students at Oxford University."

Shen Bi said to Bao Zixuan, "Why are my little brother and Huo Yingdong very familiar with each other!"

Bao Zixuan knew what the old boy was worried about, so he said, "I saw each other for the first time today, and I happened to meet each other, so we chatted a little Shen Bi thought it would be good, so that everyone can chat. Otherwise, we can only talk about business matters.

Shen Bi: "There are many Oxford alumni in Hong Kong. We can get together more often. It's not necessarily a good thing for some people to have more contact."

Bao Zixuan knew what the British were worried about, but what he didn't know right now was. Some questions about him have been reported to Downing Street. The British do not want to let go of Hong Kong, so some big entrepreneurs in Hong Kong must be the priority targets.

Bao Zixuan has no complicated family affairs, and he has no worries in the mainland. He is the owner of the largest enterprise in Hong Kong. All this shows that the British can pull him to the British side.

Bao Zixuan: "I usually don't have much time in Xiangjiang, as long as I make sure I'm always on call."

Shen Bi: "Then it's settled. We will gather more in the future. HSBC will have a thank you dinner on January 3. You should come and attend! You are now our biggest customer of HSBC."

Bao Zixuan: "I will definitely go, please don't worry, senior."

After chatting with Shen Bi for a while, Bao Yugang took him away. Thinking about the tycoons in Xiangjiang is also very interesting. Every year from Christmas to New Year's Day, many parties are held, but this also needs to be organized by people with appeal. Otherwise who will care for you!

At this time, the driver said on the stage: "Dear ladies and gentlemen, our auction will start soon. Please keep quiet for a while, thank you for your cooperation."

When Bao Zixuan just came in, he got a number plate. This is the number prepared by the Hong Kong government according to everyone's invitation, which is prepared for the current auction.

The Hong Kong government is now trying to rescue too many refugees, resulting in insufficient financial allocation. Now that all the rich people in Hong Kong have come here, why do they have to take some money out of them.