Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 146

Chapter 146

After taking MacLehose and others out of the lithography machine workshop, everyone rested for a while in the office area. Looking at the internal construction of Heiyun Group is very beautiful, and the greening is very good. When Bao Zixuan started construction, he asked to turn Heiyun into a garden factory.

MacLehose asked: "Heiyun now produces many of its own equipment, which is an amazing achievement. What is the annual output value of the Black Cloud Group now?"

Bao Zixuan: "The factory has been under construction this year, and the production capacity has not been fully released. It should be around 50 billion Hong Kong dollars. If next year, it should reach 150 billion Hong Kong dollars. We have only visited about half of the places, and the toy factory has not been transferred."

MacLehose said to the Director of Finance, "How much did Black Cloud pay in taxes this year?"

Fortunately, the Director of Finance has read the report. The most important thing is that Heiyun Group is now the largest taxpayer in Hong Kong. He said: "2.38 billion Hong Kong dollars, their company has a little tax relief this year or the second year, and the infrastructure is offset. part of the tax."

MacLehose: "Then we are now standing at the largest company in Hong Kong."

Director of Finance: "Yes in terms of size and taxation."

MacLehose: "In the past, I only looked at the data of Heiyun Group from the report, but I didn't experience it so deeply this time. Industry is the long-term way to support a local economic development. Heung Kong should vigorously develop industry. Businesses need strong support.

Mr. Bao: "Is there any difficulty in the Black Cloud Group?"

Bao Zixuan was very happy in his heart, knowing that success or failure was in one fell swoop, and said: "The main reason is that there is a shortage of science and engineering talents. The existing universities in Heung Kong are too biased towards liberal arts, and there are no outstanding science and engineering talents. Most of the management of Heiyun are RB and European and American. People, that is, local people in Hong Kong, all have the background of studying abroad, and it is difficult to develop long-term without their own talent training echelon.

MacLehose: "If you have any ideas, you can speak up. I am also aware of this problem."

Bao Zixuan: "I want to invest in building one of the world's top science and technology colleges. Just like my alma mater Oxford and MIT, it can be a high-profile university in the world."

MacLehose: "This is a good thing! Are there any difficulties and requirements!"

Bao Zixuan: "Land, the price of land in Xiangjiang is very high now. I can afford it, but I hope the Hong Kong government can come and help to build a university. We have a small island near here, and I want to move the residents there to here. , you can give the same treatment to the residents here. And the construction of a university requires the approval of the Hong Kong government. If not, you can find a land of about 2,000 mu nearby.

"In addition, I hope this university is named after my mother, Yulin Institute of Technology."

MacLehose: "You are a dutiful son. I will find a solution for this piece of land. How much are you going to invest to build this university?"

Bao Zixuan: "With 1 billion US dollars, I am going to make this university the best university of science and technology in the world. After all, it is named after my mother. The Black Cloud Group may go bankrupt in the future, but I hope this university will continue to run for a long time. down."

MacLehose: "Small package, $1 billion. You're serious."

Bao Zixuan: "As long as the land of the Hong Kong government has been sold to me at a low price, then the first 100 million US dollars will be credited to the account. Once the design is completed, the remaining 900 million US dollars will be reserved for the exclusive use of HSBC and will be subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong government."

After hearing Bao Zixuan's words, everyone couldn't believe it, and all of a sudden they took out $1 billion. It seems that the strength of this young man has not been fully exerted.

MacLehose: "Okay, I will seriously consider this matter. We should all support education."

Seeing that it was almost noon, the group walked towards the cafeteria. On the way to the cafeteria, I saw so many facilities in the Heiyun Factory. Many sports venues are not available in Hong Kong University.

MacLehose said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, you really invested in the construction here, you are really willing to spend money!"

Bao Zixuan: "The nearby supporting facilities are not very complete, so we have to figure out a way by ourselves, so that we can also entertain ourselves! The workers work hard all day, and I can't treat others badly!"

MacLehose: "This time, I am at ease with your sincerity in building a university. Seeing that you are building so many sports and entertainment facilities, you should not go into real estate."

Now the real estate boom in Heung Kong has made many companies lean in this direction. If Bao Zixuan wanted 2,000 mu of land all of a sudden, would he buy it at a low price and then build a real estate project, which would go against the original intention of developing education.

After entering the cafeteria and seeing the food, MacLehose thought it was specially prepared for them. After all, he spent half a day living in the Black Cloud Factory this morning.

However, he was surprised to see the workers eating here. At this time, Bao Zixuan said: "My colleagues, all the factory infrastructure of the Heiyun Group has been completed today. Our first phase of planned production capacity can now be fully released. Thanks to everyone's credit, I am here to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication over the past year.

"At the same time, it is also inseparable from the strong support of the Hong Kong government. We are honored to invite Governor MacLehose to come to the Black Cloud Group for investigation. We have the affection for Governor MacLehose to speak for us."

At this time, everyone spontaneously applauded. After all, MacLehose was a diplomat, and his eloquence was quite good. Said: "I am very happy to come to Heiyun Group today. I see that many of Heiyun's technologies and products are the world's most advanced, which makes me full of confidence in Heungkong's future."

"I hope everyone will continue to work hard to make Xiangjiang more beautiful and fertile."

After a few words, everyone started to eat. Today's lunch is a simple working lunch. There is no special arrangement, and there will be a group dinner and drinking in the evening.

Dong Haoyun: "I've heard that Xiaobao has good food here, but I didn't expect it to be so good. It seems that our company still has a lot to learn."

MacLehose asked, "Mr. Bao, do you usually eat so well?"

Bao Zixuan: "Almost, our standard for each meal is 12 dishes. Only when workers eat well can they have the strength to work and have a good mood to devote themselves to work. My dream is to hope that the employees who work in Heiyun will be The last time I work, or I will retire in Heiyun, or I will go out and start my own business."

MacLehose: "You are right, such factories have cohesion. It is because of entrepreneurs like you that Heung Kong can develop better."

MacLehose left after lunch, telling him that a charity dinner would be held at the Governor's Palace on December 31. After all, being the Governor of Hong Kong can be a lot of face for being able to stay in a company for so long. What Bao Zixuan is most worried about now is the issue of university approval. If the Hong Kong government does not approve, then the university will not be established at all. Heiyun's own hematopoiesis can't get excellent engineering talents, which is not good for future development. In his heart, he has always had a dream of building a world-class polytechnic university.

At this time, Huaxia's universities are not very good at cultivating science and engineering talents. He has to work hard to change this situation. With the current situation in Hong Kong, MacLehose must support him, otherwise Bao Zixuan wouldn't be so rude to him. At the same time, it also means showing off his muscles, letting him take a good look at Heiyun's strength.

When Dong Haoyun left, he said: "Xiaobao! You're playing really big this time! I'm old, but education is a century-old plan for Xiangjiang. If there is anything we need from the Dong family, just open up, even if I'm gone, the Dong family will too. Help!"

Bao Zixuan: "Then thank you Mr. Dong. I will definitely not be polite then!"

Dong Haoyun: "Next month's 4th is my wife's 66th birthday. I'm going to celebrate it for him. Why don't you go back to America so soon!"

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, Mr. Dong will have to prepare wine. I can drink it very well."

Dong Haoyun: "Don't worry, there is no shortage of wine at home." After speaking, he left with a smile.

Bao Zixuan knows that there are a lot of gatherings among the major families in Hong Kong these days, and the Hong Kong government will also invite some business people to participate in the charity dinner and exchange feelings at the same time.