Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1636

Chapter 1636

I finally made a trip to Sweden, and I don't know when the next time will be; then some cooperative enterprises will naturally have to visit around. The most important thing is that Sweden has always maintained the principle of neutrality, although it has some inclinations; but it is much stronger than other EU or NATO countries.

The most important thing is that Fucaira has no direct interest relationship with Sweden. Perhaps cooperation between the two sides is the best choice. Of course, the biggest partner at present is definitely IKEA. However, for furniture procurement, since a basic agreement has been reached. Then the subordinates will take care of it, and the richest man Bao Bao doesn't have so much spare time to manage so many things.

To say that the company with the most technological content in Sweden is Saab. And because of the introduction of the Heiyun UFO production line and a full set of technologies, there are now many Heiyun engineers working in Saab. After all, if you receive money from others, you must help them do things well. Things related to business reputation should not be sloppy at all.

Therefore, just after Isamu Akasaki and others returned to Japan, Bao Zixuan started a trip to Sweden. I finally met the three of them before, and they all just won the Nobel Prize in Physics; not to mention a good relationship, at least some things need to be communicated in advance. In recent years, it's been mostly dealing with Fucaira; making it impossible to get into the lab at all.

Although they are given the best experimental conditions, some technologies are very advanced. Although they were also developed in the previous life, it is inevitable to be a little worried. After all, the successful research and development of any scientific research results needs to be accumulated over time, and it takes a process and time to be exact. Now a few years ahead of schedule, and commercialization a decade ahead of schedule; there will inevitably be concerns.

Fortunately, the technology is not very re-examination, and with the technical strength of the three themselves, things went very smoothly.

Now that several people have returned to China, other aspects of work must be dealt with; and Sweden is still a key to winning a higher international status in the future.

The richest man Bao not only established a relationship with King Gustav this time, but also maintained a good cooperative relationship with other important figures in Sweden.

Knowing that Bao Zixuan was coming to visit the company, Anthony Bofors, CEO of Swedish Saab, personally greeted him at the door as a show of respect.

This is the least polite question, plus Bao Zixuan's status is different now. Although both of them are the heads of big companies, they still hold the title of the richest man in the world. And in the future, we must rely on Heiyun Group for cooperation, and of course we must show absolute sincerity.

Anthony Bofors said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Bao! The last time you parted in Paris, you looked better than ever."

In fact, the original identity and status of Anthony Bofors was fully qualified to participate in the Nobel Prize dinner. But he has always been relatively low-key, so he does not like to appear in the public eye. In fact, it's not just him, if it weren't for the arrival of Bao Zixuan; the founder of IKEA would not be there.

After all, Kamprad has never participated in so many years, and you can see why.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Bofors for the invitation. We are all old friends. Don't be so polite next time."

Knowing that Bao Zixuan is here as a partner, he must send an invitation, which is the most basic etiquette. At the same time, as the richest man in Bao, if the other party does not take the initiative to invite, he really will not go to the pole. Unless you want to acquire this company, but the probability is not high. After all, some things can't be done too obviously, and it's easy to be taken advantage of by others.

After everyone came to the reception room, Anthony Bofors said with a smile: "Because there are some things that have not been completed two days ago, I missed the Nobel Prize dinner. And it was originally planned to invite Mr. Bao to the company and give us Guidance one or two. As the world's top aviation expert, you can't hide it!"

The main business of Swedish Saab is no longer automobiles. After all, it is a company that loses money every year; no one can operate it as a key project.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also wants to cooperate with Sabo in an all-round way. After all, the company's background is very deep.

In 1969, Saab merged with the ScaniVabis depot established in 1890 to form the Saab-Scania Group. Products of the industrial group. The product line is very complete, at least not worse than the French Dassault Company; as for the British aircraft manufacturing company, there is no one comparable to others.

And Sweden has always pursued the principle of neutrality. All of this means that cooperation between the two parties will inevitably produce a win-win effect.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Bofors has won the award. Saab has a long history and profound technical accumulation, but Heiyun Group is far behind. As for myself, I am an ordinary engineer, and I don't dare to call myself an engineer. Aviation experts."

The more capable people are, the more modest they may be; perhaps this is the case with Chinese culture.

Bao Zixuan continued, "Engineer Heiyun, how are you working here!"

When it comes to Heiyun engineers, Anthony Bofors really wants to give people a thumbs up; the other party's work attitude and technical strength are absolutely impeccable. It is no wonder that the Black Cloud Group has developed so rapidly. In recent years, it has made great progress in the aviation field. At this moment, in the aviation field, Heiyun may be compared to any other company in the world; it will not be worse there, or even better.

Although Saab is located in Sweden, it does not have much contact with the US and Soviet military enterprises. But as a competitor, Anthony Bofors still has some understanding of the technical performance of American and Soviet fighters. Although Saab has a certain technical gap with it, the gap is not very large.

Although the Black Cloud Group has not yet produced fighter jets, the other party has obtained all the technical data of the French Dassault Company. Coupled with its terrifying processing capabilities; it's very easy to produce fighter jets.

The introduction of flying saucer technology and production equipment this time makes it known that Heiyun Group's finishing capabilities are more than one level stronger than Saab. In addition, Heiyun Group has cooperated with many countries, and UFO products have been authorized to several companies. It is impossible to send all the elites to Sweden, which means that this is just the most common engineer inside the black cloud.

But even these ordinary engineers have the technical strength and understanding of aviation. It is also much stronger than Saab's engineers; after a comprehensive analysis, the technical strength of Heiyun Group is already above Saab's.

Fortunately, the two sides are not hostile countries, otherwise Sweden will inevitably suffer a big loss.

Anthony Bofors said with a smile: "The strong generals have no weak soldiers, and the Heiyun engineer team is really impressive; Saab has been established for a longer time, and many places really need to learn from the Heiyun Group."

"Saab engineers are far behind in terms of hard work and technical reserves. Therefore, I invite you to come here to see if we can continue to cooperate in other fields."

In this regard, Anton Chicken-Bofors is still very confident, at least Bao Zixuan can choose not many partners; to be precise, there are almost none.

First of all, the U.S. and Soviet military enterprises are definitely not suitable, and the U.S. naturally need not say more; now that there are no sanctions against Heiyun and Bao Zixuan, it is already extraordinarily generous. Therefore, if military enterprises want to get orders from the US government, they will never cooperate with Heiyun Group.

As for the Soviet Union, although the relationship is good, it can be involved in the field of military industry. Lao Maozi will definitely take it seriously, so he will never give Bao Zixuan any chance. After all, the principle of confidentiality is very important.

As for the French Dassault, itself is taking the independent line. This is also the reason why people spend so much money to get the authorization of flying saucer technology. Moreover, the independent nature of French military enterprises does not allow them to cooperate with any foreign enterprises.

As for the remaining military-industrial enterprises, they are basically unpopular. Hong Kong will return in ten years, so the Black Cloud Group will definitely not cooperate with British military enterprises. Rather than talking about cooperation, it is better to say that Bao Zixuan has invested in the UK. Such a smart person would definitely not do such a stupid thing.

Then, there is only one company that is most suitable, and that is the Swedish Saab Company.

Although Heiyun Group is a Hong Kong company, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Bao Zixuan's focus has shifted to Fucaira. In the future, the interests of which will be the most important. The entire country of Fucaira has a very limited area. Although the surrounding countries are rich in resources, the level of science and technology is much lower.

Rather than cooperation, it is better to be a company of Heiyun Group for research and development; if Arabs join it, it will definitely be a hindrance. It is estimated that the richest man in the world should not do thankless things!


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